#38257 [SC-Insight] Freezing of msg.value passed in Bridge.deposit() if adapter is address zero

Submitted on Dec 29th 2024 at 09:32:35 UTC by @Shahen for Audit Comp | Lombard

  • Report ID: #38257

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/lombard-finance/evm-smart-contracts/blob/main/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol

  • Impacts:

    • Temporary freezing of funds for at least 30 days



When interacted with the contract by calling Bridge.deposit() with a certain msg.value, usually what happens is any excess eth > fee amount will be appended to refunds[fromAddress] by the adapter therefore the msg.sender can withdraw the refund later, But if adapter is == address(0) any passed eth through the Bridge.deposit() function will be stuck in the Bridge contract without a refund.

Please refer to the below coded foundry poc, Run forge test -vvv , Install the foundry plugin for hardhat.

(Note - Also comment out _disableInitializers() inside the constructors of both LBTC and Bridge contracts to run this test.)

Vulnerability Details

Same as above Brief/Intro

Impact Details

Freezing of msg.value passed in Bridge.deposit() if adapter is address zero



Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import "../lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol";
import {LBTC} from "../contracts/LBTC/LBTC.sol";
import {Bridge} from "../contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol";
import {ConsortiumMock} from "../contracts/mock/ConsortiumMock.sol";
import {ILBTC} from "../contracts/Bridge/IBridge.sol";
import {IAdapter} from "../contracts/bridge/adapters/IAdapter.sol";
import {RateLimits} from "../contracts/libs/RateLimits.sol";

contract lombardtest is Test {

    LBTC public _LBTC;
    Bridge public _bridge;
    ConsortiumMock public _ConsortiumMock;
    address bob = address(0x7);
    address alex = address(0x8);

    function setUp() public {

       _LBTC = new LBTC(); // comment out `_disableInitializers()` inside the constructor please..
       _bridge = new Bridge(); // comment out `_disableInitializers()` inside the constructor please..
       _ConsortiumMock = new ConsortiumMock();

       RateLimits.Config[] memory _config = new RateLimits.Config[](1);
       _config[0] = RateLimits.Config({chainId: bytes32(uint256(1)),limit: uint256(5e8) ,window: uint256(1000000000)});
       deal(bob,0.01 ether);
       assertEq(bob.balance,0.01 ether);

    function test_msgValue_lost() public {

     //Test case proving that if config.adapter == address(0), Any msg.value passed is not returned back to the caller but stuck in contract itself.   
       _LBTC.approve(address(_bridge), 2e8); // just using a higher value,ignore it
       _bridge.deposit{value: 0.01 ether}(bytes32(uint256(1)), bytes32(uint256(uint160(alex))), 1e8);
       assertEq(address(_bridge).balance,0.01 ether); // Asserting that the bridge contract balance is of the passed ether value.




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