29332 - [SC - Insight] Manta ReservesSetupHelper EOA as owner

Submitted on Mar 14th 2024 at 04:10:00 UTC by @mhmd_alfa for Boost | ZeroLend

Report ID: #29332

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://pacific-explorer.manta.network/address/0xb8634e0a320d0f4861062514a63B659E52A87E21


  • Protocol insolvency



An EOA 0x0f6e98a756a40dd050dc78959f45559f98d3289d is owner of the ReservesSetupHelper contract. Leaked private key could lead to a malicious actor tampering with the protocol parameters, such as supplyCap and borrowCap, which in turn coul ultimately lead to the whole protocol insolvency.

Proof of Concept

  1. go to https://pacific-explorer.manta.network/address/0xb8634e0a320d0f4861062514a63b659e52a87e21?tab=read_contract

  2. inspect _owner = 0x0f6e98a756a40dd050dc78959f45559f98d3289d --> EOA

Last updated