Attackathon _ Fuel Network 33193 - [Blockchain_DLT - Medium] Fuel SDKs ABI Decoder Behaves Different

Submitted on Sat Jul 13 2024 21:25:36 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @savi0ur for Attackathon | Fuel Network

Report ID: #33193

Report type: Blockchain/DLT

Report severity: Medium



  • A bug in the respective layer 0/1/2 network code that results in unintended smart contract behavior with no concrete funds at direct risk


Bug Description

Inside fuels-rs module, we have fuels-core module which defines a functionality to ABI encode and decode.

fn peek_length(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
    let slice = peek_fixed::<LENGTH_BYTES_SIZE>(bytes)?;

        .map_err(|_| error!(Other, "could not convert `u64` to `usize`"))

While decoding data, it first finds the length of that data by reading first 8 bytes using peek_length function. This 8 byte data is converted to usize. Since the size of usize is platform dependent, this conversion behaves differently based on the platform architecture on which this code runs.

For example, When run on 64 bit machine, where usize is 64 bit wide, if length of data (bytes argument) is > u32::MAX, it will correctly returns length of the data by converting this length to usize using try_into function. Since usize is 64 bit wide, it will be able to store this result.

But when run on 32-bit machine, where usize is 32 bit wide, if length of data is > u32::MAX, peek_length function will revert with error - "could not convert u64 to usize"

As we have seen, based on the platform architecture, this function behaves differently.


Fuels SDK's ABI encoding and decoding behaves differently based on architecture of the system.


Avoid conversions that may behave differently across architectures. Use architecture independent data types for performing required operations.


Proof of concept

Proof Of Concept

peek_length function is called by every decode_XXX function in We have used ParamType::String to show an issue using decode_std_string(bytes) function.

Steps to Run using Foundry:

  • Change directory to fuels-rs directory i.e., cd fuels-rs

  • Copy following test case in packages/fuels-core/src/codec/abi_decoder/

  • Open terminal and run cargo test --package fuels-core --lib -- codec::abi_decoder::decode_as_debug_str::tests::test_param_type_decode_bug_diff_arch --exact --show-output

fn test_param_type_decode_bug_diff_arch() -> Result<()> {
    let decoder = ABIDecoder::default();
    // Generate a string with 4GB
    let size: usize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 10;
    let vec = vec!['a'; size];
    let large_string: String = vec.into_iter().collect();

    let token = crate::types::Token::String(large_string.clone());
    let result = crate::codec::ABIEncoder::default().encode(&[token])?;



Console Output:

  • On 64-bit machine, this test case will execute successfully.

  • On 32-bit machine, this test case will fail.

Last updated

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