Boost _ IDEX 34428 - [Smart Contract - Insight] Incorrect Condition in validateExitQuoteQuantityAndC

Submitted on Mon Aug 12 2024 10:15:39 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @holydevoti0n for Boost | IDEX

Report ID: #34428

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The ``validateExitQuoteQuantityAndCoerceIfNeeded` function is intended to handle small negative values resulting from rounding errors by coercing them to zero, allowing wallet positions to be closed out correctly. However, there is a discrepancy between the implemented logic and the comments provided in the code.

Math.abs(walletQuoteQuantityToWithdraw) <= Constants.MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD

According to the comments here:

"Positions SMALLER than this threshold will skip quote quantity validation for Position Below Minimum liquidations and skip non-negative total quote validation Wallet Exits"

Vulnerability Details

According to the comments, positions smaller than the Constants.MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD should skip quote quantity validation. However, the current implementation uses a <= comparison, which may incorrectly coerce values that are exactly equal to the threshold, rather than values strictly less than the threshold.

Impact Details

This discrepancy could lead to unexpected behavior where positions with a quote quantity exactly equal to the MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD are coerced to zero, potentially skipping necessary validations. This could result in incorrect handling of wallet exits or position liquidations, particularly in edge cases.


To align the logic with the intended behavior as described in the comments, the condition should be modified from <= to <:

- Math.abs(walletQuoteQuantityToWithdraw) <= Constants.MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD
+ Math.abs(walletQuoteQuantityToWithdraw) < Constants.MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

On the file exits.ts add the following test inside the validateExitQuoteQuantityAndCoerceIfNeeded closure:

            await withdrawExitValidationsMock.validateExitQuoteQuantityAndCoerceIfNeeded(
              -10000, // @audit value is == `MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD`

And run: npx hardhat test test/exits.ts

Output: test succeeds but it should revert as -10000 is not smaller than MINIMUM_QUOTE_QUANTITY_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD

Last updated

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