Submitted on Mon Aug 05 2024 08:09:42 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @A2Security for Boost | Folks Finance
The Hub doesn't check for available liquidity, leading to borrow/withdraw operation on the hub succeeding eventhough the spokeToken doesn't have enough liquidity. In the case of race conditions, e.g user A borrows 5000 ETH, and Whale B borrows/withdraws remaining liquidity from the ethHubPool. The borrow operation for user A will succeed, but the second part of the operation will revert. => This will lead to:
The higher the borrow amount, the bigger the chance that the user funds will be stuck (possibly forever , if the liquidity in the spoketoken, never reaches the wanted amount to borrow)
Please note that, such a scenario is highly likeable considering that Folks Finance is cross chain by design, and operations like borrow/withdraw from spoke chains != Avalanche , will require 2 cross-chain actions that requires bridging through wormhole/ccip (which will take considerable time to be executed, and make predicting available liquidity not an easy task for protocol users )
Copy function getSendTokenMessage(IBridgeRouter bridgeRouter, uint16 adapterId, uint256 gasLimit, bytes32 accountId, uint16 chainId, uint256 amount, bytes32 recipient)
returns (Messages.MessageToSend memory)
// check chain is compatible
bytes32 spokeAddress = getChainSpoke(chainId);
// prepare message
>> Messages.MessageParams memory params = Messages.MessageParams({adapterId: adapterId, returnAdapterId: 0, receiverValue: 0, gasLimit: gasLimit, returnGasLimit: 0});
As we can see in the message returnAdapterId is set to 0 meaning messages can't be reversed
An easy fix for this is to add a check for available liquidity to each a user actions that removes liquidity from a hubpool
(a side note we know that totaldebt here only includes principal and can in certain condition not be accurate, so we would also recommend adding a margin of safety (e.g 5%))
Copy Ran 1 test for test/pocs/test_poc.sol:Pocs
[PASS] test_poc06() (gas: 1632608)
variable Interest Rate 1 %
stable Interest Rate 8 %
depositData.totalAmount avax 248 avax
total debt hubpool avax 17 avax
Alice borrows 258 avax
Avax Alice Recieved 0
variable Interest Rate 271 %
stable Interest Rate 272 %
depositData.totalAmount avax 248 avax
total debt hubpool avax 276 avax
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 684.53ms (9.27ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 687.47ms (684.53ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@forge-std/Test.sol";
import "contracts/hub/Hub.sol";
import "contracts/spoke/SpokeToken.sol";
import "contracts/spoke/SpokeCommon.sol";
import "contracts/hub/HubPool.sol";
import "contracts/hub/LoanManager.sol";
import "contracts/bridge/libraries/Messages.sol";
import "contracts/hub/AccountManager.sol";
import "contracts/bridge/BridgeRouter.sol";
import "contracts/bridge/HubAdapter.sol";
import "contracts/oracle/modules/NodeManager.sol";
import "contracts/hub/OracleManager.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
contract baseTest is Test {
using SafeERC20 for address;
// Hub public hub;
uint256 mainnetFork;
bytes32 public constant PREFIX = "HUB_ADAPTER_V1";
address constant HUB_ADDRESS = 0xaE4C62510F4d930a5C8796dbfB8C4Bc7b9B62140; // Assuming this is the Hub address
address constant SPOKE_COMMON = 0x6628cE08b54e9C8358bE94f716D93AdDcca45b00;
address constant SPOKE_USDC = 0x89df7db4af48Ec7A84DE09F755ade9AF1940420b;
address constant HUBPOOL_USDC = 0x1968237f3a7D256D08BcAb212D7ae28fEda72c34;
address constant HUBPOOL_AVAX = 0xd90B7614551E799Cdef87463143eCe2efd4054f9;
address constant SPOKE_AVAX = 0xBFf8b4e5f92eDD0A5f72b4b0E23cCa2Cc476ce2a;
address constant LOAN_MANAGER = 0x2cAa1315bd676FbecABFC3195000c642f503f1C9;
address constant ACCOUNT_MANAGER = 0x3324B5BF2b5C85999C6DAf2f77b5a29aB74197cc;
address constant USDC_TOKEN = 0x5425890298aed601595a70AB815c96711a31Bc65;
address constant ADAPTER = 0xf472ab58969709De9FfEFaeFFd24F9e90cf8DbF9;
address constant LISTING_ROLE = 0x16870a6A85cD152229B97d018194d66740f932d6;
address constant BRIDGE_ROUTER_HUB = 0xa9491a1f4f058832e5742b76eE3f1F1fD7bb6837;
address constant ORACLE_MANAGER = 0x46c425F4Ec43b25B6222bcc05De051e6D3845165;
address constant NODE_MANAGER = 0xA758c321DF6Cd949A8E074B22362a4366DB1b725;
uint16 constant STABELE_LOAN_TYPE_ID = 1;
uint16 constant VARIABLE_LOAN_TYPE_ID = 2;
uint16 constant CHAIN_ID = 1; // Assuming Ethereum mainnet
Hub hub;
SpokeCommon spokeCommon;
AccountManager accountManager;
SpokeToken spokeUsdc;
SpokeToken spokeAvax;
HubPool hubPoolUsdc;
HubPool hubPoolAvax;
LoanManager loanManager;
HubAdapter adapter;
BridgeRouter bridgeRouterHub;
NodeManager nodeManager;
OracleManager oracleManager;
Messages.MessageParams DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS = Messages.MessageParams({adapterId: 1, returnAdapterId: 1, receiverValue: 0, gasLimit: 0, returnGasLimit: 0});
///// users account ids :
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
bytes32 bobAccountId;
bytes32 aliceAccountId;
bytes32[] bobLoanIds;
bytes32[] aliceLoanIds;
function setUp() public {
// Fork Avalanche mainnet
mainnetFork = vm.createFork("", 35000569);
// Initialize contracts
bridgeRouterHub = BridgeRouter(BRIDGE_ROUTER_HUB);
hub = Hub(HUB_ADDRESS);
spokeCommon = SpokeCommon(SPOKE_COMMON);
spokeUsdc = SpokeToken(SPOKE_USDC);
spokeAvax = SpokeToken(SPOKE_AVAX);
hubPoolUsdc = HubPool(HUBPOOL_USDC);
hubPoolAvax = HubPool(HUBPOOL_AVAX);
loanManager = LoanManager(LOAN_MANAGER);
accountManager = AccountManager(ACCOUNT_MANAGER);
adapter = HubAdapter(ADAPTER);
nodeManager = NodeManager(NODE_MANAGER);
oracleManager = OracleManager(ORACLE_MANAGER);
// create account ids for bob and alice :
address[] memory _users = new address[](2);
_users[0] = bob;
_users[1] = alice;
bytes32[] memory ids = _createAccounts(_users);
bobAccountId = ids[0];
aliceAccountId = ids[1];
// create loanids for alice and bob :
bobLoanIds.push(_createLoan(bobAccountId, bob, 1, VARIABLE_LOAN_TYPE_ID));
bobLoanIds.push(_createLoan(bobAccountId, bob, 2, STABELE_LOAN_TYPE_ID));
aliceLoanIds.push(_createLoan(aliceAccountId, alice, 1, VARIABLE_LOAN_TYPE_ID));
aliceLoanIds.push(_createLoan(aliceAccountId, alice, 2, STABELE_LOAN_TYPE_ID));
// credit bob and alice with 1M usdc and 1000 avax each :
deal(USDC_TOKEN, bob, 1e12);
deal(USDC_TOKEN, alice, 1e12);, 100000e18);, 100000e18);
////////////////////////////////////// helpers ///////////////////////////////////////////
function _creditAvax(address to, uint256 amount) internal {, amount);
function _creditUsdc(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
deal(USDC_TOKEN, to, amount);
function _approveUsdc(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
IERC20(USDC_TOKEN).approve(to, amount);
function _createAccounts(address[] memory users) internal returns (bytes32[] memory) {
bytes32 id;
bytes32[] memory ids = new bytes32[](users.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
id = keccak256(abi.encode(i, "testing"));
spokeCommon.createAccount(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, id, "");
ids[i] = id;
return ids;
function _createLoan(bytes32 accId, address _sender, uint256 nonce, uint16 _loanType) internal returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 loanId = keccak256(abi.encode(accId, nonce, "loan"));
uint16 loanType = _loanType;
bytes32 loanName = keccak256(abi.encode(loanId, loanType));
// create the loan :
spokeCommon.createLoan(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, accId, loanId, loanType, loanName);
// check if the loan is created :
return loanId;
function _createLoanAndDeposit(bytes32 _accountId, address sender, uint256 nonce, uint16 loanType, uint256 _amount, SpokeToken spoke) internal {
bytes32 loanId = keccak256(abi.encode(_accountId, nonce, "loan"));
uint16 loanTypeId = loanType; // or VARIABLE_LOAN_TYPE_ID
bytes32 loanName = keccak256(abi.encode(loanId, loanTypeId));
spoke.createLoanAndDeposit(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, loanId, _amount, loanTypeId, loanName);
function _createLoanAndDeposit(bytes32 _accountId, address sender, bytes32 _loanId, uint16 loanType, uint256 _amount, SpokeToken spoke) internal {
bytes32 loanId = _loanId;
uint16 loanTypeId = loanType; // or VARIABLE_LOAN_TYPE_ID
bytes32 loanName = keccak256(abi.encode(loanId, loanTypeId));
spoke.createLoanAndDeposit(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, loanId, _amount, loanTypeId, loanName);
function _borrowVariable(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint8 _poolId, uint256 _amount) internal {
_borrow(sender, _accountId, _loanId, _poolId, _amount, 0);
function _borrowStable(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint8 _poolId, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxStableRate) internal {
_borrow(sender, _accountId, _loanId, _poolId, _amount, _maxStableRate);
function _borrow(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint8 _poolId, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxStableRate) internal {
spokeCommon.borrow(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _poolId, CHAIN_ID, _amount, _maxStableRate);
function _deposit(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint256 _amount, SpokeToken spoke) internal {
spoke.deposit(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _amount);
function _depositAvax(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint256 _amount) internal {
spokeAvax.deposit{value: _amount}(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _amount);
// spoke.deposit(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _amount);
function _withdraw(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint8 _poolId, uint256 _amount, bool isFAmount) internal {
spokeCommon.withdraw(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _poolId, CHAIN_ID, _amount, isFAmount);
function _repay(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint256 _amount, SpokeToken spoke, uint256 maxOverRepayment) internal {
spoke.repay(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _amount, maxOverRepayment);
function _repayWithCollateral(address sender, bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _loanId, uint256 _amount, uint8 _poolId) internal {
spokeCommon.repayWithCollateral(DUMMY_MESSAGE_PARAMS, _accountId, _loanId, _poolId, _amount);
function _getMsgId() internal view returns (bytes32) {
uint256 s = adapter.sequence();
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(PREFIX, s));
function _checkSeccuss(bytes32 msgId) internal {
emit BridgeRouter.MessageSucceeded(1, msgId);
function _checkMessageSeccuss() internal {
// vm.exepctEmit(true,false,false);
// emit BridgeRouter.MessageSuccess(0,"");
Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import "./base_test.sol";
import "@forge-std/console.sol";
import "contracts/bridge/libraries/Messages.sol";
contract Pocs is baseTest {
using Math for uint256;
uint256 private constant SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 365 days;
uint256 internal constant ONE_4_DP = 1e4;
uint256 internal constant ONE_6_DP = 1e6;
uint256 internal constant ONE_10_DP = 1e10;
uint256 internal constant ONE_12_DP = 1e12;
uint256 internal constant ONE_14_DP = 1e14;
uint256 internal constant ONE_18_DP = 1e18;
function _getStableRateUsdc() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.StableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolUsdc.getStableBorrowData();
return stableData.interestRate;
function _getVariableRateUsdc() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.VariableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolUsdc.getVariableBorrowData();
return stableData.interestRate;
function _getDepositTotalUsdc() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.DepositData memory stableData = hubPoolUsdc.getDepositData();
return stableData.totalAmount;
function _getTotalDebtUsdc() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.VariableBorrowData memory variableData = hubPoolUsdc.getVariableBorrowData();
HubPoolState.StableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolUsdc.getStableBorrowData();
return stableData.totalAmount + variableData.totalAmount;
function _getStableRateAvax() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.StableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolAvax.getStableBorrowData();
return stableData.interestRate;
function _getVariableRateAvax() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.VariableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolAvax.getVariableBorrowData();
return stableData.interestRate;
function _getDepositTotalAvax() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.DepositData memory stableData = hubPoolAvax.getDepositData();
return stableData.totalAmount;
function _getTotalDebtAvax() internal returns (uint256) {
HubPoolState.VariableBorrowData memory variableData = hubPoolAvax.getVariableBorrowData();
HubPoolState.StableBorrowData memory stableData = hubPoolAvax.getStableBorrowData();
return stableData.totalAmount + variableData.totalAmount;
function test_poc06() public {
// initialize caps
loanManager.updateLoanPoolCaps(1, hubPoolAvax.getPoolId(), 1e12, 1e12);
hubPoolAvax.updateCapsData(HubPoolState.CapsData(type(uint64).max, type(uint64).max, 1e18));
loanManager.updateLoanPoolCaps(2, hubPoolAvax.getPoolId(), 1e12, 1e12);
// Deposit USDC as coll for alice
uint256 largeUsdcDeposit = 1e11; //
_approveUsdc(alice, address(spokeUsdc), largeUsdcDeposit);
_deposit(alice, aliceAccountId, aliceLoanIds[0], largeUsdcDeposit, spokeUsdc);
console.log("variable Interest Rate", _getVariableRateAvax() / 1e16, "%");
console.log("stable Interest Rate ", _getStableRateAvax() / 1e16, "%");
console.log("depositData.totalAmount avax", _getDepositTotalAvax() / 1e18, "avax");
console.log("total debt hubpool avax", _getTotalDebtAvax() / 1e18, "avax");
uint256 borrowAmount = _getDepositTotalAvax() + 10e18; // 10 AVAX
uint256 alice_balance_before = alice.balance;
console.log("Alice borrows", borrowAmount / 1e18, "avax");
_borrowVariable(alice, aliceAccountId, aliceLoanIds[0], hubPoolAvax.getPoolId(), borrowAmount);
console.log("Avax Alice Recieved", alice_balance_before - alice.balance);
console.log("variable Interest Rate", _getVariableRateAvax() / 1e16, "%");
console.log("stable Interest Rate ", _getStableRateAvax() / 1e16, "%");
console.log("depositData.totalAmount avax", _getDepositTotalAvax() / 1e18, "avax");
console.log("total debt hubpool avax", _getTotalDebtAvax() / 1e18, "avax");