26519 - [SC - Insight] Consider introducing the ability to change requ...
Submitted on Dec 4th 2023 at 12:21:59 UTC by @Another for Boost | DeGate
Report ID: #26519
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x2028834B2c0A36A918c10937EeA71BE4f932da52#code
Consider introducing the ability to change
while adding owners
Bug Description
Take a look at MultiSigWallet#L125-156
At present implementation even if wallet adds ten more owners required
would be stuck with the value it was initialized with, where as it would be good to note that while removing the owners the requirement could be reduced, this still seems like a downside to protocol logic.
Borderline low/info, since if addressews are only ever added, i.e the logic still being the same that previous owners are still owners but new owners need to be added, therre is obviously a need to rearrrange the ration between the amount of owners and the valid signers that are needed to pass a decision, but this is not available.
Risk Breakdown
Difficulty to Exploit: Easy Weakness: CVSS2 Score:
Currently the value for required
only changes if the owner array decreases, which means that if 10 people get added as new owners the ratio of the requirement and the amount of owners would be massively deflated.
Last updated
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