28947 - [SC - Insight] Info


Submitted on Mar 2nd 2024 at 18:35:50 UTC by @OxJoyBoy03 for Boost | Puffer Finance

Report ID: #28947

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x7276925e42f9c4054afa2fad80fa79520c453d6a


  • Info


NC Issues

[N-1] errors and events did not use!!!


these errors and events were not used anywhere, you can remove or use them.

  • Found in src/IPufferDepositor.sol Line: 17

    //@audit-info This error is not used!!! 
    error TokenNotAllowed(address token);
  • Found in src/IPufferDepositor.sol Line: 28

    //@audit-info this event is not used!!!
    event TokenAllowed(IERC20 token);
  • Found in src/IPufferDepositor.sol Line: 33

    //@audit-info this event is not used!!!
    event TokenDisallowed(IERC20 token);

Proof of Concept

Last updated