29484 - [SC - Insight] Potential Loss of Precision in Conversion from ...

Submitted on Mar 20th 2024 at 23:27:54 UTC by @Flare for Boost | Immunefi Arbitration

Report ID: #29484

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://github.com/immunefi-team/vaults/blob/main/src/WithdrawalSystem.sol


  • Precision



The setUp function in the WithdrawalSystem contract involves converting a uint256 value to a uint32 for setting the cooldown period for withdrawals. This conversion may lead to a loss of precision and unexpected behavior if the original value exceeds the range representable by a uint32

Vulnerability Details


The setUp function in the withdrawlSystem contract accepts parameters, including _txCooldown, which represents the cooldown period for withdrawals. Within the function, the _txCooldown value is cast from uint256 to uint32 before being passed to the _setTxCooldown function. This type conversion can potentially lead to issues due to loss of precision if the original value is larger than what can be represented by a uint32

Impact Details

the impact of the potential loss of precision in the conversion from uint256 to uint32


change input var _txCooldown as uint32 in setUp function

Proof of Concept

Last updated