25885 - [SC - Insight] Prevent the operator from submitting blocks to L
Submitted on Nov 20th 2023 at 22:28:23 UTC by @infosec_us_team for Boost | DeGate
Report ID: #25885
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9C07A72177c5A05410cA338823e790876E79D73B#code
Permanent freezing of funds in the Default Deposit Contract that is less than 2,500,000 USD.
Force DeGate into Exodus Mode
The attack vector causes the following impact:
1- Operators will be unable to submit blocks to L1.
2- Funds from all new unconfirmed standard deposits (deposits where users directly transfer tokens to the Default Deposit Contract) will be frozen inside the Default Deposit Contract. Users can't withdraw those funds because operators can't confirm their deposit on L1.
3- As designed for this type of situation, an Exodus Mode will be forced, allowing previous users to withdraw their funds using a MerkleTree proof (by calling withdrawFromMerkleTree(...)
). Unconfirmed standard deposits will stay stuck inside the DefaultDepositContract because new blocks can't be confirmed once the Exodus Mode begins.
4- The stake of the exchange can be burned by calling burnExchangeStake()
About the severity assessment
The severity is High
under the following impacts:
Force DeGate into Exodus Mode
Permanent freezing of funds in the Default Deposit Contract that is less than 2,500,000 USD
DeGate supports External Owned Accounts (EOA) and Contract Accounts (CA). The only requirement is that the EVM account must have at least one transfer-in or transfer-out record.
As a reference: https://docs.degate.com/v/product_en/main-features/account-registration#account-registration-criteria
There are two forms of signatures in DeGate: type == 0: EDDSA signature, verified in circuit type == 1: ECDSA signature, verified within the ExchangeV3 smart contract
line #48
The DeGate protocol supports 3 types of ECDSA signature and verification methods:
Open signature (ETH_Sign)
Structured signature (EIP-712)
Smart contract support (EIP-1271)
Reference: https://docs.degate.com/v/product_en/concepts/secret-key-and-signatures#ecdsa-signature-types
The node verifies off-chain both the ECDSA signature and the EdDSA signature simultaneously. The circuit verifies only the EdDSA signature, while the smart contract only verifies the ECDSA signature.
Bug description
The function requireAuthorizedTx(from, signature, txHash);
from the ExchangeSignatures.sol
library, imported in ExchangeV3.sol
, is used in the Withdraw and AccountUpdate flow to verify that the signature is valid.
In txHash.verifySignature(...)
if the signer is a smart contract, the verifyERC1271Signature(...)
function will be used to check the signature.
The verifyERC1271Signature(...)
function will make a staticcall to the smart contract and ask him if the signature is valid.
An evil EIP-1271 Contract Account can be created that makes the same signature pass or revert on convenience (for example, fail only on mainnet calls, but succeed on forks or off-chain tests).
Failing the signature verification check will bubble up to the require(txHash.verifySignature(signer, signature), "INVALID_SIGNATURE");
statement inside the requireAuthorizedTx(...)
function we previously shared, reverting the entire transaction.
Requests with an evil EIP-1271 Contract Account can be repeatedly submitted to the L2, creating a denial of service in L1.
Below, we'll share how to fully prevent this and other attack vectors we may have not though of yet, related to contract accounts and EIP-1271.
Permanent fix
To safely support contract accounts, we have to modify the requireAuthorizedTx(...)
function as follows:
Step 1- Verify if the signer
param is a smart contract. Step 2- If it is a smart contract, skip signature verification and require for the transaction to be approved instead, using require(S.approvedTx[signer][txHash], "TX_NOT_APPROVED");
Step 3- If is not a smart contract, proceed with the signature verification as usual.
This is safe, because once a smart contract has approved a tx in the approvedTx[signer][txHash]
, he can't remove this approval until the transaction is executed by the node operator.
Permanently fixed function:
Proof of concept
As a proof of concept here's the code for an oversimplified evil EIP-1271 Contract Account that makes the same signature succeed or revert on convenience.
By default, all signatures will succeed. But you can front-run any specific transaction from the mempool of mainnet (like an operator's attempt to submit a block) and call setActive(false)
to make the check for the signature conveniently fail.
Last updated
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