Attackathon _ Fuel Network 33233 - [Smart Contract - Medium] Incorrect Implementation of Unsigned -b

Incorrect Implementation of Unsigned 32-bit Fixed Point Fractional Function

Submitted on Mon Jul 15 2024 16:51:42 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @Blockian for Attackathon | Fuel Network

Report ID: #33233

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Medium



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value

  • Incorrect math

  • Permanent freezing of funds

  • Temporary freezing of funds for at least 1 hour


Fuel Network bug report

Incorrect Implementation of Unsigned 32-bit Fixed Point Fractional Function


The current implementation of the fractional function in sway-libs for the unsigned 32-bit Fixed Point and signed 64-bit Fixed Point is flawed. This issue causes the function to revert every time it's called, potentially leading to problems for projects built on the Fuel platform.

Root Cause

The fract function from the UFP32 implementation is as follows:

    pub fn fract(self) -> Self {
        Self {
            // first move to the left (multiply by the denominator)
            // to get rid of integer part, than move to the
            // right (divide by the denominator), to ensure 
            // fixed-point structure
            underlying: ((self.underlying << 16) - u32::max() - 1u32) >> 16,

The issue arises after the left shift operation, where the function subtracts u32::max and then subtracts 1. Since left shifting doesn't change the operand's type (i.e., a << 16 keeps a as u32), (self.underlying << 16) remains within the bounds of u32. Specifically, (self.underlying << 16) is constrained by 4294901760 (0b11111111111111110000000000000000), with the left shift ensuring the 16 rightmost bits are zero.

Consequently, for any self.underlying, (self.underlying << 16) is always less than u32::max, leading to an underflow and causing a revert.


Every usage of UFP32.fract results in a revert, affecting:

  1. UFP32.ceil - relies on the fract function.

  2. IFP64.fract - internally uses UFP32, causing it to revert.

  3. IFP64.ceil - also reverts since it uses both UFP32 and the fract function.

Any function in a contract that relies on one of those functions will revert, possibly locking user funds.

Proposed fix

Remove the unnecessary subtraction:

    pub fn fract(self) -> Self {
        Self {
            underlying: (self.underlying << 16) >> 16,

This modification ensures the function operates correctly without causing reverts.

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

Run the POC's with forc test


use sway_libs::fixed_point::ufp32::UFP32;

abi Tester { 
    fn frac_crashing() -> UFP32;
    fn new_frac_not_crashing() -> bool;

pub fn new_fract(num: UFP32) -> UFP32 {
    UFP32::from((num.underlying() << 16) >> 16)
impl Tester for Contract {
    fn frac_crashing() -> UFP32 {
        let num = UFP32::from(u32::max());

    fn new_frac_not_crashing() -> bool {
        let num = UFP32::from(u32::max());
        new_fract(num) == UFP32::from(65535u32) // 65535 == 0b1111111111111111, which is the fractional part of u32::max

fn test_sub() {
    let caller = abi(Tester, CONTRACT_ID);
    assert(caller.new_frac_not_crashing() == true); // the test passes this point!
    let _ = caller.frac_crashing(); // crashes here with ArithmeticOverflow at the SUB instruction

Last updated

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