IOP _ ThunderNFT 34534 - [Smart Contract - Critical] Maker will always only get token even if specif
Submitted on Wed Aug 14 2024 22:15:43 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @NinetyNineCrits for IOP | ThunderNFT
Report ID: #34534
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Critical
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
The project allows makers to specify an amount of an assetId they are requesting. However, they will only ever get 1 unit of that assetId when an order is filled, but will pay the whole price of the order.
Vulnerability Details
A maker can specify the amount of tokens he would like to get:
When a taker fills a makers order, the function _execute_sell_taker_order
verifies, that the taker has send a certain amount of tokens as part of the call:
However, it turns out that execution_result.amount
is currently hardcoded as 1:
Impact Details
In case of ERC1155 tokens, the maker will always only get 1 unit of a certain tokenId, despite having asked for more, which is causing them an unexpected loss.
not applicable
Proof of concept
Proof of Concept
The given google drive link contains a fully functional test suite containing all the projects contracts. It was build using the fuel rust SDK, using the official docs as starting point
The POC is contained in tests/
and can be run simply with cargo test
as long as the fuel toolchain is installed.
It does the following:
deploy and initialize all the projects contracts, including setting up all the references they need to each other
deploy a minimalistic ERC1155 contract that allows arbitrary mints
have the taker (seller) mint 10 tokens for himself
have the maker (buyer) place an order for 10 units of same AssetId that the taker minted in step 3
have the taker fill the order from step 4, but only transfer in 1 unit (in fact, the call would fail if he sent more)
assert that the maker only got 1 unit of the ERC1155 instead of 10
Last updated
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