#35853 [SC-Medium] permissonless constructor always for front-running owner initialization.
Submitted on Oct 10th 2024 at 20:41:19 UTC by @SeveritySquad for IOP | Swaylend
Report ID: #35853
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/src-20/src/main.sw
Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
Theft of gas
The constructor of the SwayLend token allows anyone to front-run the real deployer of the contract and initialize themselves as the owner; this can lead to griefing and gas waste.
Vulnerability Details
On the call to the `constructor()` anyone can initialize themselves as the owner, causing subsequent calls to fail, forcing the deployers to always have to re-deploy the token, this will lead to waste of gas and griefing. ```rust fn constructor(owner_: Identity) { require( storage .owner .read() == State::Uninitialized, "owner-initialized", ); storage.owner.write(State::Initialized(owner_)); } ```
It is best to set the owner as configurable since there is no way to transfer ownership.
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Add to contracts/src-20/scripts/deploy.rs to test.
```rust #[tokio::test] #[should_panic] async fn front_run_initialization() { use fuels::crypto::SecretKey; dotenv().ok();
} ```
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