Boost _ Folks Finance 34069 - [Smart Contract - Low] repayWithCollateral may revert when repay samll amount token

Submitted on Mon Aug 05 2024 06:16:20 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @twcctop for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #34069

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • DOS repay



repayWithCollateral may revert when repay samll amount token, because can not make sure principalPaid is larger than interestPaid

Vulnerability Details

In function updateWithRepayWithCollateral , when update totalAmount,we have logic:

    function updateWithRepayWithCollateral( 
@>     pool.depositData.totalAmount -= principalPaid - interestPaid;   

which means pool.depositData.totalAmount = pool.depositData.totalAmount -(principalPaid - interestPaid); the issue is we can not make sure principalPaid larger than principalPaid.

LoanManager# repayWithCollateral will call updateWithRepayWithCollateral. Let's dive into function executeRepay

 function executeRepay( 
    (uint256 principalPaid, uint256 interestPaid, uint256 excessPaid, uint256 loanStableRate) = userLoan
@>        .decreaseBorrow(
            poolId: params.poolId,
            amount: params.amount,
            poolVariableInterestIndex: borrowPoolParams.variableInterestIndex,
            poolStableInterestRate: borrowPoolParams.stableInterestRate,
            isStableInterestRateToUpdate: false

  function decreaseBorrow(
        uint256 balance = loanBorrow.balance;
        uint256 interest = balance - loanBorrow.amount;
        excessPaid = params.amount > balance ? params.amount - balance : 0;
  @>      interestPaid = Math.min(params.amount, interest);
  @>      principalPaid = params.amount - interestPaid - excessPaid;

from the logic calculate interestPaid and principalPaid , when repay, the interest is first calculated and can not make sure interestPaid < principalPaid , in some situation, principalPaid equals 0 is possible.


-   pool.depositData.totalAmount -= principalPaid - interestPaid; 
+   pool.depositData.totalAmount -= pool.depositData.totalAmount;
+   pool.depositData.totalAmount += pool.depositData.interestPaid;

Impact Details

repayWithCollateral may get dos when repay small amount of token, in some situation, user try to repay samll amount of token to get

avoid to be liquidated ,funciton could not work, and cause user funds get liquidated and lost


Proof of concept

it("Should successfully update pool with repay with collateral of stable borrow", async () => {
 const { admin, user, hubPool } = await loadFixture(deployHubPoolFixture);

 // deploy mock loan manager so can emit event with params
 const loanManager = await new HubPoolLogged__factory(user).deploy(hubPool);
 await hubPool.connect(admin).grantRole(LOAN_MANAGER_ROLE, loanManager);

 // set pool data
 const depositInterestIndex = BigInt(1.839232023893e18);
 const depositTotalAmount = BigInt(10e18);
 const stableBorrowTotalAmount = BigInt(1.43543539e18);
 const stableInterestRate = BigInt(0.1420009e18);
 const stableAverageInterestRate = BigInt(0.19014e18);
 const feeTotalRetainedAmount = BigInt(0.14e18);
 const poolData = getInitialPoolData();
 poolData.depositData.interestIndex = depositInterestIndex;
 poolData.depositData.totalAmount = depositTotalAmount;
 poolData.stableBorrowData.totalAmount = stableBorrowTotalAmount;
 poolData.stableBorrowData.interestRate = stableInterestRate;
 poolData.stableBorrowData.averageInterestRate = stableAverageInterestRate;
 poolData.feeData.totalRetainedAmount = feeTotalRetainedAmount;
 await hubPool.setPoolData(poolData);

 // calculate new stable average interest rate
 //@audit try to mididy  principalPaid is 0 , this will revert() 
 const principalPaid = BigInt(0);
 const loanStableRate = BigInt(0.125e18);
 const newStableAverageInterestRate = calcDecreasingAverageStableBorrowInterestRate(

 // update pool with repay with collateral
 const interestPaid = BigInt(0.09811e8);
 const updatePoolWithRepayWithCollateral = await loanManager.updatePoolWithRepayWithCollateral(

Last updated

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