VotingEscrow.sol::checkpoint is completely broken because of incorrect update of Epoch.
Vulnerability Details
Note - I have selected the closest impact. Please adjust the impact/severity as you may seem proper. Although it is clearly apparent but still I will present more POC/ evidence as to why this is a critical issue. As the time of boost is about to end, I am submitting this just confirming the basic vulnerability
Note for Immunefi Triage - Do not close this issue as the boost period is about to end. This is a legitimate issue, please read the whole report carefully, if any doubt ask in the comments. Thanks!
In the VotingEscrow.sol::_checkpoint, the epoch is updated after every 1 week increment and not 2 week increment. So , the epochs are not updated correctly.
function _checkpoint(uint256 _tokenId, LockedBalance memory oldLocked, LockedBalance memory newLocked) internal {
Point memory oldPoint;
Point memory newPoint;
int256 oldDslope = 0;
int256 newDslope = 0;
uint256 _epoch = epoch;
if (oldLocked.maxLockEnabled) oldLocked.end = ((block.timestamp + MAXTIME) / WEEK) * WEEK;
if (newLocked.maxLockEnabled) newLocked.end = ((block.timestamp + MAXTIME) / WEEK) * WEEK;
if (_tokenId != 0) {
oldPoint = _calculatePoint(oldLocked, block.timestamp);
newPoint = _calculatePoint(newLocked, block.timestamp);
// Read values of scheduled changes in the slope
// oldLocked.end can be in the past and in the future
// newLocked.end can ONLY by in the FUTURE unless everything expired: then zeros
oldDslope = slopeChanges[oldLocked.end];
if (newLocked.end != 0) {
if (newLocked.end == oldLocked.end) {
newDslope = oldDslope;
} else {
newDslope = slopeChanges[newLocked.end];
Point memory lastPoint = Point({ bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number });
if (_epoch > 0) {
lastPoint = pointHistory[_epoch];
uint256 lastCheckpoint = lastPoint.ts;
// initialLastPoint is used for extrapolation to calculate block number
// (approximately, for *At methods) and save them
// as we cannot figure that out exactly from inside the contract
Point memory initialLastPoint = lastPoint;
uint256 blockSlope = 0; // dblock/dt
if (block.timestamp > lastPoint.ts) {
blockSlope = (MULTIPLIER * (block.number - lastPoint.blk)) / (block.timestamp - lastPoint.ts);
// If last point is already recorded in this block, slope=0
// We know the block in such case
// Go over weeks to fill history and calculate what the current point is
uint256 _time = (lastCheckpoint / WEEK) * WEEK;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
// Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
// If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
@> _time += WEEK; // time increase by 1 week
int256 dSlope = 0;
if (_time > block.timestamp) {
_time = block.timestamp;
} else {
dSlope = slopeChanges[_time];
int256 biasCalculation = lastPoint.slope * (int256(_time - lastCheckpoint));
// Make sure we still subtract from bias if value is negative
biasCalculation >= 0 ? lastPoint.bias -= biasCalculation : lastPoint.bias += biasCalculation;
lastPoint.slope += dSlope;
if (lastPoint.bias < 0) {
// This can happen
lastPoint.bias = 0;
if (lastPoint.slope < 0) {
// This cannot happen - just in case
lastPoint.slope = 0;
lastCheckpoint = _time;
lastPoint.ts = _time;
lastPoint.blk = initialLastPoint.blk + (blockSlope * (_time - initialLastPoint.ts)) / MULTIPLIER;
@> _epoch += 1; // epoch increases by 1 (i.e 2 weeks)
if (_time == block.timestamp) {
lastPoint.blk = block.number;
} else {
pointHistory[_epoch] = lastPoint;
epoch = _epoch;
// Now pointHistory is filled until t=now
if (_tokenId != 0) {
// If last point was in this block, the slope change has been applied already
// But in such case we have 0 slope(s)
lastPoint.slope += (newPoint.slope - oldPoint.slope);
lastPoint.bias += (newPoint.bias - oldPoint.bias);
if (lastPoint.slope < 0) {
lastPoint.slope = 0;
if (lastPoint.bias < 0) {
lastPoint.bias = 0;
// Record the changed point into history
pointHistory[_epoch] = lastPoint;
if (_tokenId != 0) {
// Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
// We subtract from [newLocked.end]
// and add to [oldLocked.end]
if (oldLocked.end > block.timestamp) {
// oldDslope was <something> - oldPoint.slope, so we cancel that
oldDslope += oldPoint.slope;
if (newLocked.end == oldLocked.end) {
oldDslope -= newPoint.slope; // It was a new deposit, not extension
slopeChanges[oldLocked.end] = oldDslope;
if (newLocked.end > block.timestamp) {
if (newLocked.end > oldLocked.end) {
newDslope -= newPoint.slope; // oldPoint slope disappeared at this point
slopeChanges[newLocked.end] = newDslope;
// else: we recorded it already in oldDslope
// Handle user history
uint256 userEpoch = userPointEpoch[_tokenId] + 1;
userPointEpoch[_tokenId] = userEpoch;
newPoint.ts = block.timestamp;
newPoint.blk = block.number;
userPointHistory[_tokenId][userEpoch] = newPoint;
This leads to the whole checkpoint function being broken. This checkpoint function is crucial for all parts of the protocols. So, if this breaks then the whole protocol, including distributing the rewards etc breaks. For Example:- This checkpoint function is also used in RewardDistributor::_checkpointTotalSupply()
function _checkpointTotalSupply() internal {
address ve = votingEscrow;
uint256 t = timeCursor;
uint256 roundedTimestamp = (block.timestamp / WEEK) * WEEK;
@> IVotingEscrow(ve).checkpoint(); //This function is also used here
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (t > roundedTimestamp) { //if timeCursor falls within the current epoch then just let it as it is
} else {
veSupply[t] = IVotingEscrow(ve).totalSupplyAtT(t);
t += WEEK;
timeCursor = t;
This POC shows that after passing just 1 EPOCH timestamp, the epoch gets from 0 to 4 clearly indicating broken epoch accounting. Paste the following code in VotingEscrow.t.sol and run using the command
forge test --match-test testEpochBreaks -vvvv --fork-url $FORK_URL
function testEpochBreaks() public {
veALCX.checkpoint(); // checkpointing
console.log(veALCX.epoch()); // outputs 1
vm.warp(block.timestamp + nextEpoch ); // Forwarding 1 Epoch
veALCX.checkpoint(); //checkpointing
console.log(veALCX.epoch()); // outputs 4 despite only one Epoch forwarding