Manipulation of governance voting result deviating from voted outcome and resulting in a direct change from intended effect of original results
The AlchemixGovernor contract inherits the L2GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract, which is based on an outdated version of OpenZeppelin's GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract that has a known vulnerability.
This vulnerability allows past proposals to become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
Vulnerability Details
The AlchemixGovernor contract inherits the L2GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract, a modified version of OpenZeppelin's GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract at version v4.5.0. However, this version has a known vulnerability, patched in v4.7.2.
As a result, the AlchemixGovernor contract is affected by the same vulnerability: when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirement, past proposals may become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
Please see the PoC for a concrete scenario of this vulnerability.
Impact Details
An under-quorum proposal should be unable to execute after the vote period.
However, when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirement, past proposals become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
A malicious user could propose a malicious proposal and vote for it. Since it's below the quorum, it may go unnoticed by the DAO. Later, they can propose a proposal to lower the quorum for other valid reasons. If the proposal is executed, their hidden malicious proposal may become executable, potentially causing monetary and reputational harm to the project.