Mitigation Audit _ Folks Finance 34942 - [Smart Contract - Insight] In function function getTwapPric

Submitted on Sun Sep 01 2024 16:10:07 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @Paludo0x for Mitigation Audit | Folks Finance

Report ID: #34942

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value


Vulnerability Details

In ChainlinkNode::getTwapPrice() there's a while (latestRoundId > 0) iteration. Inside the try / catch block there's the following check:

                if (latestRoundId == 0) {

This check is useless and unnecessarily consumes gas because the termination condition of the while cycle is latestRoundId > 0, therefore the break from the while cycle will be done anyway when latestRoundId = 0.

This is the relevant code

    function getTwapPrice(
        AggregatorV3Interface chainlink,
        uint80 latestRoundId,
        uint256 latestPrice,
        uint256 twapTimeInterval
    ) internal view returns (uint256 price) {
        uint256 priceSum = latestPrice;
        uint256 priceCount = 1;

        uint256 startTime = block.timestamp - twapTimeInterval;

        /// @dev Iterate over the previous rounds until reaching a round that was updated before the start time
        while (latestRoundId > 0) {
            try chainlink.getRoundData(--latestRoundId) returns (
                int256 answer,
                uint256 updatedAt,
            ) {
                if (updatedAt < startTime) {
                priceSum += answer.toUint256();
            } catch {
                if (latestRoundId == 0) {

        return priceSum / priceCount;

Impact Details

The impact is unecessary consuming of gas

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

This test shall be run in remix. First you need to deploy the contract AlwaysRevert and then deploy Test using address of AlwaysRevert.

pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

contract AlwaysRevert {
        function always_revert(uint256) public {


contract Test {

    AlwaysRevert public alwaysRevert;
    uint256 public latestRoundId;
    bool public enteredHere;

    constructor (address alwaysRevert_) {
        alwaysRevert = AlwaysRevert(alwaysRevert_);

    function getTwapPrice() public returns ( uint256) {
        latestRoundId = 10;
        enteredHere = false;

        while (latestRoundId > 0) {
            try alwaysRevert.always_revert(--latestRoundId)
             { } catch {
                if (latestRoundId == 0) {
                    enteredHere = true;


        return latestRoundId;

    function getTwapPrice_without_break() public returns ( uint256) {
        latestRoundId = 10;

        while (latestRoundId > 0) {
            try alwaysRevert.always_revert(--latestRoundId)
             { } catch {}
        return latestRoundId;

The function getTwapPrice is a simplified version of original version, while getTwapPrice_without_break is without if statement.

Both reach the status where latestRoundId = 0 without issues.

Last updated

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