25930 - [SC - Insight] Malicious owner can update the DepositParams st...

Submitted on Nov 21st 2023 at 06:05:01 UTC by @JCN2023 for Boost | DeGate

Report ID: #25930

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9C07A72177c5A05410cA338823e790876E79D73B#code


  • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)


Bug Description

A lack of input validation in the Exchange::setDepositParams function can lead to a malicious owner updating the DepositParams values to arbitrary amounts, potentially resulting in an extremely large deposit fee being charged for each deposit to the exchange. This large deposit fee and updated DepositParams will result in a reversion on every deposit call.


The following code runs for each call to Exchange::deposit:

Lines 38 - 72 in ExchangeDeposits::deposit

38:    function deposit(
39:        ExchangeData.State storage S,
40:        address from,
41:        address to,
42:        address tokenAddress,
43:        uint248  amount,                 // can be zero
44:        bytes   memory extraData
45:        )
46:        internal  // inline call
47:    {
48:        require(to != address(0), "ZERO_ADDRESS");
49:        require(from == to, "INVALID_DEPOSIT_FROM"); // Only allow deposits to the user's own account
51:        // Deposits are still possible when the exchange is being shutdown, or even in withdrawal mode.
52:        // This is fine because the user can easily withdraw the deposited amounts again.
53:        // We don't want to make all deposits more expensive just to stop that from happening.
55:        (uint32 tokenID, bool tokenFound) = S.findTokenID(tokenAddress);
56:        if(!tokenFound) {
57:            tokenID = S.registerToken(tokenAddress, false);
58:        }
60:        if (tokenID == 0 && amount == 0) {
61:            require(msg.value == 0, "INVALID_ETH_DEPOSIT");
62:        }
64:        // A user may need to pay a fixed ETH deposit fee, set by the protocol.
65:        uint256 depositFeeETH = 0;
66:        if (needChargeDepositFee(S)) {
67:            depositFeeETH = S.depositState.depositFee;
68:            emit DepositFee(depositFeeETH);
69:        }
71:        // Check ETH value sent
72:        require(msg.value >= depositFeeETH, "INSUFFICIENT_DEPOSIT_FEE");

The internal function needChargeDepositFee on line 66 is invoked and if it returns true the depositFee stored in the DepositState struct will be amount of ETH that the user must pay during this deposit call.

As we can see on line 72, if the user does not send enough ETH to cover this fee the transaction will revert.

Therefore, If needChargeDepositFee(S) always returns true (indicating a fee is needed) and S.depositState.depositFee was an extremely large number (type(uint256).max), then all calls to Exchange::deposit will revert on lines 72 of the code above.

A malicious owner can guarantee the condition described above by calling Exchange::setDepositParams and performing the following updates to the contract state:

  • S.depositState.freeDepositMax = 0

  • S.depositState.freeDepositRemained = 0

  • S.depositState.freeSlotPerBlock = 0

  • S.depositState.depositFee = type(uint256).max

The Exchange::setDepositParams function does not perform any sort of input validation and simply updates the DepositState with the calldata values passed in the function call:

Lines 102 - 113 in ExchangeDeposits::setDepositParams

102:    function setDepositParams(
103:       ExchangeData.State storage S,
104:        uint256 freeDepositMax,
105:        uint256 freeDepositRemained,
106:        uint256 freeSlotPerBlock,
107:        uint256 depositFee
108:    ) internal {
109:        S.depositState.freeDepositMax = freeDepositMax;
110:        S.depositState.freeDepositRemained = freeDepositRemained;
111:        S.depositState.freeSlotPerBlock = freeSlotPerBlock;
112:        S.depositState.depositFee = depositFee;
113:    }

As we can see above, a malicious owner can update the 4 specified state variables to any arbitrary amounts. If the owner sets the state variables to the amounts previously specified, this will result in the internal function needChargeDepositFee always returning true.

Below is the code for the internal function ExchangeDeposits::needChargeDepositFee:

115:    function needChargeDepositFee(ExchangeData.State storage S)
116:        private
117:        returns (bool)
118:    {
119:        bool needCharge = false;
121:        // S.depositState.freeDepositRemained + (block.number - S.depositState.lastDepositBlockNum) * S.depositState.freeSlotPerBlock;
122:        uint256 freeDepositRemained = S.depositState.freeDepositRemained.add(
123: (block.number.sub(S.depositState.lastDepositBlockNum)).mul(S.depositState.freeSlotPerBlock)
124:        );
126:        if (freeDepositRemained > S.depositState.freeDepositMax) {
127:            freeDepositRemained = S.depositState.freeDepositMax;
128:        }
130:        if (freeDepositRemained > 0) {
131:            freeDepositRemained -= 1;
132:        } else {
133:            needCharge = true;
134:        }
136:        S.depositState.freeDepositRemained = freeDepositRemained;
137:        S.depositState.lastDepositBlockNum = block.number;
139:        return needCharge;
140:    }

With the specified state changes done, the freeDepositRemained variable will always be 0. Therefore, the conditional on line 130 will enter the second branch and the code on line 133 will run, setting the needCharge variable to true (indicating a fee is needed for the deposit calls).

Thus, the condition on line 66 of ExchangeDeposits::deposit will always be true, which will result in calls to Exchange::deposit to always revert on line 72, since depositState.depositFee is equal to type(uint256).max.


A malicious owner can call the Exchange::setDepositParams function and set the depositState.depositFee to type(uint256).max and the other 3 state variables to 0. This will effectively result in a DOS of the Exchange:deposit function, disabling users from depositing into the protocol. The malicious owner does not profit from this action, but damage is done to the protocol/users by rendering a core feature of the protocol un-usable for users. Therefore, this action by the malicious owner will result in the following impact: Griefing.

Risk Breakdown

The exploit itself is very easy to execute since it can only be done by the owner. Only a single call to Exchange::setDepositParams is needed to DOS the Exchange::deposit function.


In order to maintain a truly trust-less system, the privileged Exchange::setDepositParams function should validate the calldata inputs to ensure that the owner can not update the contract state with arbitrary values. An example of this would be validating that the depositState.depositFee can not be set to a value greater than X.

Proof of concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface IDeGate {
    function setDepositParams(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 c, uint256 d) external;

    function deposit(address from, address to, address token, uint248 amount, bytes calldata data) external payable;

contract DeGateMalOwnerPoC is Test {
    uint256 mainnetFork;

    string MAINNET_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MAINNET_RPC_URL");
    address exchange = 0x9C07A72177c5A05410cA338823e790876E79D73B;

    function setUp() public {
        mainnetFork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);


    function testMalOwnerUpdatesDepositParams() public {
        // tx used for reference:
        // https://etherscan.io/tx/0x6d10b8ff970911c04c192f7882e3c704a3f82260f0e0caa15278ffce0b0f7cc2
        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);

        vm.rollFork(18589360 - 1); // block before tx

        // users can deposit successfully
        address user = 0x57f814B20f13132F82b0a541A33f04Be04418C93; // user from tx

        address usdc = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48; // token from tx

        uint248 amount = 3000000000; // amount from tx


        IDeGate(exchange).deposit(user, user, usdc, (amount / 2), hex'00');

        // malicious owner updates Deposit Params so that a extremely large deposit fee is always required

        address maliciousOwner = 0x9b93e47b7F61ad1358Bd47Cd01206708E85AE5eD;


        IDeGate(exchange).setDepositParams(0, 0, 0, type(uint256).max);

        // users can no longer deposit (Exchange::deposit DOS-ed)
        IDeGate(exchange).deposit(user, user, usdc, (amount / 2), hex'00'); // tx reverts due to extremely large deposit fee on every deposit

Last updated

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