Boost _ Folks Finance 33269 - [Smart Contract - Critical] Logic flaw in UserLoanincreaseCollateral leads to double-counting of effectiveCollateral of userLoan

Submitted on Tue Jul 16 2024 17:44:11 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @nnez for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33269

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Critical



  • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield

  • Protocol insolvency



Malicious users can call a deposit function with amount=0 to make increaseCollateral pushes the same poolId into colPools, causing getLoanLiquidity to double-count the total collateral effective value of the loan.


Users' loan position is stored in a mapping of a struct UserLoan

struct UserLoan {
    bool isActive;
    bytes32 accountId;
    uint16 loanTypeId;
    uint8[] colPools;
    uint8[] borPools;
    mapping(uint8 poolId => UserLoanCollateral) collaterals;
    mapping(uint8 poolId => UserLoanBorrow) borrows;
mapping(bytes32 loanId => UserLoan) internal _userLoans;

A member named colPools stores a list of poolId that users are using in their position. This is analogous to a list of markets user enters in other lending platforms.

This list is used in a calculation of users' effective collateral value. See: and

function isLoanOverCollateralized(
    LoanManagerState.UserLoan storage loan,
    mapping(uint8 poolId => IHubPool) storage pools,
    mapping(uint8 poolId => LoanManagerState.LoanPool) storage loanPools,
    IOracleManager oracleManager
) internal view returns (bool) {
    DataTypes.LoanLiquidityParams memory loanLiquidity = getLoanLiquidity(loan, pools, loanPools, oracleManager);
    return loanLiquidity.effectiveCollateralValue >= loanLiquidity.effectiveBorrowValue;
function getLoanLiquidity(
    LoanManagerState.UserLoan storage loan,
    mapping(uint8 => IHubPool) storage pools,
    mapping(uint8 => LoanManagerState.LoanPool) storage loanPools,
    IOracleManager oracleManager
) internal view returns (DataTypes.LoanLiquidityParams memory loanLiquidity) {
    // declare common variables
    uint256 effectiveValue;
    uint256 balance;
    uint8 poolId;
    uint256 poolsLength;
    DataTypes.PriceFeed memory priceFeed;

    // calc effective collateral value
    poolsLength = loan.colPools.length;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < poolsLength; i++) {
        poolId = loan.colPools[i];

        balance = loan.collaterals[poolId].balance.toUnderlingAmount(
        priceFeed = oracleManager.processPriceFeed(poolId);
        effectiveValue += MathUtils.calcCollateralAssetLoanValue(
    loanLiquidity.effectiveCollateralValue = effectiveValue;

It iterates over colPool to get all poolId and uses them to retrieve current deposit balance of the loan for each pool

Below is the code snippet responsible for adding a new poolId to user's loan. See:

function increaseCollateral(LoanManagerState.UserLoan storage loan, uint8 poolId, uint256 fAmount) external {
    // if the balance was prev zero, add pool to list of user loan collaterals
    if (loan.collaterals[poolId].balance == 0) loan.colPools.push(poolId);

    loan.collaterals[poolId].balance += fAmount;

If the loan is currently holding 0 token, then it pushes a poolId into colPools. However, this logic is flawed because the deposit amount of 0 is allowed. (I presume, since there is no validation preventing it). See: and

Calling deposit function with amount=0 twice or more will cause increaseCollateral to push the same poolId into colPools. As a result, getLoanLiquidity will retrieve a duplicate of poolId and double or triple count the effective collateral value.


Adversaries can leverage double-counting (or more) to steal funds from the contract by borrowing more than their effective collateral value.

Proof of concept


I modify a test in LoanManager.test.ts to demonstrate that calling deposit function with amount=0 will push the same poolId into colPools. I use getUserLoan to retrieve the current status of user's loan to show that colPools stores duplicates of poolId.

Note: getUserLoan has the following interface:

function getUserLoan(
    bytes32 loanId
) external view
returns (
    bytes32 accountId,
    uint16 loanTypeId,
    uint8[] memory colPools,
    uint8[] memory borPools,
    UserLoanCollateral[] memory,
    UserLoanBorrow[] memory

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set up a project as per protocol's README

  2. Create a new file name DoubleCounting.test.ts in /test/hub/DoubleCounting.test.ts with the code in this secret gist:

  3. Run the test in the root of directory, npx hardhat test test/hub/DoubleCounting.test.ts --grep "double-counting of collateral"

Expected result:

  LoanManager (unit tests)
    Deposit F Token
First deposit:  Result(6) [
  Result(1) [ 2n ],
  Result(0) [],
  Result(1) [ Result(2) [ 0n, 0n ] ],
  Result(0) []
Second deposit:  Result(6) [
  Result(2) [ 2n, 2n ],
  Result(0) [],
  Result(2) [ Result(2) [ 0n, 0n ], Result(2) [ 0n, 0n ] ],
  Result(0) []
Last deposit:  Result(6) [
  Result(3) [ 2n, 2n, 2n ],
  Result(0) [],
  Result(3) [
    Result(2) [ 2000000000000000000n, 0n ],
    Result(2) [ 2000000000000000000n, 0n ],
    Result(2) [ 2000000000000000000n, 0n ]
  Result(0) []
      ✔ Should demonstrate double-counting of collateral (1532ms)

  1 passing (2s)

Last updated

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