30959 - [SC - Insight] Immutable gauges can break the state of the vot...

Submitted on May 9th 2024 at 06:48:38 UTC by @infosec_us_team for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #30959

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/Voter.sol


  • Smart contract unable to operate due to lack of token funds


Vulnerability Details

Gauges are smart contracts accounting for rewards and passing them through to the pools.

Pools are 3rd-party code subject to updates. If any function deprecates, smart contracts interacting with these pools must be able to update their code accordingly.

The GaugeFactory creates Gauges. There are 2 types of Gauges so far, and the source code of the implementations is hardcoded in the GaugeFactory. There is no way to update the implementation of a Gauge if required, nor to add new Gauges types with other implementations.

The Voter smart contract creates gauges by interacting with the GaugeFactory.

Unfortunately, the current implementation of the Voter smart contract receives the address of this immutable GaugeFactory on deployment, and there is no way to update it.

Even though the role "emergencyCouncil" in the Voter can deactivate a gauge by calling Voter.killGauge(address _gauge), newly created gauges will still use the same implementation. Therefore the ability to kill gauges only solves half of the problem.

Alchemix must be able to deploy a new GaugeFactory and make the Voter smart contract use the latest factory, to fix problems/emergencies that can only be solved by updating a gauge's source code or adding a new type of gauge.

At the time of writing, the only way to react to bugs in a gauge is to deploy a completely new Voter and GaugeFactory, breaking the entire state of the voting system.


Create a new function in the Voter smart contract allowing the emergencyCouncil to update the address of the GaugeFactory.

Here's our recommended implementation to future-proof the Voter smart contract:

/// @notice A not immutable gauge factory contract address ("immutable" keyword removed)
address public gaugefactory;

// Event emitted when the gauge factory address is updated
event GaugeFactoryUpdated(address indexed gauge);

function updateGaugeFactory(address _gaugefactory) external {
    require(msg.sender == emergencyCouncil, "not emergency council");
    gaugefactory = _gaugefactory;
    emit GaugeFactoryUpdated(_gaugefactory);

About Severity

Due to the catastrophic impact this issue may have, we consider the report to be of Critical severity.

But because there is a prerequisite, we consider a fair severity to be High.

Proof of Concept

This specific report related to a business logic flag does not require an "executable proof of concept" to verify its validity.

But following the terms of the Boost, here's a function that deploys the voter and explains with comments the consequences of using an immutable gauge when interacting with 3rd-party code (pools).

function testDeployVoter() public {
    // Deploying the Voter
    voter = new Voter(address(veALCX), address(gaugeFactory), address(bribeFactory), address(flux), address(alcx));

    // 1- The implementation of the gauges can't be updated

    // 2- The factory itself can't be updated

    // 3- The Voter can't point to a new gauge factory

    // The only solution is to deploy a new Voter contract pointing to a new factory,
    // which breaks the accounting in the voting system.


Last updated

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