30704 - [SC - Medium] Griefing an account from getting votes delegate...
Submitted on May 5th 2024 at 09:56:52 UTC by @Shahen for Boost | Alchemix
Report ID: #30704
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/VotingEscrow.sol
Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
Assume there's three addresse's (Bob,Alex and Maya). Maya got 1e18
of bpt tokens
which she locked in VotingEscrow
contract and received a tokenId of the created veALCX
. Maya is hoping to delegate her votes to Alex now. But Bob is a malicious actor, He locks 0.0000001 ether of bpt
in the VotingEscrow
contract 1024 times.Therefore bob recieves 1024 tokenId's for a total of 0.0001024 ether of bpt
Now bob delegates his votes from each of his tokenId's to Alex,So alex got votes from 1024 tokenId's. So what bob have done here is a grief, If you look at line 1110 under _moveAllDelegates()
internal function. There's a require condition that checks the total number of delegates the destioation(dst) has and if its <= MAX_DELEGATES
which is 1024. So since bob delegated votes from 1024 tokenId's to Alex, When Maya tries to delegate votes from her tokenId that she received from locking 1e18
, The delegation will revert as the require statement fails. So this is how bob griefed Alex from getting votes delegated to him. Basically bob used his 0.0001024*10**18 bpt
total locked deposit to grief Alex, But bob can use any amount less than 0.0001024*10**18 bpt
,I just used that in the test. Ofcourse Alex would be able to delegate and clear out the unworthy votes sent by bob,But Bob can do the griefing again.
Please refer to the below Foundry POC demonstrating the explained scenario.
Vulnerability Details
Same as the Brief/Intro
Impact Details
A malicious actor can grief another address from getting votes delegated to it by maxing out the MAX_DELEGATES
Proof of Concept
Paste the below testfile under src/test and run.
Last updated
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