IOP _ ThunderNFT 34906 - [Smart Contract - Low] Existing Sell order can be executed despite payment

Submitted on Sat Aug 31 2024 15:42:28 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @jecikpo for IOP | ThunderNFT

Report ID: #34906

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



If a Sell order is placed within Thunder exchange using certain payment asset, it can still be executed, even if the payment asset was remove (delisted) from the AssetManager contract.

Vulnerability Details

User's can place (or update) Sell order and indicate certain payment_asset within the placed order. This payment_asset must be whitelisted by the protocol owner within the AssetManager contract. This verification happens inside the internal function _validate_maker_order_input() in ThunderExchange contract.

When a buyer want's to execute a given Sell order and hence exchange the payment_asset (indicated in the Sell order placed) for the NFT/ERC1155 he calls the execute_order() at ThunderExchange. Here however the payment_asset is not validated within the internal _validate_taker_order() function, hence such a sale can proceed.

Impact Details

User's in certain condition (owners of already placed orders) can violate the protocol rule of not selling their NFTs/ERC1155s using delisted asset. The contract doesn't lose value here, but users may abuse the rule set by the protocol owners, hence the severity is Low.

Solution Proposal

The asset validation would need to be added to the _validate_taker_order() internal function. This would have certain extra gas cost on the execute_order() method.


The problematic validation:

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

PoC can be found here:

Last updated

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