Boost _ Folks Finance 33566 - [Smart Contract - Low] RepayWithCollateral will almost always fail in partial repayment

Submitted on Tue Jul 23 2024 15:06:10 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @nnez for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33566

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



Users can choose to pay their debt using the same type of collateral in their loan position by calling repayWithCollateral in SpokeCommon endpoint. UserLoanLogic.sol#decreaseBorrow is responsible for the deduction of borrow amount in the position.

function decreaseBorrow(
    LoanManagerState.UserLoan storage loan,
    DataTypes.UpdateUserLoanBorrowParams memory params
) external returns (uint256 principalPaid, uint256 interestPaid, uint256 excessPaid, uint256 loanStableRate) {
    LoanManagerState.UserLoanBorrow storage loanBorrow = loan.borrows[params.poolId];

    loanStableRate = loanBorrow.stableInterestRate;

    updateLoanBorrowInterests(loanBorrow, params);

    uint256 balance = loanBorrow.balance; 
    uint256 interest = balance - loanBorrow.amount;
    excessPaid = params.amount > balance ? params.amount - balance : 0;
    interestPaid = Math.min(params.amount, interest); 

    principalPaid = params.amount - interestPaid - excessPaid;

    loanBorrow.amount -= principalPaid;
    balance -= principalPaid + interestPaid;

    if (balance == 0) clearBorrow(loan, params.poolId);
    loanBorrow.balance = balance;

According to the implementation of this function, interest payment precedes principal payment. To illustrate, let's say the current borrow balance=120 and amount=100. If user decides to pay back their debt, amount=20 The result would be interestPaid=20 and principalPaid=0.

Almost at the end of the repayment process, the pool accounting information is updated in this function:

File: /contracts/hub/logic/HubPoolLogic.sol
function updateWithRepayWithCollateral(
    HubPoolState.PoolData storage pool,
    uint256 principalPaid,
    uint256 interestPaid,
    uint256 loanStableRate
) external returns (DataTypes.RepayWithCollateralPoolParams memory repayWithCollateralPoolParams) {
    if (loanStableRate > 0) {
        pool.stableBorrowData.averageInterestRate = MathUtils.calcDecreasingAverageStableBorrowInterestRate(
        pool.stableBorrowData.totalAmount -= principalPaid;
    } else pool.variableBorrowData.totalAmount -= principalPaid;

    pool.depositData.totalAmount -= principalPaid - interestPaid; @< highlighted
    repayWithCollateralPoolParams.fAmount = (principalPaid + interestPaid).toFAmount(


The highlighted line shows that totalAmount in the deposit pool is reduced by principalPaid - interestPaid. This assumes principalPaid is always greater than or equal to interestPaid.

However, interestPaid precedes principalPaid. If we pluck in the result from above, the execution will revert due to integer underflow (interestPaid=20 > principalPaid=0).

Thus, if users attempt to partially repay their debt with an amount less than twice the interest, the transaction will revert.


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value

Recommend Mitigations

if( principalPaid > interestPaid ) pool.depositData.totalAmount -= principalPaid - interestPaid;

Proof of concept


A test file in the secret gist shows that a user attempting to repay with collateral less than twice the owed interest will fail.


  1. Run forge init --no-commit --no-git --vscode.

  2. Create a new test file, FolksLore.t.sol in test directory.

  3. Put the test from secret gist in the file:

  4. Run forge t --match-contract FolksLoreTest -vv

  5. Observe that the first partial repayment fails because the amount is less than 2x of owed interest.

Last updated

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