Any violator with under-collateralized loan can front run his liquidation and change borrow type (from stable to variable and vice versa) and prevent it from happening for as long as he wants/needs.
Vulnerability Details
When someone creates a loan, he has to specify whether he wants to borrow with stable or variable terms by setting the stableInterestRate accordingly (0 for variable, >0 for stable). In the same way, if this loan becomes under-collateralized and liquidatable, the liquidator has to has a loan of the same borrow type (variable/stable), so the debt of the violator to be transferred to him. We can see this check in prepareLiquidation() function of LiquidationLogic library here :
Also, Folks protocol provides the functionality to any borrower to change his borrow type for his loan by calling the switchBorrowType function in Hub contract and change from stable to variable borrowing and vice versa. We can this here :
function _receiveMessage(Messages.MessageReceived memory message) internal override {
Messages.MessagePayload memory payload = Messages.decodeActionPayload(message.payload);
/// ...
// switch on payload action
uint256 index = 0;
if (payload.action == Messages.Action.CreateAccount) {
// ...
} else if (payload.action == Messages.Action.SwitchBorrowType) {
bytes32 loanId =;
index += 32;
uint8 poolId =;
index += 1;
uint256 maxStableRate =;
@> loanManager.switchBorrowType(loanId, payload.accountId, poolId, maxStableRate);
} else {
revert CannotReceiveMessage(message.messageId);
// ...
The vulnerability arises from the fact that there is no check in the whole switchBorrowType flow that checks if the specific loan is under-collateralized.
This opens the door for a critical vulnerability where a violator with an under-collateralized loan can "toggle" from stable to variable type calling switchBorrowType, every time someone tries to liquidate him. As a result of front running his liquidation and switching borrow type, the validator can assure that he will never be liquidated, since his liquidation will revert on the BorrowTypeMismatch which was shown at the start of the report.
Impact Details
This vulnerability poses a critical risk to the protocol's financial health by allowing the accumulation of bad debt. As under-collateralized loans remain open and potentially worsen without the possibility of liquidation, the protocol could amass significant uncollectable debt. Over time, this accumulation of bad debt could exceed the protocol's available assets, leading to insolvency.