29270 - [SC - High] The main functionality of the contract EarlyZER...

Submitted on Mar 12th 2024 at 22:40:12 UTC by @stiglitz for Boost | ZeroLend

Report ID: #29270

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: High

Target: https://github.com/zerolend/governance


  • Protocol insolvency

  • Protocol contract does not work



The function EarlyZEROVesting::startVesting is broken due to missing allowances between contracts.

Vulnerability Details

The problem is in the following function call in the startVesting function:

uint256 id = vesting.mint(
            stake ? address(this) : msg.sender, // address _who,
            (amount * 75) / 100, // uint256 _pending,
            (amount * 25) / 100, // uint256 _upfront,
            86400 * 30 * 3, // uint256 _linearDuration,
            86400 * 30, // uint256 _cliffDuration,
            block.timestamp, // uint256 _unlockDate,
            false, // bool _hasPenalty

Inside the VestedZeroNFT::mint, almost the last line contains the following call:

zero.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _pending + _upfront);

Where msg.sender == EarlyZEROVesting.

Because there is no allowance set from == EarlyZEROVesting to spender == VestedZeroNFT, the TX will always revert (IERC20Errors.ERC20InsufficientBalance)

This approval is necessary for the function EarlyZEROVesting::startVesting:

function startVesting(uint256 amount, bool stake) external { 
    require(enableVesting || stake, "vesting not enabled; staking only");
    earlyZERO.burnFrom(msg.sender, amount);
    // Approve call here is necessary

Impact Details

The main functionality of the contract EarlyZEROVesting, which is startVesting is broken and always reverts


PoC and .png shows the problem

Proof of Concept



from wake.testing import *

from pytypes.openzeppelin.contracts.proxy.ERC1967.ERC1967Proxy import ERC1967Proxy
from pytypes.contracts.locker.OmnichainStaking import OmnichainStaking
from pytypes.contracts.locker.LockerToken import LockerToken
from pytypes.contracts.locker.LockerLP import LockerLP
from pytypes.tests.VeToken import VeToken

from pytypes.contracts.vesting.earlyzero.EarlyZEROVesting import EarlyZEROVesting
from pytypes.contracts.vesting.earlyzero.EarlyZERO import EarlyZERO
from pytypes.contracts.vesting.VestedZeroNFT import VestedZeroNFT
from pytypes.contracts.vesting.StakingBonus import StakingBonus

Test written in Wake testing framework (https://getwake.io/) aka boosted brownie



How to run this test:

Install wake
    $ pip install eth-wake

To have actual anvil version
    $ foundryup

After installing project dependencies initialize wake
It will create `tests` folder and process foundry remappings if any
    $ wake up

Generate python representation of contracts
    $ wake init pytypes

Go to wake `tests` folder and paste this code in tests/test_vested.py and run
    $ wake test tests/test_vested.py


def deploy_with_proxy(contract):
    impl = contract.deploy()
    proxy = ERC1967Proxy.deploy(impl, b"")
    return contract(proxy)

# Print failing tx call trace
def revert_handler(e: TransactionRevertedError):
    if e.tx is not None:

def test_vested():
    # ======================DEPLOY========================= #
    random  = default_chain.accounts[9]
    owner   = default_chain.accounts[0]
    bob     = default_chain.accounts[1]
    # Deploy mock token
    zero_token = EarlyZERO.deploy(from_=owner)
    ve_token = VeToken.deploy(100*10**18, from_=bob)
    # Proxy deployment
    zero_vesting = deploy_with_proxy(EarlyZEROVesting)
    omnichain = deploy_with_proxy(OmnichainStaking)
    staking_bonus = deploy_with_proxy(StakingBonus)
    vested_zero_nft = deploy_with_proxy(VestedZeroNFT)
    locker_lp = deploy_with_proxy(LockerLP)
    locker_token = deploy_with_proxy(LockerToken)
    # Init deployment
    zero_vesting.init(zero_token, vested_zero_nft, staking_bonus, from_=owner)
    omnichain.init(random, locker_token, locker_lp, from_=owner)
    staking_bonus.init(zero_token, locker_token, vested_zero_nft, 100, from_=owner)
    vested_zero_nft.init(zero_token, staking_bonus, from_=owner)
    locker_lp.init(ve_token, omnichain, random, from_=owner)
    locker_token.init(ve_token, omnichain, random, from_=owner)
    # Send something to bob
    zero_token.transfer(bob, 100*10**18, from_=owner)
    zero_token.transfer(zero_vesting, 100*10**18, from_=owner)
    # Disable whitelist and blacklist
    zero_token.toggleWhitelist(False, False, from_=owner)
    zero_token.approve(zero_vesting, 100*10**18, from_=bob)
    #zero_token.approve(vested_zero, 100*10**18, from_=zero_vesting)

    zero_vesting.startVesting(100*10**18, True, from_=bob)

    # Just simply run test
    # On-revert handler will print call trace and errors of the reverting TX

Last updated

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