28885 - [SC - Medium] Lack of check for Lockend in merge LockerToken ...
Submitted on Feb 29th 2024 at 22:55:06 UTC by @offside0011 for Boost | ZeroLend
Report ID: #28885
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
Target: https://github.com/zerolend/governance
Manipulation of governance voting result deviating from voted outcome and resulting in a direct change from intended effect of original results
When merging two Locker NFTs, there were no strict restrictions on the start and end times of the two NFTs. This resulted in the final merged NFT having a time range that exceeded the preset maximum time, consequently increasing the locking power.
Vulnerability Details
In the file BaseLocker.sol, the maximum time that an NFT can be set is externally passed in. For LockerToken, it is set as 4 * 365 * 86400, and for LockerLP, it is 365 * 86400. The staking duration is crucial for the final power calculation. In the _calculatePower function, the formula is ((lock.end - lock.start) * lock.amount) / MAXTIME;. Therefore, there are strict restrictions in both the _createLock and increaseUnlockTime functions to ensure that the time span(lock.end - lock.start) of an NFT does not exceed MAXTIME.
In the merge function, two NFTs can be combined, and the end time is selected from the later time of the two NFTs. In the _depositFor function, there is no further check on the time span.
Taking LockerLP as an example, suppose an attacker initially stakes an NFT (NFT1) for 1 year, then, after a month, stakes another NFT (NFT2) for 1 year. The attacker then calls the merge function,
In the merge function,
selects the time of the later NFT and assigns it to the second parameter "to", which is NFT1. At this point, the final NFT has a start of NFT1's start and an end of NFT2's end, resulting in a time span of 1 year and 1 month. In the final calculation of _calculatePower, the returned formula is
, which amplifies the nft's Power.
Impact Details
Amplifying the power of a locker in the governance
Proof of Concept (Take LockerLP as Example)
call createLockFor, _lockDuration = 4 * 365 * 86400 return nftid=1
vm.wrap(block.timestamp + 86400 * 30)
call createLockFor, _lockDuration = 4 * 365 * 86400 return nftid=2
merge(2, 1)# 2 is burned and locker(1).end = locker(2).end
Last updated
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