28964 - [SC - Insight] Claiming withdrawals from Lido can lead to unbo...

Submitted on Mar 3rd 2024 at 14:20:08 UTC by @LokiThe5th for Boost | Puffer Finance

Report ID: #28964

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd9a442856c234a39a81a089c06451ebaa4306a72


  • Unbounded gas consumption



PufferVault::claimWithdrawalsFromLido() is susceptible to unbounded gas use, as it uses an internal call to LidoWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawal(), which is itself known to be susceptible to unbounded gas usage. For a single claim, this would not be an issue, but in this case PufferVault::claimWithdrawalsFromLido() takes an array of requestIds and makes multiple single claimWithdrawal calls in a for loop, increasing the unbounded gas use risk.

Please note: even though this is correctly categorized as Unbounded Gas Use, the reviewer does not consider this to be a medium severity finding, and LOW would be more appropriate. The reason being that it can (and will) cost the team gas, but the truly unbounded gas scenario will require a low probability event (an extreme growth in the number of checkpoints on Lido's withdrawal queue) as well as the puffer team queueing extremely large arrays.

Vulnerability Details

PufferVault::claimWithdrawalsFromLido() uses multiple LidoWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawal() calls in a for-loop to finalize claims from Lido. But the underlying claimWithdrawal function from Lido warns us that there is a risk of unbounded gas use.

From the LidoWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawal() function we see:

    /// @notice Claim one`_requestId` request once finalized sending locked ether to the owner
    /// @param _requestId request id to claim
    /// @dev use unbounded loop to find a hint, which can lead to OOG
    /// @dev
    ///  Reverts if requestId or hint are not valid
    ///  Reverts if request is not finalized or already claimed
    ///  Reverts if msg sender is not an owner of request
    function claimWithdrawal(uint256 _requestId) external {
        _claim(_requestId, _findCheckpointHint(_requestId, 1, getLastCheckpointIndex()), msg.sender);
        _emitTransfer(msg.sender, address(0), _requestId);

As per Lido's comments, we see that this function searches for the appropriate hint using _findCheckpointHint, which in turn uses a binary search, with the min set to 1 and the lastCheckpointIndex being the last checkpoint.

This means that for every item in the array passed to claimWithdrawals the entire checkpoint history is traversed with LidoWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawal().

Impact Details

Because the number of checkpoints can only grow higher as time passes, the gas cost will keep increasing slightly over time, even for the same amount of items in an array.

As the number of checkpoints will continue increasing, and the length of the requestIds passed into claimWithdrawalsFromLido is likely to increase, this becomes more probable to cause unbounded gas use (and thus out of gas errors) in the future.


  • Lido's claimWithdraw: https://etherscan.io/address/0xe42c659dc09109566720ea8b2de186c2be7d94d9#code#F22#L277

  • Lido's _findCheckpointHint: https://etherscan.io/address/0xe42c659dc09109566720ea8b2de186c2be7d94d9#code#F23#L385

Proof of Concept

Kindly inspect the LidoWithdrawalQueueMockGasUse file before running the PoC. As it is difficult to test this on a forked env, the aforementioned file mocks the functionality that is crucial to this PoC. It basically takes the code from Lido and places it in the mock, allowing us to approximate the issue (gas use).

The below files should be placed within the puffEth repo.

Place the UnboundedGasPoC.sol file in the test directory. Place the MockAccessManager.sol, LidoWithdrawalQueueMockGasUse.sol and the stETHStrategyMock.solfiles in the test/mocks directory.

The files can be found in this drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dvxLMLvy40g44epde0P6H287pyOshRcR?usp=sharing

Or can be retrieved from these gists:

  • UnboundedGasPoC.sol: https://gist.github.com/lokithe5th/8a1f79c98aa7c915f42d4bcc0f1ce5c1 stETHStrategyMock.sol: https://gist.github.com/lokithe5th/90ffb119fd5c1ffb81dd35313b49091a MockAccessManager.sol: https://gist.github.com/lokithe5th/5c6f560b9587796d6d2894a9e1aabf57 LidoWithdrawalQueueMockGasUse: https://gist.github.com/lokithe5th/c35f1fd8d147ab27d3a25f08cc18ac00

Run the test with forge test --match-test test_gas_Claim --gas-report -vvv.

At line 61 of UnboundedGasPoC.sol you can toggle if we want to use a control scenario (where updated hints are used), or if you want to test an approximation of the current setup, where no hints are used.

Please ensure you have commented out the disableInitializers() calls in the PufferVault constructor.

The console output of the test scenario, note that the figures are approximations due to this not being a fork test:

| Function Name                            | min             | avg      | median   | max      | # calls |  

| claimWithdrawalsFromLido                 | 1538801         | 1538801  | 1538801  | 1538801  | 1       |  

The console output of the control scenario, using updated hints:

| Function Name                            | min             | avg      | median   | max      | # calls |  

| claimWithdrawalsFromLido                 | 1148501         | 1148501  | 1148501  | 1148501  | 1       |

Last updated

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