28991 - [SC - Insight] Contract uint delay variable cannot be set to i...

Submitted on Mar 4th 2024 at 04:53:59 UTC by @Obin for Boost | Puffer Finance

Report ID: #28991

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3C28B7c7Ba1A1f55c9Ce66b263B33B204f2126eA#code


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The Timelock contract intends to alter its uint delay variable via the setDelay() which take an input of a predefined range of numbers. However, the implementation in this setDelay() is not accurate and doesn't allow to set the minimum acceptable value.

function _setDelay(uint256 newDelay) internal {
        if (newDelay <= MINIMUM_DELAY) {
            revert InvalidDelay(newDelay);
        emit DelayChanged(delay, newDelay);
        delay = newDelay;

Impact Details

uint delay variable cannot be set to its minimum acceptable value uint256 public constant MINIMUM_DELAY = 7 days;


function _setDelay(uint256 newDelay) internal {
-       if (newDelay <= MINIMUM_DELAY) {
+       if (newDelay < MINIMUM_DELAY) {
            revert InvalidDelay(newDelay);
        emit DelayChanged(delay, newDelay);
        delay = newDelay;

Proof of Concept

pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;

import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { console2 } from "forge-std/console2.sol";

interface Timelock {
    event DelayChanged(uint256 oldDelay, uint256 newDelay);
    event PauserChanged(address oldPauser, address newPauser);
    event TransactionCanceled(
        bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, bytes callData, uint256 indexed operationId
    event TransactionExecuted(
        bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, bytes callData, uint256 indexed operationId
    event TransactionQueued(
        bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, bytes callData, uint256 indexed operationId, uint256 lockedUntil

    function ACCESS_MANAGER() external view returns (address);
    function COMMUNITY_MULTISIG() external view returns (address);
    function MINIMUM_DELAY() external view returns (uint256);
    function OPERATIONS_MULTISIG() external view returns (address);
    function cancelTransaction(address target, bytes memory callData, uint256 operationId) external;
    function delay() external view returns (uint256);
    function executeTransaction(address target, bytes memory callData, uint256 operationId)
        returns (bool success, bytes memory returnData);
    function pause(address[] memory targets) external;
    function pauserMultisig() external view returns (address);
    function queue(bytes32 transactionHash) external view returns (uint256 lockedUntil);
    function queueTransaction(address target, bytes memory callData, uint256 operationId) external returns (bytes32);
    function setDelay(uint256 newDelay) external;
    function setPauser(address newPauser) external;

contract TimelockTest is Test { 
    string internal mainnetRpc = "https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/CZIEYE1tyZTnLXtG8e6wh2YboDUPJ43f";
    address public timeLockAddr = 0x3C28B7c7Ba1A1f55c9Ce66b263B33B204f2126eA;
    uint blockId;
    Timelock timelock;

    function setUp() public {
        blockId = vm.createSelectFork(mainnetRpc);
        timelock = Timelock(timeLockAddr);

    function testMINIMUM_DELAY_Cannnot_be_set() public {
        //address Msig
        bytes memory expectedReturnData = hex"4c89d5980000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000093a80"; //bytes(revert In validDelay(newDelay))

        //make Tx for queue (intends to setDelay at min value)
        uint operationId = 444;
        bytes memory KallData = abi.encodeCall(Timelock.setDelay, (timelock.MINIMUM_DELAY()));
        //Queue Tx
        bytes32 TxHash = timelock.queueTransaction(address(timelock),KallData,operationId);
        uint LockedUntil = timelock.queue(TxHash);
        assertTrue(LockedUntil != 0);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + timelock.delay());
        (bool succes, bytes memory retValue ) = timelock.executeTransaction(address(timelock),KallData,operationId);

        assertTrue(succes == false); //
        assertEq(retValue , expectedReturnData, "not same");


Last updated

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