#36137 [SC-Medium] `absorb_internal` might be DOSed
Submitted on Oct 21st 2024 at 15:16:36 UTC by @jasonxiale for IOP | Swaylend
Report ID: #36137
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/9132747331188b86dd8cbf9a1ca37b811d08dddb/contracts/market/src/main.sw
Block stuffing
While calling Market.absorb, the input parameter `accounts` ' type is Vec, which means an array can be used as input.
Then in main.sw#L769-L772, the function calls `absorb_internal` on each account.
According to Market.absorb_internal's definition, if the account is not liquidatable, the function will revert in main.sw#L2175.
The issue is that there are some conditions that can cause the function revert in main.sw#L2175 For example:
If one of the borrower repay his debt before `Market.absorb`,
`update_price_feeds_if_necessary_internal` is called by some one else with more recent price, and `absorb` is called with `PriceDataUpdate` stale price, by using the more recent price, if one of the accounts is not liquidatable, the function will also revert.
To mitigate the issue, I think it's better to use `return` if `is_liquidatable_internal` returns false instead of revert
Vulnerability Details
```Rust 2168 fn absorb_internal(account: Identity) { 2169 // Get the user's basic information 2170 let user_basic = storage.user_basic.get(account).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default()); 2171 let old_principal = user_basic.principal; 2172 let old_balance = present_value(old_principal); // decimals: base_token_decimals 2173 2174 // Check that the account is liquidatable >>>>>>> the function might revert here 2175 require(is_liquidatable_internal(account, old_balance), Error::NotLiquidatable); 2176 ... ```
Impact Details
`Market.abosrb` will be Dosed
Add any relevant links to documentation or code
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Please put the following code in `contracts/market/tests/local_tests/scenarios/cat negative_reserves.rs` and run ```bash cargo test --release local_tests::scenarios::negative_reserves::dos_absorb_test -- --nocapture
... running 1 test Price for BTC = 70000 Price for USDC = 1 Price for UNI = 5 Price for ETH = 3500 🏦 Market Total supply 10000 USDC | Total borrow 2000 USDC Total USDC balance = 8000 USDC | Total ETH balance = 2 ETH reserves: -0.011035 USDC | 0 ETH sRate 1 | bRate 1 Total collateral 2 ETH Utilization 0.2 | Last accrual time 10000
Alice 🦹 Principal = 10000000000 Present supply = 10000.024733 USDC | borrow = 0 USDC Supplied collateral 0 ETH Balance 10000 USDC | 9.999999999 ETH
Bob 🧛 Principal = -1000000000 Present supply = 0 USDC | borrow = 1000.006849 USDC Supplied collateral 1 ETH Balance 1000 USDC | 8.999999997 ETH
Chad 🤵 Principal = -1000000000 Present supply = 0 USDC | borrow = 1000.006849 USDC Supplied collateral 1 ETH Balance 1000 USDC | 8.999999997 ETH thread 'local_tests::scenarios::negative_reserves::dos_absorb_test' panicked at contracts/market/tests/local_tests/scenarios/negative_reserves.rs:367:10: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: transaction reverted: NotLiquidatable, receipts: [Call { id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, amount: 1, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1999187, param1: 10480, param2: 10494, pc: 12144, is: 12144 }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 1, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1992906, param1: 67105076, param2: 67104052, pc: 250624, is: 250624 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 0, len: 0, digest: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855, pc: 252612, is: 250624, data: Some() }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1966169, param1: 67094604, param2: 67093580, pc: 258224, is: 258224 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 67091020, len: 28, digest: e557dcb998033eb306ab984b32c7366e6b11614e39a732ae35a41710a39f4c4e, pc: 262328, is: 258224, data: Some(00000000000000000000000800...) }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1944416, param1: 67073790, param2: 67072766, pc: 258224, is: 258224 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 67070206, len: 28, digest: 1455af5a26cdf94022d4bb62f6a9bb84c445dbb66568119322ac3259fc7856fe, pc: 262328, is: 258224, data: Some(00000000000000000000000700...) }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1923533, param1: 67058832, param2: 67057808, pc: 249776, is: 249776 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 67055248, len: 28, digest: e557dcb998033eb306ab984b32c7366e6b11614e39a732ae35a41710a39f4c4e, pc: 253880, is: 249776, data: Some(00000000000000000000000800...) }, LogData { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 0, rb: 3591203286967623281, ptr: 67054224, len: 116, digest: f11729f8e585ab4440586ac4851b2e140b4f0f81c023dbec5a10ce45df2c8c24, pc: 136116, is: 12144, data: Some(0000000000000000bdaad6a89e...) }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1901809, param1: 67046210, param2: 67045186, pc: 249776, is: 249776 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 67042626, len: 28, digest: 1455af5a26cdf94022d4bb62f6a9bb84c445dbb66568119322ac3259fc7856fe, pc: 253880, is: 249776, data: Some(00000000000000000000000700...) }, LogData { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 0, rb: 5291237237808257645, ptr: 67032317, len: 136, digest: 0b8d57a67e8f299e8e0fb92c38c67d1c14fc2451890e9a60028c7c41384417bb, pc: 99400, is: 12144, data: Some(0000000000000000bdaad6a89e...) }, LogData { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 0, rb: 7659206549590130669, ptr: 67027709, len: 224, digest: 49aa4cc5dce821c90dd4892f990a3f85784d51a9c81e635c95bf0f9eecdd0d14, pc: 102668, is: 12144, data: Some(00000000000000000000000000...) }, LogData { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 0, rb: 10580804319558431108, ptr: 67026685, len: 212, digest: 59f41f219a4db949b61fc982f74abef11c8526ad750eff479bfea1d9a4c0521f, pc: 132980, is: 12144, data: Some(0000000000000000bdaad6a89e...) }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1873561, param1: 67018897, param2: 67017873, pc: 258224, is: 258224 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 67015313, len: 28, digest: e557dcb998033eb306ab984b32c7366e6b11614e39a732ae35a41710a39f4c4e, pc: 262328, is: 258224, data: Some(00000000000000000000000800...) }, Call { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, to: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1851808, param1: 66998083, param2: 66997059, pc: 258224, is: 258224 }, ReturnData { id: ec5780ec3aa7cbcc332be9a71b2f934777da6e6aab29b5f2e9c5740a689030bc, ptr: 66994499, len: 28, digest: 1455af5a26cdf94022d4bb62f6a9bb84c445dbb66568119322ac3259fc7856fe, pc: 262328, is: 258224, data: Some(00000000000000000000000700...) }, LogData { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 0, rb: 5650517601072614705, ptr: 66993475, len: 8, digest: 8005f02d43fa06e7d0585fb64c961d57e318b27a145c857bcd3a6bdb413ff7fc, pc: 59072, is: 12144, data: Some(0000000000000004) }, Revert { id: 5d4b546ccce1c8c678554e3b2d6a349ab969cfa20af7abbb4a5951cb1932822c, ra: 18446744073709486080, pc: 59080, is: 12144 }, ScriptResult { result: Revert, gas_used: 152755 }] note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace test local_tests::scenarios::negative_reserves::dos_absorb_test ... FAILED ```
As above shows, if chad pay his debt before `Market.absorb`, the tx will be reverted.
```Rust #[tokio::test] async fn dos_absorb_test() { let TestData { wallets, alice, alice_account, bob, bob_account, chad, chad_account, market, usdc, usdc_contract, eth, oracle, price_feed_ids, publish_time, prices, assets, .. } = setup(None).await;
} ```
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