25882 - [SC - Insight] Freezing of funds from the Default Deposit Cont...
25885 - [SC - Insight] Prevent the operator from submitting blocks to L
25886 - [SC - Insight] registerToken can be front-run causing token ca...
25892 - [SC - Insight] A malicious user can DoS force withdraw request...
25903 - [SC - Insight] Possible loss of user funds by front-runing the...
25906 - [SC - Insight] setDelay function doesnt revert even when the d...
25917 - [SC - Insight] Timelock can call transferProxyOwnership of Dep...
25921 - [SC - Insight] Flaw in upgradeToAndCall leads to the proxy cal...
25927 - [SC - Insight] MultiSig Owners can set malicious implementatio...
25930 - [SC - Insight] Malicious owner can update the DepositParams st...
25933 - [SC - Insight] The last person to confirm can control the exec...
25935 - [SC - Insight] Permissive Fallback Function
25952 - [SC - Insight] The smart contract could be inoperable due to w...
26012 - [SC - Insight] getTransactionIds will break at some point runn...
26017 - [SC - Insight] getTransactionCount will break at some point ru...
26039 - [SC - Insight] Proxy contract deployments can be front-run to ...
26066 - [SC - Insight] Timelock eta variable can be set further than i...
26073 - [SC - Insight] The implementation upgrade must be done by call...
26095 - [SC - Insight] ID Uniqueness Violations
26104 - [SC - Insight] Governance mechanism could be exploited to free...
26110 - [SC - Insight] All the funds from the DepositProxy contracts c...
26116 - [SC - Insight] The MultiSigWalletgetTransactionIds function co...
26124 - [SC - Insight] Some owners of the MultiSigWallet can bring the...
26189 - [SC - Insight] Malicious Exchange Owner can sandwich-attack Et...
26204 - [SC - Insight] DeGate Operator has capability to disable balan...
26236 - [SC - Insight] Malicious DeGate Operator EOA can irreversibly ...
26259 - [SC - Insight] txHash collision is possible
26275 - [SC - Insight] Bad implementation of executeTransaction functi...
26286 - [SC - Insight] Potential Signature Validation Bypass
26422 - [SC - Insight] there is no explicit gas limit in external call...
26423 - [SC - Insight] Timelock executeTransaction function will succe...
26431 - [SC - Insight] High Risk in transfer of proxyOwnership
26446 - [SC - Insight] Consider implementing a two step process in tra...
26468 - [SC - Insight] Fee-on-transfer tokens can be used to steal oth...
26479 - [SC - Insight] ExchangeV cannot be reinitialized after an upgrade
26501 - [SC - Insight] Timelock should handle queuing transactions and...
26502 - [SC - Insight] DeGate Exodus mode forcing study
26509 - [SC - Insight] Exodus Mode Force
26516 - [SC - Insight] Gnosis Multisig Contract can become unusable
26519 - [SC - Insight] Consider introducing the ability to change requ...
26520 - [SC - Insight] Multisig Contract onChain can be bricked
26521 - [SC - Insight] ChainId is missing
26527 - [SC - Insight] Possible emission of wrong data in cancelTransa...
26529 - [SC - Insight] Mitigate Griefing Attacks Theft of Gas by Impl...
26530 - [SC - Insight] Inefficiency in upgradeToAndCall
Smart Contract
Last updated 6 months ago
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