28632 - [SC - Insight] Setting delay at MINIMUM_DELAY in timelock fails

Submitted on Feb 22nd 2024 at 19:10:48 UTC by @Haxatron for Boost | Puffer Finance

Report ID: #28632

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3C28B7c7Ba1A1f55c9Ce66b263B33B204f2126eA#code


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



Due to the use of >= instead of >, setting the delay exactly at the MINIMUM_DELAY will fail.

Vulnerability Details

When setting a delay for the timelock, there is a MINIMUM_DELAY set for the timelock.

     * @notice Minimum delay enforced by the contract
    uint256 public constant MINIMUM_DELAY = 7 days;

However when checking for this delay, >= is used instead of >.

    function _setDelay(uint256 newDelay) internal {
        if (newDelay <= MINIMUM_DELAY) {
            revert InvalidDelay(newDelay);
        emit DelayChanged(delay, newDelay);
        delay = newDelay;

Therefore setting the delay at exactly MINIMUM_DELAY will cause the newDelay <= MINIMUM_DELAY check to be true and therefore the setDelay transaction to revert.

Impact Details

This can be surprising to users such as the operations multisig, that waited to execute their setDelay transaction but their transaction will unexpectedly fail because of the above behaviour.



Proof of Concept

Add this to the test/unit/Timelock.t.sol test found in https://github.com/PufferFinance/pufETH

function test_updating_to_minimum_delay_reverts() public {

        // set exactly at minimum delay
        bytes memory minimumDelayCallData = abi.encodeCall(Timelock.setDelay, (7 days));

        uint256 operationId = 1234;

        // update to minimum delay
        (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =
            timelock.executeTransaction(address(timelock), minimumDelayCallData, operationId);

        // confirm the transaction failed
        assertEq(success, false);

        // confirm the delay is not set at minimum delay of 7 days
        assertTrue(timelock.delay() != 7 days, "not equal minimum delay");

Last updated

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