#34998 [SC-Insight] Deposited assets in an old dispatcher may be lost when swapping to a new dispatcher
Submitted on Sep 2nd 2024 at 13:43:32 UTC by @dash for Audit Comp | Acre
Report ID: #34998
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x7e184179b1F95A9ca398E6a16127f06b81Cb37a3
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
Smart contract unable to operate due to lack of token funds
In `StBTC`, the `owner` can change the `dispatcher`. When this happens, the `allowance` for the old `dispatcher` is simply reduced to `zero`. However, any assets still deposited to the old `dispatcher` are not `withdrawn` or transferred to the new `dispatcher`, which could result in a loss for the `depositors`.
Vulnerability Details
`Maintainers` can periodically allocate `tBTC` from `StBTC` to the `Mezo Portal`, meaning that most of the funds will be deposited there. ``` function allocate() external onlyMaintainer { uint256 addedAmount = tbtc.balanceOf(address(stbtc)); tbtc.safeTransferFrom(address(stbtc), address(this), addedAmount);
depositBalance = uint96(tbtc.balanceOf(address(this))); tbtc.forceApprove(address(mezoPortal), depositBalance); mezoPortal.deposit(address(tbtc), depositBalance, 0); // @audit, here } ``` `StBTC` can `withdraw` `tBTC` from the `Portal` when there isn’t enough `tBTC` available to process `withdrawals`. ``` function withdraw( uint256 assets, address receiver, address owner ) public override returns (uint256) { uint256 currentAssetsBalance = IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 assetsWithFees = assets + _feeOnRaw(assets, exitFeeBasisPoints);
if (assetsWithFees > currentAssetsBalance) { dispatcher.withdraw(assetsWithFees - currentAssetsBalance); // @audit, here } return super.withdraw(assets, receiver, owner); } ```
Additionally, the `owner` of `MezoAllocator` has the ability to `withdraw` all `tBTC` from the `Portal` back to `StBTC`. ``` function releaseDeposit() external onlyOwner { uint96 amount = mezoPortal .getDeposit(address(this), address(tbtc), depositId) .balance;
depositBalance = 0; mezoPortal.withdraw(address(tbtc), depositId); tbtc.safeTransfer(address(stbtc), tbtc.balanceOf(address(this))); // @audit, here } ``` When swapping `dispatchers`, we simply reduce the `allowance` of the old `dispatcher` to zero, but we don’t `withdraw` the funds from it. ``` function updateDispatcher(IDispatcher newDispatcher) external onlyOwner { address oldDispatcher = address(dispatcher); dispatcher = newDispatcher;
if (oldDispatcher != address(0)) { IERC20(asset()).forceApprove(oldDispatcher, 0); // @audit, here }
IERC20(asset()).forceApprove(address(dispatcher), type(uint256).max); } ``` There’s no `100%` guarantee that all funds will be `withdrawn` from the old `dispatcher` to `StBTC`, even if the `owner` of the old `dispatcher` acts honestly before the `swap`. This is because `maintainers` can allocate funds from `StBTC` to a `dispatcher`. And the implementation logic of the `dispatcher` may vary.
Impact Details
I believe the impact could be significant if this occurs, but I’ve marked it as medium since it primarily involves privileged users
https://github.com/thesis/acre/blob/c3790ef2d4a5a11ae1cadcdaf72ce538b8d67dd3/solidity/contracts/MezoAllocator.sol#L206 https://github.com/thesis/acre/blob/c3790ef2d4a5a11ae1cadcdaf72ce538b8d67dd3/solidity/contracts/stBTC.sol#L442 https://github.com/thesis/acre/blob/c3790ef2d4a5a11ae1cadcdaf72ce538b8d67dd3/solidity/contracts/MezoAllocator.sol#L256 https://github.com/thesis/acre/blob/c3790ef2d4a5a11ae1cadcdaf72ce538b8d67dd3/solidity/contracts/stBTC.sol#L215
Withdraw `tBTC` from the old `dispatcher` if any remains. ``` function updateDispatcher(IDispatcher newDispatcher) external onlyOwner { address oldDispatcher = address(dispatcher); dispatcher = newDispatcher;
if (oldDispatcher != address(0)) { IERC20(asset()).forceApprove(oldDispatcher, 0); + uint256 remainingAssets = dispatcher.totalAssets(); + if (remainingAssets) { + dispatcher.withdraw(remainingAssets); + } }
IERC20(asset()).forceApprove(address(dispatcher), type(uint256).max); } ```
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Add below test to the `stBTC.test.ts`: ``` describe("updateDispatcher and total assets check", () => { it("should withdraw assets from the old dispatcher", async () => { const assets = to1e18(100) await tbtc.mint(depositor1.address, assets) await tbtc.connect(depositor1).approve(await stbtc.getAddress(), assets) await stbtc.connect(depositor1).deposit(assets, depositor1.address)
}) }) ```
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