Attackathon _ Fuel Network 32872 - [Smart Contract - High] Incorrect load_store_to_memcopy optimizat

Submitted on Fri Jul 05 2024 18:27:38 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @anatomist for Attackathon | Fuel Network

Report ID: #32872

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: High



  • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield

  • Incorrect sway optimization leading to incorrect bytecode



load_store_to_memcopy does not consider escaped symbols, and can result in incorrect optimization results.

Vulnerability Details

The load_store_to_memcopy optimization transforms load_val = Load(src_val_ptr) and Store(dst_val_ptr, load_val) ir pairs into a single MemCopyVal(dst_val_ptr, src_val_ptr) ir. To do this correctly, load_store_to_memcopy must check if data pointed to by src_val_ptr has been modified between the Load and Store. If it is modified, then replacing Store between pointers will be different from loading before src_val_ptr content is modified and storing the original value into dst_val_ptr, and the code should not be optimized. The check is done by is_clobbered, which looks for Store to any gep_referred_symbols from the src_ptr.

fn is_clobbered(
    context: &Context,
    store_block: Block,
    store_val: Value,
    load_val: Value,
    src_ptr: Value,
) -> bool {
    let mut iter = store_block
        .skip_while(|i| i != &store_val);
    assert!( == store_val);

    let src_symbols = get_gep_referred_symbols(context, src_ptr);

    // Scan backwards till we encounter load_val, checking if
    // any store aliases with src_ptr.
    let mut worklist: Vec<(Block, Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value>>)> =
        vec![(store_block, Box::new(iter))];
    let mut visited = FxHashSet::default();
    'next_job: while let Some((block, iter)) = worklist.pop() {
        for inst in iter {
            if inst == load_val || inst == store_val {
                // We don't need to go beyond either the source load or the candidate store.
                continue 'next_job;
            if let Some(Instruction {
                    InstOp::Store {
                        stored_val: _,
            }) = inst.get_instruction(context)
                if get_gep_referred_symbols(context, *dst_val_ptr)
                    .any(|sym| src_symbols.contains(sym))
                    return true;
        for pred in block.pred_iter(context) {
            if !visited.contains(pred) {
                    Box::new(pred.instruction_iter(context).rev().skip_while(|_| false)),


However, the check is only done to the function itself, and can not catch writes to src_ptr by other functions. And because load_store_to_memcopy is not skipped for escaped_symbols, it might incorrectly transform ir.

This is not the end, the bug is even more complicated because the compiler backend can not load non copy types from pointers, so even if we want to skip load_store_to_memcopy for escaped_symbols, we can't because it will cause compilation to fail, this will make it difficult to patch the bug.

Impact Details

Storing incorrect values to local variable will cause incorrect execution results. The exact impact is hard to estimate because it depends on how the affected contract is written, but loss of funds or bricking of contracts are both possible.




Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

Tests are run on sway commit acded67b3ec77ce1753356ad46f7ae17290f2ee0.

The test compiles to the initial ir then goes through several optimizations. We also show the ir related to let b = a[1].get(side_effect(a, &mut idx));. The code is expected to return 4, but returns 6 instead because Store is replaced by a MemCopyVal incorrectly.

pub struct S {
    ptr: raw_ptr,

impl S {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let ptr = asm(size) {
            movi size i16;
            aloc size;
            hp: raw_ptr
        S {ptr: ptr}

    pub fn set(self, idx: u64, val: u64) -> () {
        assert(idx < 2);
        let ptr = self.ptr.add::<u64>(idx);

    pub fn get(self, idx: u64) -> u64 {
        assert(idx < 2);
        let ptr = self.ptr.add::<u64>(idx);<u64>()

fn side_effect(ref mut a: [S;2]) -> u64 {
    let mut b = S::new();
    a[1] = b;

fn test() -> () {
    let mut v1 = S::new();
    let mut v2 = S::new();
    let mut a: [S;2] = [v1, v2];
    let b = a[1].get(side_effect(a)); //ir is shown for this line
    assert(b == 4);

The initial ir loads a[1] to v38, then calls side_effect with a to get the second index, and finally uses it to get b. Because a[1] is loaded before side_effect is called, it should not be affected by it, and the get will fetch value from S{3, 4}.

initial ir

v35 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !51
v36 = const u64 1, !52
v37 = get_elem_ptr v35, ptr { u64 }, v36, !53
v38 = load v37
v39 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !54
v40 = call side_effect_15(v39), !55
v41 = call get_13(v38, v40), !56

Right before memcpyopt, the ir is still the same as initial ir except a local variable __tmp_arg4 is used to store the loaded a[1], and get takes a pointer to __tmp_arg4 instead of the value. The code should still fetch value from S{3, 4}.

ir before memcpyopt

v43 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !39
v44 = const u64 1, !40
v45 = get_elem_ptr v43, ptr { u64 }, v44, !41
v46 = load v45
v47 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !42
v48 = call side_effect_15(v47), !43
v49 = get_local ptr { u64 }, __tmp_arg4
store v46 to v49
v50 = call get_13(v49, v48)

After memcpyopt, the store to __tmp_arg4 is replaced with mem_copy_val from &a[1], and the loaded a[1] is discarded. a[1] is fetched after side_effect is called, and its value will be affected. The get will fetch value from S{5, 6} created by side_effect

ir after memcpyopt

v43 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !38
v44 = const u64 1, !39
v45 = get_elem_ptr v43, ptr { u64 }, v44, !40
v46 = load v45
v47 = get_local ptr [{ u64 }; 2], a, !41
v48 = call side_effect_15(v47), !42
v49 = get_local ptr { u64 }, __tmp_arg4
mem_copy_val v49, v45                   //the memcpy defers data loading
v50 = call get_13(v49, v48)

If we remove the #[inline(never)] attribute from side_effect, the code will fail to compile because the changes to a is inlined between the Load and Store, is_clobbered sees those changes and gives up replacing the Store. The backend then sees a Load trying to load a struct, which is not a copy type, and returns an error.

We omit writing a dapp to show loss of funds caused by this bug, because the fuel team said we only need to show the incorrect compilation with our PoC in the changelog walkthrough earlier.

Last updated

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