Boost _ Folks Finance 34054 - [Smart Contract - Low] In liquidation loanPoolcollateralUsed doesnt get reduced by collateralSeizedreserveAmount

Submitted on Sun Aug 04 2024 19:33:56 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @A2Security for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #34054

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



In each LoanPool the amount of collateral used by protocol users is tracked in the state variable CollateralUsed. There is a bug in LoanManagerLogic.executeLiquidate() that leads to the overvaluation of the CollateralUsed. This is caused by the fact that the protocol resreves amount of the collateral seized of the violator and mint it the FeeTokenReciepient and the problem is that eventhough this amount leaves the loanPool the collateralUsed doesn't get reduced.


This breaks the accounting for tracking the amount of collateralUsed and overvalue it in the long term


To mitigate this we simply need to reduce collateralUsed by the reservedAmount

        loansParams.checkLiquidatorLoan(userLoans, loanTypes, pools, params.oracleManager);
++        LoanManagerState.UserLoan storage violatorLoan = userLoans[params.violatorLoanId];
++        LoanManagerState.LoanPool storage loanPool = loanTypes[userLoan.loanTypeId].pools[params.colPoolId];
++        loanPool.decreaseCollateral(collateralSeized.reserveAmount);
        // mint f token for fee recipient

Proof of concept

Proof Of Concept

In executeLiquidate() the protocol mints the amount reserved from the seizedCollateral to fee reciepient but doesn't reduce collateralUsed from LoanPool

    function executeLiquidate(
        mapping(bytes32 => LoanManagerState.UserLoan) storage userLoans,
        mapping(uint16 loanTypeId => LoanManagerState.LoanType) storage loanTypes,
        mapping(uint8 => IHubPool) storage pools,
        mapping(bytes32 accountId => mapping(uint8 poolId => LoanManagerState.UserPoolRewards)) storage userPoolRewards,
        DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationParams memory params
    ) external {
        DataTypes.LiquidationLoansParams memory loansParams = DataTypes.LiquidationLoansParams({
            liquidatorLoanId: params.liquidatorLoanId,
            violatorLoanId: params.violatorLoanId,
            collateralPoolId: params.colPoolId,
            borrowPoolId: params.borPoolId

        // check violator loan is under-collateralized and calc max repay value
        uint256 maxRepayBorrowValue;
            DataTypes.LoanLiquidityParams memory violatorLiquidity = loansParams.prepareLiquidation(userLoans, loanTypes, pools, params.oracleManager);
            //max  value in 8dec can be repayed of all borrowed assets in violatorLoan id
            maxRepayBorrowValue = loansParams.getMaxRepayBorrowValue(userLoans, loanTypes, violatorLiquidity);
        // @note  calculate the actual amount to seize of coll and the amount to reduce the debt by
        // calc actual repay and seize amounts considering the user loan and max specified
        // note : returns : repayBorrowAmount ,repayBorrowToCollateralFAmount , seizeCollateralFAmount
        DataTypes.LiquidationAmountParams memory liquidationAmounts =
            loansParams.calcLiquidationAmounts(userLoans, loanTypes, pools[loansParams.collateralPoolId], params.oracleManager, maxRepayBorrowValue, params.maxRepayAmount);

        loansParams.updateLiquidationRewards(userLoans, loanTypes, userPoolRewards);

        DataTypes.LiquidationBorrowTransfer memory liquidationBorrowTransfer;
            //@note update index , get pool index and rates
            // pool pre-checks and update interest indexes
            DataTypes.BorrowPoolParams memory borrowPoolParams = pools[params.borPoolId].preparePoolForRepay();

            // transfer borrow from violator to liquidator
            liquidationBorrowTransfer = loansParams.updateLiquidationBorrows(borrowPoolParams, liquidationAmounts.repayBorrowAmount, userLoans);
        //@note moves coll also checks sllippage param min seize
        // transfer collateral from violator to liquidator
        DataTypes.CollateralSeizedParams memory collateralSeized = loansParams.updateLiquidationCollaterals(
            liquidationAmounts.seizeCollateralFAmount, liquidationAmounts.repayBorrowToCollateralFAmount, params.minSeizedAmount, userLoans, loanTypes
        // @audit-issue loanPool doesn't get updated
        // @note update intrest rates :
        // check liquidator loan in over-collateralized after taking over part of the violator loan
        // @note if !liquidatorLoan.isLoanOverCollateralized revert
  >>      loansParams.checkLiquidatorLoan(userLoans, loanTypes, pools, params.oracleManager);

        // mint f token for fee recipient
  >>      pools[params.colPoolId].mintFTokenForFeeRecipient(collateralSeized.reserveAmount);

        emit Liquidate(

Last updated

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