Boost _ Shardeum_ Ancillaries 34298 - [Websites and Applications - Medium] archive-server can be killed by connected shardus-instance
archive-server can be killed by connected shardus-instance
Submitted on Thu Aug 08 2024 15:15:27 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @riproprip for Boost | Shardeum: Ancillaries
Report ID: #34298
Report type: Websites and Applications
Report severity: Medium
Taking down the application/website
On boot the archive-server
connects to a randomized shardus-instance
. This instance has the power to kill the process that runs the archive server.
Vulnerability Details
Archive-server is using an outdated The old implementation has issues with specially crafted packets.
Since Archive-server does not do any special error handling the error in the can bubble up "uncatched" and kill the process.
Since the archive-server tries to randomly connect to a shardus-instance, it might not be a terrifying issue. Otoh I saw references in the documentation that archive servers should be rewarded for their service in the future, so there would be incentive to try to kill archive servers that you don't run ...
Proof of concept
create and start evil shardus-instance
In one terminal
Create folder
save as package.json
save as evil-shardus.js
install packages and replace encoder with evil encoder
run evil shardus instance
run archiver
I could not find another script that made this easy. So just reusing the stuff I had for the other bugs ...
We will reuse the shardeum repo and the shardus start 10
to run an archiver. But before we run the archiver, we make sure it connects to the evil -shardus.js.
In another terminal
general setup
make sure that archiver connects to our evil implementation of a shardus-instance
run shardus
We run shardus, and observe our archive server disappear when the evil-shardus terminal prints "killing archiver". (60 second wait in current evil-shardus.js)
Last updated
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