Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value
Bug Description
When user tries to reinvest their claimed reward with _compound = true in RewardsDistributor.claim(uint256 _tokenId, bool _compound), it will always revert when users _tokenId is expired.
function depositFor(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {
LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
require(_locked.amount > 0, "No existing lock found");
require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, "Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw"); //@audit
As we can see, while performing depositFor() from claim(), its checking for require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, "Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw");. Which will revert user's claim tx with compounding when their veALCX token is expired.
Users compounding claim tx will always revert when their veALCX NFT token is expired. User should not allowed to call claim function with compounding once their veALCX token is expired.
Consider sending the claimed veALCX rewards to the owner of the veALCX if the veALCX's lock has already expired.
When executing code block of compounding, it should also check along with compounding check that whether veALCX NFT token is not expired as shown below.
Note: For PoC to work, we need to move time beyond 60 days which is hardcoded in RewardsDistributor contract as staleThreshold = 60 days at Since time has moved beyond 60 days but oracle(priceFeed) has not updated during this time interval, its reverting with Price stale message. To mimic oracle update, we have updated updatedAt field returns from latestRoundData() to avoid Price stale revert using foundry cheatcode - load and store.
Steps to Run using Foundry:
Paste following foundry code in src/test/Minter.t.sol
Run using FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract MinterTest --match-test testCompoundRewardFailureOnVeALCXExpired -vv
// Compound claiming should revert if users veALCX is expired
function testCompoundRewardFailureOnVeALCXExpired() public {
// After no epoch has passed, amount claimable should be 0
assertEq(distributor.claimable(tokenId), 0, "amount claimable should be 0");
// Fast forward to new epoch
hevm.roll(block.number + 1);
// Accounts must provide proportional amount of WETH to deposit into the Balancer pool
weth.approve(address(distributor), type(uint256).max);
// Fast forward to MAXTIME to expire tokenId
uint expiry = veALCX.lockEnd(tokenId);
hevm.warp(expiry + 1 seconds);
hevm.roll(block.number + 1);
// Update priceFeed's `updatedAt` field
address aggregator = 0x64a119DCf78E7E3FcED89c429f6F47Bf0cd80250;
uint transmissionSlot = 44; //
uint latestRoundId = 2608;
bytes32 loc = keccak256(abi.encode(latestRoundId, transmissionSlot));
bytes32 data = hevm.load(aggregator, loc);
data = data & 0x0000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;
data = data | bytes32(block.timestamp << 192);, loc, data);
// Claim with compunding should revert
hevm.expectRevert("Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw");
distributor.claim(tokenId, true);
Console Output:
> FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract MinterTest --match-test testCompoundRewardFailureOnVeALCXExpired -vv
[â ’] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for src/test/Minter.t.sol:MinterTest
[PASS] testCompoundRewardFailureOnVeALCXExpired() (gas: 7409861)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 17.73ms (4.62ms CPU time)