33696 - [BC - Critical] Failure to validate golden ticket admin cert
Failure to validate golden ticket admin cert
Submitted on Jul 26th 2024 at 22:15:30 UTC by @ZhouWu for Boost | Shardeum: Core
Report ID: #33696
Report type: Blockchain/DLT
Report severity: Critical
Target: https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/tree/dev
Network not being able to confirm new transactions (total network shutdown)
Taking over majority of the network by single authority
Modification of transaction fees outside of design parameters
Failure to validate golden ticket admin cert leading to malicious node be able mark themselves golden to get into network bypassing selection algorithm altogether.
Proof of Concept
Launch a legit shardeum network and enable all logs, that way you can verify the malicious node get into the network by golden ticket by checking legit node's logs. (Logs are not necessary for attack to work it's only for your own benefit to verify the attack work)
Apply the patch to shardus/core. This will be malicious node.
this patch make the malicious node mark itself as golden ticket node
build and link it to your malicious shardeum node
launch your malicious node
it'll bypass the selection algorithm and will get in to the network at the next cycle
If you enable logs in earlier step you can verify this by going into the logs of the legit nodes.
Please use appropriate log settings to confirm if you need more info.
This vulnerability allows malicious agent to launch army of node and effectively take over the network. >51%.
The reason why it happen
In shardus/core node were not properly validating the golden ticket admin cert. It was just checking if it's present or not. It should have checked if it's valid or not. see the code
Proof of Concept
Launch a legit shardeum network and enable all logs, that way you can verify the malicious node get into the network by golden ticket by checking legit node's logs. (Logs are not necessary for attack to work it's only for your own benefit to verify the attack work)
Apply the patch to shardus/core. This will be malicious node.
this patch make the malicious node mark itself as golden ticket node
build and link it to your malicious shardeum node
launch your malicious node
it'll bypass the selection algorithm and will get in to the network at the next cycle
If you enable logs in earlier step you can verify this by going into the logs of the legit nodes.
Please use appropriate log settings to confirm if you need more info.
Last updated
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