Boost _ Folks Finance 33644 - [Smart Contract - Insight] Insufficient msgvalue validation for Wormhole adapters will lead to Wormhole cross-chain messages being reverted

Submitted on Thu Jul 25 2024 12:18:48 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @bbl4de for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33644

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight



  • Protocol insolvency



According to the Wormhole documentation, the sending function implementation must ensure the correct amount of msg.value was passed in to send the token and the payload. However, both in WormholeDataAdapter and WormholeCCTPAdapterdo not check this properly.

Vulnerability Details

The getSendFee() function in both Wormhole adapters uses quoteEVMDeliveryPrice() function to determine the cost of sending the message.

As stated in this article from the official Wormhole documentation the wormhole.messageFee() MUST be accounted for as it may change from 0 in the future.

   function getSendFee(Messages.MessageToSend memory message) external view override returns (uint256 fee) {
        // get chain adapter if available
        (uint16 wormholeChainId, , ) = getChainAdapter(message.destinationChainId);

        // get cost of message to be sent
        (fee, ) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(

The BridgeRouter contract sends fee amount of gas tokens, even if msg.value > fee:

 uint256 fee = adapter.getSendFee(message);

        // check if have sufficient funds to pay fee (can come from existing balance and/or msg.value)
        bytes32 userId = _getUserId(Messages.decodeActionPayload(message.payload));
        uint256 userBalance = balances[userId];

        if (msg.value + userBalance < fee) revert NotEnoughFunds(userId);

        // update user balance considering fee and msg.value
        balances[userId] = userBalance + msg.value - fee;

        // call given adapter to send message
@>      adapter.sendMessage{ value: fee }(message);

Because of this, sending more msg.value to account for this additional fee is impossible - it'll be always the value returned by getSendFee().

Impact Details

When Wormhole updates the message fee to be != 0, the fee sent to the Wormhole Adapters will be insufficient leading to all Wormhole-based cross-chain messages failing ( both data-only and CCTP token transfers).

Although this vulnerability strictly requires Wormhole protocol to change a parameter, their docs explicitly warn any integrations that this might happen and present the correct way of calculating the delivery fee:

// Total cost: delivery cost +
    // cost of publishing the 'sending token' wormhole message
    cost = deliveryCost + wormhole.messageFee();

Therefore, critical severity is justified because in case of this predictable change, all cross-chain messages from spoke chains compatible with only the Wormhole adapter will fail.


Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

Considering that the Wormhole Relayer is responsible for paying the fee to the Delivery Provider, to avoid complex integrations with cross-chain messaging sendToEvm() function in the MockWormholeRelayer will be changed to simulate this process:

function sendToEvm(
       uint16 targetChain,
       address targetAddress,
       bytes memory payload,
       uint256 receiverValue,
       uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue,
       uint256 gasLimit,
       uint16 refundChain,
       address refundAddress,
       address deliveryProviderAddress,
       VaaKey[] memory vaaKeys,
       uint8 consistencyLevel
   ) external payable override returns (uint64 sequence) {
+      uint deliveryFee = msg.value + 0.01e18;
+      require(msg.value >= deliveryFee, "insufficient payment");
       emit WormholeSendVaaKey(
       return _sequence;

where the deliveryFee is increased by 0.01e18 - arbitrary value for wormhole.messageFee. Obviously, calling this function will always fail, that's a simplification of what would be checked when the delivery fee is paid to the delivery provider.

To call this function run:

npx hardhat test --grep "Should successfuly send immediate finality message"

which will run a test case from WormholeDataAdapter.test.ts. It'll always fail, note that this "ever-failing" check makes sense because msg.value is always equal to the return value of getSendFee().

Last updated

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