Critical | High | Medium | Low | Insight
30634 - [SC - Critical] Unauthorized minting of unlimited FLUX in tran...
30650 - [SC - Critical] Infinite minting of FLUX through voterpoke
30651 - [SC - Critical] Insolvency in RevenueHandlersol because unclaim...
30655 - [SC - Critical] Binary search does not correctly handle duplica...
30671 - [SC - Critical] Reward token permanent freeze due to bulk call ...
30682 - [SC - Critical] Insufficient slippage control in RevenueHandler...
30683 - [SC - Critical] User can increase their unclaimed Flux token wi...
30788 - [SC - Critical] User can increase their unclaimed Flux token wi...
30800 - [SC - Critical] Stealing FLUX by claiming then merging position...
30814 - [SC - Critical] Wrong calculation of boost amount in Voterpoke
30825 - [SC - Critical] Users can get unlimited amounts of Flux tokens
30860 - [SC - Critical] Wrong timestamp for totalVoting
30898 - [SC - Critical] Call the deposit function before the distribute...
30906 - [SC - Critical] Voterpoke can be called at will leading to a us...
30919 - [SC - Critical] Front running of pokeTokens could lead to loss ...
30925 - [SC - Critical] Manipulation of governance voting result by unl...
30939 - [SC - Critical] Misuse of curve pool calls results for precisio...
30972 - [SC - Critical] Theft of unclaimed yield of the revenue in the ...
30990 - [SC - Critical] Users can use Voterpoke to accrue Flux tokens i...
30999 - [SC - Critical] An edge-case mints times more FLUX than it should
31071 - [SC - Critical] User can steal bribes and prevent other users f...
31076 - [SC - Critical] checkpointTotalSupply can checkpoint before a t...
31077 - [SC - Critical] RevenueHandler counts unclaimed tokens as new r...
31079 - [SC - Critical] Claiming bribes for epochs you didnt vote for l...
31082 - [SC - Critical] Expired locks can be used to claim rewards
31085 - [SC - Critical] Malicious users can front-run the distribution ...
31112 - [SC - Critical] Bribesolwithdraw doesnt update the totalVotings...
31141 - [SC - Critical] Permanent freezing of unclaimed yield of reward...
31149 - [SC - Critical] Manipulation of governance voting result by unl...
31163 - [SC - Critical] Malicious actor can acquire bribe rewards by bl...
31184 - [SC - Critical] Deflating the total amount of votes in a checkp...
31196 - [SC - Critical] Voterpoke does not check lastVoted resulting in...
31198 - [SC - Critical] VotingEscrowmerge does not check whether the _f...
31199 - [SC - Critical] Users might receive less rewars token after Vot...
31211 - [SC - Critical] Inflation Of Total Votes and Potential Freeze o...
31222 - [SC - Critical] Unlimited Flux minting
31223 - [SC - Critical] Disproportionate Rewards Manipulation in Bribesol
31242 - [SC - Critical] RevenueHandlercheckpoint allows users to claim ...
31249 - [SC - Critical] malicious user can back-run Voterdistribute to ...
31253 - [SC - Critical] RevenueHandlercheckpoint isnt correctly
31263 - [SC - Critical] RevenueHandlercheckpoint counts unclaimed rewar...
31280 - [SC - Critical] Malicious user can mint unlimited flux tokens
31309 - [SC - Critical] slippage protection is inaccurate
31329 - [SC - Critical] Attacker can gain infinitive FLUX by repeating ...
31375 - [SC - Critical] Lack of Access control in poke function allows ...
31377 - [SC - Critical] Stucked yield tokens upon withdrawal of votes f...
31386 - [SC - Critical] Malicious user can steal FLUX token by abusing ...
31388 - [SC - Critical] Vulnerability in the poke function of Voting co...
31397 - [SC - Critical] In Bribesol _writeVotingCheckpoint isnt called ...
31408 - [SC - Critical] Killed Gauge continue to accrue and steal rewar...
31409 - [SC - Critical] Users can grief Bribe rewards forcing them to b...
31418 - [SC - Critical] the killed gauge collect claim amount
31444 - [SC - Critical] Manipulation of ve voting mechanism unlimited b...
31453 - [SC - Critical] The balance of RevenueHandler can be drained
31458 - [SC - Critical] Invalid handling of epochs revenue for tokens t...
31461 - [SC - Critical] veALCX holder can mint Unlimited FLUX tokens
31466 - [SC - Critical] Wrong reward calculation leads to rewards being...
31470 - [SC - Critical] Bribing protocols pay bribes but dont get emiss...
31472 - [SC - Critical] Stealing all revenue from the Alchemix protocol
31481 - [SC - Critical] Undound FLUX accrual through reset and merge
31483 - [SC - Critical] Users can vote multiple times in one epoch
31485 - [SC - Critical] Miscalculation of distributed tokens at revenue...
31488 - [SC - Critical] Merging tokens allows multiple Flux accruals wi...
31495 - [SC - Critical] Users cannot claim rewards from RevenueHandler ...
31507 - [SC - Critical] Malicious user could flash-loan the veALCX to i...
31512 - [SC - Critical] Infinite minting of FLUX through Merge
31520 - [SC - Critical] Incorrect accounting of totalVoting leads to pe...
31526 - [SC - Critical] A user is able to claim more bribes than they h...
31527 - [SC - Critical] No accounting for totalVoting in Bribesolwithdr...
31541 - [SC - Critical] FluxTokens unlimited mint and Exploitation of g...
31556 - [SC - Critical] Unfair Revenue Distribution in Non-Alchemix Rev...
31567 - [SC - Critical] VotingEscrowsolcheckpoint is completely broken
31579 - [SC - Critical] Infinite mint of FLUX using poke
31584 - [SC - Critical] Loss Of Boosted Weight When Poking In The Same ...
30699 - [SC - High] Permanent freezing of unclaimed ALCX yield when...
30826 - [SC - High] ALCK rewards are lost when merging tokens becau...
30910 - [SC - High] Processing of voting results is not implemented...
30922 - [SC - High] DOS of withdrawals through filling the userPoin...
31008 - [SC - High] Alcx rewards are permanently frozen when two to...
31042 - [SC - High] Claiming alchemic-token rewards can fail for so...
31078 - [SC - High] withdraw doesnt claim all rewards before burnin...
31189 - [SC - High] Voting algorithm does not apply maximum availab...
31258 - [SC - High] Loss of Unclaimed Bribes After Burning veALCX T...
31276 - [SC - High] BPT can be locked for only week resulting in u...
31293 - [SC - High] Voters who withdraw veLACX tokens risk losing g...
31295 - [SC - High] Newly created gauge may missed out on its rewards
31326 - [SC - High] Precision loss causes minor loss of FLUX when c...
31335 - [SC - High] getActualSupply should be used instead of total...
31380 - [SC - High] FluxTokencalculateBPT uses wrong algorithm caus...
31382 - [SC - High] VotingEscrowupdateUnlockTime - Its possible for...
31390 - [SC - High] Precision Loss in FluxTokensolgetClaimableFlux
31399 - [SC - High] RewardDistributor claims can be DoSed through e...
31435 - [SC - High] ALCX rewards arent claimed for from token when ...
31447 - [SC - High] veALCX holders are able to withdraw rewards and...
31478 - [SC - High] calculateBPT doesnt divide by basis points infl...
31479 - [SC - High] alchemechNFT holder will get too little FLUX be...
31480 - [SC - High] Miscalculation of global bias
31484 - [SC - High] Rewards for the first epoch at rewards distribu...
31486 - [SC - High] getClaimableFlux miscalculates claimable FLUX f...
31494 - [SC - High] Alchemix The first epochs ALCX emissions of vo...
31498 - [SC - High] Alchemix ALCX rewards are currently subject to...
31524 - [SC - High] Rounding down in getClaimableFlux leads to less...
31544 - [SC - High] Certain small amount of tokens are not accounte...
31597 - [SC - High] Loss of precision while calculating claimable f...
30592 - [SC - Medium] DOS attack by delegating tokens at MAX_DELEGATE...
30613 - [SC - Medium] malicious user can front run any call to the sw...
30667 - [SC - Medium] Unlimited gauge numbers can DoS users distribut...
30685 - [SC - Medium] The proposer can be impeded from submitting a p...
30704 - [SC - Medium] Griefing an account from getting votes delegate...
30886 - [SC - Medium] Wrong totalWeight in Votersol
30985 - [SC - Medium] Griefing attack prevents admins from disabling ...
31151 - [SC - Medium] Delegation Saturation Leading to Asset Freezing...
31234 - [SC - Medium] Alchemix BlockSlope variable in checkpoint rou...
31298 - [SC - Medium] Anyone can let users delegates reach the upper ...
31410 - [SC - Medium] Griefing Attack using delegate will expose User...
31413 - [SC - Medium] DOS attack by delegating tokens at MAX_DELEGATES
31425 - [SC - Medium] Users can call reset on their token even if the...
31448 - [SC - Medium] Bypassing the Governances proposal threshold to...
31462 - [SC - Medium] Alchemix addReward access control can be bypas...
31514 - [SC - Medium] Malicious users can cause pokeTokens to revert
31521 - [SC - Medium] Early return in RewardsDistributorclaim can cau...
31539 - [SC - Medium] The Voterdistribute function can continue to fail
31562 - [SC - Medium] Every consecutive epoch will have same number o...
31566 - [SC - Medium] Checkpoints wont update block number in point b...
31575 - [SC - Medium] depositIntoRewardPool and withdrawFromRewardPo...
30555 - [SC - Low] Precision loss when calculating the FLUX amount...
30556 - [SC - Low] Past defeated proposals may become executable i...
30565 - [SC - Low] veALCX does not comply with ERC breaking compos...
30598 - [SC - Low] Access Control Flaw in _burn Function Leads to ...
30694 - [SC - Low] Users approved for a single token id cannot wit...
30708 - [SC - Low] treasuryPct can be exceeded than BPS due to inc...
30711 - [SC - Low] The result of the AggregatorVInterface is not v...
30781 - [SC - Low] It is possible to lower the quorum requirements...
30818 - [SC - Low] division before multiplication in theamountToRa...
30920 - [SC - Low] User loses access to claims after merging of to...
30921 - [SC - Low] Referential assignment causes incorrect block i...
30926 - [SC - Low] AlchemixGovernor updates to quorum can affect p...
30951 - [SC - Low] Incorrect ownerOf implementation makes veALCX n...
30973 - [SC - Low] Incorrect Validation of treasuryPct in the Reve...
31087 - [SC - Low] Colition between approve and _isApprovedOrOwner...
31272 - [SC - Low] Approved user cant merge tokens not approved fo...
31281 - [SC - Low] Approved spender cannot withdraw or merge
31355 - [SC - Low] Past Defeated Proposals Can Be Executed in the ...
31381 - [SC - Low] Alchemix Incorrect Initialisation of struct in...
31383 - [SC - Low] price feeds sanity checks isnt correct in funct...
31385 - [SC - Low] RewardsDistributortokensPerWeek might be zero i...
31449 - [SC - Low] BribegetRewardForOwner should not revert if the...
31487 - [SC - Low] Wrong condition check on RevenueHandlerconstruc...
31497 - [SC - Low] executeBatch lacks payable so ethers can not be...
31519 - [SC - Low] Lack of revert statement in Votersolpoke result...
31523 - [SC - Low] USDT Approval will cause function failure
31542 - [SC - Low] Bribeearned - L Its potentially possible to ear...
31555 - [SC - Low] RewardsDistributoramountToCompound - L The stal...
31559 - [SC - Low] Minter UpdatePeriod after weeks causes Rewards...
31563 - [SC - Low] Oracle days staleThreshold for priceTimestamp ...
31588 - [SC - Low] Users could start cooldown period for their wit...
30584 - [SC - Insight] Invalid check to make sure Minter is already in...
30710 - [SC - Insight] The execution of the proposal has no expiration
30918 - [SC - Insight] Incorrect implementation of ownerOf makes veALC...
30959 - [SC - Insight] Immutable gauges can break the state of the vot...
30992 - [SC - Insight] Inconsistent State Missing Event Emission in Fl...
31080 - [SC - Insight] DoS in startCooldown when users want start cool...
31226 - [SC - Insight] Missing Revert Message in require statement lea...
31264 - [SC - Insight] Multiple Reports QALowOOS Medium
31277 - [SC - Insight] The user can propose with less voting power tha...
31284 - [SC - Insight] cancel should allow to cancel the proposal of t...
31407 - [SC - Insight] Alchemist is given over Allowance through Reven...
31416 - [SC - Insight] Impossible to set boostMultiplier to MIN_BOOST
31417 - [SC - Insight] Compound claiming transactions will revert if u...
31420 - [SC - Insight] No array lengths check in VotersolclaimBribes
31430 - [SC - Insight] QA
31443 - [SC - Insight] Incorrect values of votingDelay and votingPerio...
31451 - [SC - Insight] MAX_PROPOSAL_NUMERATOR is incorrectly set
31460 - [SC - Insight] supportsInterface does not return typeIERCRecei...
31503 - [SC - Insight] Incorrect value of MAX_PROPOSAL_NUMERATOR in Al...
31540 - [SC - Insight] Expired Token Locks Impacting Vote Weight Calcu...
31552 - [SC - Insight] Lack of the validation for a Flash token protec...
31558 - [SC - Insight] Discrepancy in MAX_PROPOSAL_NUMERATOR Value in ...
31583 - [SC - Insight] Off by one error while adding reward pool token
31592 - [SC - Insight] Collection of other important issues
31594 - [SC - Insight] RewardPoolManager can only add RewardPoolToken ...
Smart Contract
Last updated 6 months ago
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