#37425 [SC-Insight] redeem collateral does not redeem collateral from riskiest trove but wrongly redeem
#37425 [SC-Insight] redeem_collateral does not redeem collateral from riskiest trove but wrongly redeem lowest healthy troves with lowest collateral Ratio
Submitted on Dec 4th 2024 at 14:14:53 UTC by @perseverance for IOP | Fluid Protocol
Report ID: #37425
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://github.com/Hydrogen-Labs/fluid-protocol/tree/main/contracts/protocol-manager-contract/src/main.sw
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
The redeem_collateral() in protocol_manager can redeem collateral at any time to receive collateral.
According to the documentation of Fluid Protocol,
So according to the design of the protocol, the redeem_collateral should redeem from the riskiest trove means that the trove with lowest collateral ratio.
The vulnerability
Vulnerability Details
The vulnerability in redeem_collateral() in internal function get_all_assets_info() from line 328-328.
Line 318: Find the last node in sorted_troves for the asset. This is the riskiest trove for the current asset.
Line 326-328: Loop until it finds the current_borrower that is not zero and have current_cr >= MCR = 135%. Then push that current_borrower to the current_borrowers vector at Line 330.
So it means that current_borrowers vector contains that borrower that have collateral ratio is healthy means >= 135%
So notice that in the case, there are troves with Collateral Ratio < 135% that is unhealthy, the system still look for the healhthy troves to redeem.
After that, at line 161, the contract find the borrower with the lowest CR in the current_borrowers vector to redeem the collateral. At line 177, the contract call trove_manager_contract.redeem_collateral_from_trove to redeem the collateral.
In summary, the documentation states that when redeem the collateral, the protocol should redeem from the riskiest troves in the system. But in the code, it does not redeem from the riskiest. In the scenario that there are troves that are not healthy, the system still redeem from the healthy troves.
I give an example as the POC: