30667 - [SC - Medium] Unlimited gauge numbers can DoS users distribut...

Submitted on May 3rd 2024 at 20:20:16 UTC by @Hoverfly9132 for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #30667

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Medium

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/Voter.sol


  • Temporary freezing of funds for 12 hours



Voter#createGauge allow users create unlimited gauges and distribute vote power to any numbers of alive gauges in Voter#distribute, once the gauges numbers reach a limitation, the users can't execute Voter#distribute any more.

Vulnerability Details

Currently, there is no limit to Voter#createGauge function, as the doc description:

- each veALCX tokenId may distribute their voting power across any number of gauges, it means that any users can create any numbers of gauges and distribute vote power to them. Once the gauges be created, the pool will be recorded in gauges array, and in Voter#distribute function will traverse the array and then distribute vote power to them.

However, if the gauges is large enough, the gas cost may reach the ethereum/optimism gas limit, currently is 30_000_000, then such txs would be failed, which means users can't execute distribute vote power action any more, unless they remove the gauge, but there is no remove gauge function in this version, only have killGauge function to set the gauges to be not alive state.

Impact Details

Users can't execute Voter#distribute any more when created gauges numbers is large enough.



Proof of Concept

Because the needed gauges need cost much time in test case, so I will show distribute to different gauges would cost how much gas:

function testExecutorCreateGaugeFrontRunDos() public {
    address attacker = address(0x2345);

    uint256 created_gauges = 1;
    for (uint i = 0; i < created_gauges; i++) {
        voter.createGauge(address(uint160(i)), IVoter.GaugeType.Passthrough);

    hevm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 weeks);
    uint256 gas_left = gasleft();
    uint256 gas_after = gasleft();
    console.log("gas left: ", gas_left - gas_after);

When the created_gauges is equal to 1, Voter#distribute gas cost is about ~1050000 wei:

[PASS] testExecutorCreateGaugeFrontRunDos() (gas: 3607681)
  gas left:  1054068

When the created_gauges is equal to 10, Voter#distribute gas cost is about ~1154915 wei:

[PASS] testExecutorCreateGaugeFrontRunDos() (gas: 27094489)
  gas left:  1154915

When the created_gauges is equal to 20, Voter#distribute gas cost is about ~1154915 wei:

[PASS] testExecutorCreateGaugeFrontRunDos() (gas: 53190954)
  gas left:  1266968

So distribute to more one gauge, gas cost is about: (1266968 - 1154915) / 10 ~= 11205, the max gauge in one tx is about 30000000 / 11205 ~= 2677. Actually, the max gauge should less than 2677 because the distribute action will cost gas in other function. When set created_gauges to 2677, the Voter#distribute function gas cost greater than 30_000_000 wei absolutely.

Last updated

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